The Dallas Journal | October 2009 – Volume LV

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Title: The Dallas Journal: Volume LV

Created: October 2009

Editor: Ora A. Penn


View Index of Names

Aaron: Michael Peter 85
Abbott: J E & L B 50; Nettie Roberta 25
Abraham: Paul Harold 85
Achilles: Dr R B 94; Geo W 94; George W 95
Acker: infant of Albert 73
Adams: Albertha Audrey 18; Dorothy [Dot] Mae 52; Emma P 48; Margaret 16
Adamson: W H 3: 5: 11: 17: 24
Adleta: A W [Wm] 44; Anna J 44; Geo [George] W 44; Martha Charlotte [Smith] 44; William Phillip 44; Willie Margaret 44
Agress: Rosalie 16
Aguillon: Jose Jesus 85
Ahlfinger: Max 63; Thelma M 63
Aimer: Beryl Rosalind 25
Ainsworth: Madge Patterson 8
Akin: Birdie Mae 10
Alberson: Charles 13
Alberts: James Hawes 7: 9
Albertson: Vaughan Shaffer 23
Aldrich: Ruth Mae 20
Alexander: Bonner Jr 35; Bonner Sr 35; Charles Henry Jr 35; Charles Henry: Sr 35; Elizabeth 35; Elizabeth Leonora Reagan 35; Emmett 26; Hugh Allen 35; James Wallace 9; Jay 35; Lorena Allen 35; Mary Jane Shores 35; Miller Steger 35; Moses Shores 35; S W 3; Stamatios G Jr 85; William Hillar 35
Alford: David E 71; Mildred 15; Ruth 15
Alldredge: Eugene Patrick 4
Allen: Anibel Augusta 13; Bennie Shelby 38; Desma Elaine 21; Earl Avnur 13; Lillian Anis 18; Rodophil Spencer 14; Weldon Rudolph 19
Allison: Robert E 78; Walter E 21
Alsbrook: Miles Roland 18
Alt: [Alysia] Gertrude Nesmith 46; William D [David] 46
Alvarez: Guadalupe 76; Juan Jr 76
Amato: infant of Frank 52; Peter 52
Amsler: Alice 25; Fred Charles 16
Anderson: Bernice 12; Charles B 36; Cora 60; Ernest A 75; Gustaf E 59; Infant of C B 36; James C 18; Lawrence E 19; Mamie E 36; Mckay 36; Noland E 19; Owen Turney 60; Rachel 80; Thomas D 36; Vallie Dale 22; Virginia H 18; Z T 64
Andress: William T Jr 10
Andrews: Johnnie 6
Angus: Mattie 55
Thos [J] 55
Anthony: Marion 20
Apperson: Marguerite 22
Appleman: J C 12
Appling: Walter S [Doc] 80
Archer: Jane Passant 53; John M 53; Nancy Foy 61
Armor: Vera 21
Armstrong: John William 85; Wayne V 19
Arnold: A N [August Noah] 57; Fannie Jane Bergman 57; Gladdis Cheole 73; Gottlieb 57
Aronson: Eva F 21
Arseneau: Earl George 79; Astley; May [Elizabeth] Dannelly 44
Aston: Blake Edward 85
Atkins: Carlos Milton 18; Mabel G 44
Atterberry: Edwin Lee 85
Atwater: Frank 57
Atwell: Henry Meredith 16
Atwood: Elijah Baker 42; Fannie W [Wolford Brunson] 42; J L [Jesse Lee] 41; Susan A [Ann] Anderson 41; W R [Walter Richard] 41; Wm Edgar 42
Autrey: James Harold 85
Autry: Adele Annette 25; Thelma Evelyn 20
Averitt: Clifford R 12
Averitte: William Clayton 85
Avery: Horace Sammons 17

Bachinger: Rosa 68
Back: Walter 41
Baer: William Clay 85
Baggarly: Sandra Alliene 40
Bailey: Charles Angus 23; John Etheridge 15; L Agnes 9; Mildred Beatrice 4, 5; Roland 12
Baird: Francis P 19; Infant of J W Baird 51; James Garrity 7; John Wesley 51; Nellie [Lacey] 51
Baker: [Leslyn] Emeola 54; Amy 54; Anna Bishop 54; Clarie 16; Edna Nell 54; Gladys Fae 25; Illa Merle 25; Infant of P K 53, 54; Lucie Mae 16; Mary E 54; Mary Elaine 21; Philip 54; Philip K 54; Wm P 54
Balcom: Imogene Louise 22
Baldock: Charles Welda 19
Baldwin: Elizabeth 17
Ball: Rachel Frances 22
Ballou: William Burt 45
Balyeat: Eva M [Marie] 52; Hasie 52; Margaret H 52
Bane: Lillian Annette 15
Banks: James R 85; Kathrin Hall 22
Banner: Alta Madeline 22
Barger: Phillip Dennis 85
Barnes: Allie E 35; Eldridge Aramanus 75; Mary Kathleen 12; Mattie Motte 10; Nora L 12; Sheldon Ora 85; Stephen Westley 85; Vivian Bell 26
Barnett: Maxine 25; Robert Earl 78
Barr: James Willard 22; Tom 24; Wilma J 85
Barron: William T 16
Bartlett: Arthur Wayne Sr 85; Carolyn 14; Ladye Ona 20; Margaret Gertrude 15; Mary E 12
Barton: James Elmo 16; Lee 18; Virgil L 18
Bashford: Frances E [Elizabeth] 70; Monroe Henry 71
Baskin: Kenneth Judson 74
Bassett: Sam 41
Bassett: Margaret 25
Batchelor: Randall Burton 70
Batchler: Infant dau 72
Bateman: Elizabeth 10
Bates: Roy Phillip 21
Batie: Mattie 0 18
Battle: Rosalie W 8
Batts: Herbert Lee 13
Baum: Edith Marion 21
Beals: Stephen Carl 85
Bean: James Francis 85
Beard: John Henry 22
Beaton: Corinne Orr 59; William Ferguson 59
Beatty: F L 75
Beavers: Robert Allen 85
Bech: John 79
Beck: Jerry Don 85
Beckenbach: Edwin Ford 18
Becker: Ruth 14
Beckham: Walter Lee 77
Beckham: Conwill 24
Beckler: Rachel Ellen 22
Beckwith: Fannie M 94
Bedell: Paul J Jr 51
Bedner: Hazel Mary 79
Beilhartz: Edith L [Lucy] 68; Ernest 68
Beilharz: Bertha A 68; Erna M 68; Eula F [Faye] 67; Henrietta Boll 67; Laura Frichot 67; Theodore 67; Theodore F [Frichot] 67
Belden: Alta I 56; William 56
Bell: Dorinda 22; Edward James 72; Elizabeth 60; Francis Jackson 60; Harold Brown 72; Hazel 16; Kermit Sherman 81
Bellows: Earl D 14
Bennet: George Willy Jr 85; Marvin Dale 85
Bennett: Davis Harold 71; Foreman 12; Virginia Frances 10
Benowitz: Joseph Louis 19: 20
Benson: Catherine L 44; P D 44; Benton; Mary 10; Theodore L 18
Benwah: Ash 4
Bergman: Adam 57
Berkman: Harry Leon 4
Bernbaum: Bernard 9
Bernhard: Richard Jr 16
Bernier: W H 59
Berry: Crowdus 7; Tommy Loyd 85
Bert: John E 19
Berz: Rosalie 20
Best: Albert 59; Beverly; Helen [Ethel] Laidley 43; J [John] 82
Biddle: Ruby Dee 8
Biggers: James Bradford 7
Biggs: Dorothy 9; W A 94
Billingsley: Hascal S 7
Binford: James Robert Jr 12; W T 10
Bird: George W 82; Kate M 82
Birmingham: Grace 25
Bishop: Achsah 78; Marie 21; Rozelle Shiels 21; S P 78
Bison: Andrew L [Lewis] 71; L & Jennie 71; Theodore R 7
Bittle: Mary [Frances New] 45
Black: Ada Margurite 17; Donald Butler 19; Effie 9; Mary 77; William Archie 77
Blackburn: Lillie 72; Margaret Aylene 25
Blacklock: Charlotte Barbee 15
Blackmon: Fern Isabelle 20; Joy Alice 6
Blair: Mary Frances 22; William Lee 26
Blake: Mary Elizabeth 13
Blanton: Ruby Merle 25
Blaylock: Dr W R 50; Louis Owens 24; Marianne Elizabeth 12
Bloomfield: Floy Freeman 69
Board: Kate R 52
Bock: George 21; Jessie 16
Boegli: Steven Warren 85
Boettcher: Herman 19
Bogan: B W 94
Bogardus: William Jr 24
Bohannon: Henry Leleand 9
Bohart: James A Jr 14: 15
Bohmert: Norma Jeanette 22
Bolt: Maude C 36
Bolton: Mary 77
Bone: Robert Lynn 85
Boney: William 85
Booker Washington High School 3, 13, 18, 26
Boone: James C 17
Booth: Frances Alwilda 22
Boren: Dorothy May 22; Dr Shedrick E 55; Nelva 12
Bostick: Sarah Elizabeth 9
Boswell: Audrey Lorene 26; Richard Weldon Jr 85
Bosworth: Eloise 22
Bowling: Mrs N P 62; Bowman; Eliza 77; Harry H 76; Myrtle 80
Bowman: George Hayden 23
Box: Virgil Ray 24
Boyd: James G 70; Taylor 21; Thelma Evalyn 25
Bozeman: John Richard 80
Bracken: Jenkins 0 19
Brackney: Frank L 7
Bradfield: Infant of J S 38
Bradford: Reginald Thomas 19
Bradley: Ada Retta 4; Edgar 13; Bradshaw; [Mary] Diane 78; Thomas 78
Brady: Joseph Clinton 85; Marie 22
Brager: Roy Lee 85
Braley: Josephine 78
Braly: Josephine 78
Braly: Frances Rebecca 6
Bramlette: Nancy [Nanie] Hunt 57
Branch: Wadsworth 23
Branch: Lorine 15
Brandenburg: Robert S 24
Brannin: Catherine le Veaux 8
Brannon: Gerri 85; Jewel 12; Russell Arthur 7: 8
Brashear: Bernice Elizabeth 13
Brassell: Stocia 4: 5
Bratton: Bessie E 4
Bray: Thomas William 7: 8
Brecht: H [Henry] 36; Harry 78; Sophia Mary 36
Breg: Bernice 94; Martha 94; W G 94; William G 93, 95; Wm Roy 94
Breuer: Louis Karl IV 85; Bernice 9
Bridges: Alice Ruth 12; James M 36; Mary Clare 12; Mrs James M 36; Sallie Gordon 36
Briear: Henry 72
Briggs: Emma 47
Bright: John H 16
Bristoe: Mamye Janie 19
Brittain: Mary 21
Britton: Earle Vernon 12
Britton: Violet Maud 18
Broach: Earl David 85
Brock: Gertrude Ursula 25
Brocksmidt: Will 24
Brodnax: Etta 36; infant Twins of Robt Mitchell 36; William C [Columbus] 36
Brook: Lenora May 18
Brooks: Leona Ruth 17; Reba Alene 14; Wilson W Jr 18
Broumley: Terry Hugh 85
Browder: Edwina Elizabeth 18
Brown: Adelaide 39; Albert Prather 21; Anna 8; Argin N 21; Baby [Infant of J C] 49; Bertha Lee 13; Charles Elizabeth 4, 5; Curtis Charles 85; El Holmer 13; Geneva Callie 52; Grace 21; Harry 21; Henry S 39; John Charles 85; Johnnie Maye 18; Joseph E 63; King 38; Lonnie R [Roscoe] 52; Martha 92; Martin L [Luther] 52; Mary Sue 75; Mattie Belle 20; Mattie Mae 12; Millar H 15; Milton H 14; Moss E 19, 20; Mrs C 92; Murrell 24; Percy Simonds 41; Reba 49; Robert M 21; Ross Andrew 85; Vera Vivian 25; Virginia Baldwin 12; Virginia Belle 20; Willard B 17
Browne: B Walker 12; Frank Marshall 12; Thelma Janice 22
Browning: Clarence E 19
Brownlee: Cordye F 5
Bruce: Henry 80; Lula Ardell 80; Virginia Bernice 22, 23
Brummett: James Robert 7
Brundrett: Eugine 94
Bruss: Ernest Hudgins 7
Bryan: William Jennings 5
Bryan Street High School 3, 4, 7, 14, 19
Bryan: John Neely 3
Bryant: Annie E [Evans] 65; Emma 50; Frances C 50; Frances Maude 15; Keturah C 65; Minnie Ola 18; R [Robert] C [Charles] 65; Robert C [Curtis] 65; William H [Henry] 50
Bryarly: Louise 9
Buchanan: Ava Nell DeLila 10; Floyd W 80; Infant of J W 43
Buck: Rose Ella Weatherford 70
Buckner: Robert Olen Jr 85
Buell: Drusilla 94; H B 83; J T 94
Buerbaum: Carl Jr 24
Bulger: Ryllis Pollock 20
Bullard: Lodistus 13; Vivian Virginia 6
Bullock: Haywood Warren 12
Bumpas: Hugh Robinson 17
Bunker: Byron 12
Burchwell: Ashland Frederick 85
Burger: Louise 40
Burgess: Dudley L 73; Frances 73; Rhoda Jane 74; Richard Cooper 7
Burgin: Herschel S 4: 5
Burke: Dr W C 37; Dr William Clack 37; Edward J 21; Katie H 37
Burkhalter: Ida Belle 66
Burks: Mildred [Orr] Beaton 59
Burney: J H Jr 50
Burns: Jack W: Sr 65
Burr: Edward R 19; Evelyn Cammack 10, 11
Burrage: James Wilson 19
Burrough: Jesse Clarence 85
Burruss: Persis Mildred 6
Burt: Francis N 7: 8
Burton: F M 46; Fannie L 46; Jobe 46; Robert Thomas 85
Burton: Irene 16
Burton: Nelson 24
Busby: Leona 18
Bush: Hettie L 60; Maudella 26
Bussey: Minnie Ayres 15
Butcher: Grace Ruth 10; John Henry 10
Butler: Edna Pearl 8; Henry 85; Hugh R 37; Kathleen 12; Marguerite Ella 13; Ralph Freeman 7
Butts: Wallace 37
Buxton: Roy Dean 78
Bynum: Mary Catherine 8
Bywaters: Theodore Waggoner 4

Cable: Earl 72
Cade: Tom 41
Caesar: Octavious Augustus 29
Cahn: David D 9
Cain: William Michael 85; Eloise 12
Calabria: David Michael 85
Caldwell: Eugenia Smart 22; Harriett 42
Calhoun: Edwin Gerald 85
Callahan: Gale 19
Callaway: Sara Isadore 62; Clarence L 24
Calvin: Mrs Henry E 52
Cameron: Doris 16; Lois Elizabeth 16
Camfield: Mrs Julia F 50
Cammack: Theodora Celeste 9; William Nash 10
Campbell: John Duval 12; Louis W 19, 20; Millard Fleming 10
Cannefax: Clara Mae 20
Cannon: John C 82; John Wayne 82, 85; Myrtice 82
Cannon: Melba Aquila 10
Cantrell: Georgia 20
Capers: Beulah Burns 61; Irbie M 61; Katie Belle 61; Nelbert 9; Capinall; Geo W 82
Caraway: Elizabeth 15
Carden: Carrie Shumard 63
Carlisle: Anice Gertrude 20; Ida Mae 15
Carnes: Albert C 23; Ruth 15
Carothers: Emma Elizabeth 22
Carpenter: Alice Lucille 25; Owen E [Edward] 40; Roy M 18; Verna 6
Carr: Arlene Elizabeth 12; C F 13
Carragher: Kate 12
Carrington: Samuel W 78
Carroll: Jake 55; Lewis 54; Minnie 55
Carson: Alan Dale 85
Carson: Alma Beulah 12
Carter: Benetta McEwen 5; Bennetta McEwen 4; Fred Douglas Jr 86; Robert Milton 9; Russell Robinson 7
Cartledge: Albert J III 86
Carton: Anna L 62; Mae G 62
Cason: George H 24
Cassell: Kevin Ray 86
Castro: Ford Holland 75
Jessie Hernandez 75
Caswell: Fannie Lenora 4; Raymond M 86
Cauthron: E B 3
Cecil: Goolsby 23
Chamberlain: Max Kossman 74
Chambers: David Wayne 86; Lester Eugene 86
Champion: Charles Don 86
Champion: Willis Glover 16
Chaney: Infant of A G 70
Chase: Mrs M E 37
Cheaney: Ethel G 17
Chenault: Grace 24
Chesnut: Eddie M 71
Chester: Cecile 10
Chestnut: L L & M E 71
Chollar: Allan Lee 12
Chollar: Kleo Ada 6
Chotnisky: Becky 9;
Lena 9
Chrestman: Melinda Dean 28
Christensen: O E 59; William Cole 4
Christian: Lucile 22; Peter Karl J 86; Thomas J Jr 7
Christie: Oneta Mae 21
Chunn: Drusilla 25
Churchill: Harrison 12
Clancey: Charles Henry 58; Harry Reynolds 58
Clancy: E A D 73; Ida M 58; Mary White 58
Clanton: Dora Shumate 47
Clanton: Rachael 12
Clardy: E M 94; Pearl 94
Clark: Alfred Lewis 69; Donald W 10; Frances Spencer 17; James 69; Lucy Sims 22; Mary Julia 69; Mary M [Moody] 69; Mary MacDowell 20; Vivian Lee 4
Claunch: Willie 10
Claypool: Margaret Slaughter 21
Cleaver: Maurice 7
Clem: John Lewis 7
Clements: Edna Bertha 17
Clemmons: Mrs 72; Landry Ernest 18
Clemons: Mrs 72
Cleveland: Walter K 86
Clifcorn: James Richard 86
Clifford: Frances Anna 25
Cline: Anna V 37
Clinger: Sherman T 10
Cloud:Katie J 66
Clower: William 19
Coatney: Myrtle Irene 25
Cobb: [Adelaide] Olivia Lewelling 40; Charles Michael 86; Ethel Louise 17; Thel Louise 17
Cockerell: Ara Lee 17
Cockrell: Marguerite 20
Codes 33
Cody: Cleyopha R [Rome] 78; Imogene Gunn 78
Coe: Irving 74
Coffey: Billy Ray 86
Coffin: Brooks Edward 19
Cohen: Doris 22; Edna B 21; Henry J 19; Jake 4
Cohn: Frances 9
Cole: Ovid 14
Coleman: Howard Ernest 70; Infant of L M 39; Willie 13
Collett: Infant of T R 70
Colley: Sherrell Vidal 7
Collier: John A 23
Collins: Catharine 47; Lillian Mae 16
Compton: Violet Louise 20
Comstock: E B 11, 16, 22
Conliff: Edward C 53; Mayme 53
Connell: Mary Anne 8
Conner: Cliffie Opal 26; W C 31
Connor: Ada Rye 34; Edward Cowen 34; Grace Lantham 34; Mary Dell 26; W C [Winship Capers] 34
Converse: Phillip Howell 86
Conway: John Patrick 23
Cook: Claud Bryant 7; Katheryn 25
Coon: Althea L 22
Copeland: Jack W 42; Joe A 42; Joe: Sr 42; Martha A 42; Reese B [Bowen] 42
Coppedge: Listen Glenn 19
Coram: Edith 45; Joseph 45; S [Saphronia] E 45
Corley: John S 93
Coronado: Robert 86
Corpening: Boyd 40; Eugene Herbert 40; Henry Boyd 40; Jessie Estelle 40; Margaret Louise 40; Robert Irwin Jr 40
Corrado: Wm Henry 80
Cosahan: Corbin Waller 16
Cotner: Robert C 12
Cottin: Leland Richard 86
Cottman: Mary Jane 53; W [William] F 53
Cotton: C L & F M 50; Paul L 50; Robert Bryan 86; Goldy Alvoy 4, 5; Mark Cary 4
Cotts: Richard Raymond 78
Couch: Ruth Hearn 46; Winnie 46; Covarrubias; Juan Alonso 86
Covert: Ruby 34
Cox: Alice C 56; Andrew 57; Ardie Ray 56; Bessie J 73; Earle Burnett 10; Edward Frederick 4; Elma Grace 57; Ernest T 56; Infant of Dr E T 56; Infant of E T 56; Jeff D Jr 19
L E 73; Marvin Faye Smith 9; Mary Elizabeth 83; Oscar 75; Roy H 73; Walter Lynn Jr 9; Willard J 17
Crabb: James Young 7
Crabtree: E R 78
Crabtree: Jack 24
Craft: Norma H 53
Craft: Joe T 5
Craig: Elizabeth 16; Frances Jonelle 21; Paul Owen 23
Cramer: Gladys 24; John Lee 36; Rosa Brecht 36; Theodore 10
Craven: Carrie E 94; J H 94; John Henry 95
Craver: Winburne Franklin 74
Crawford: Edward E 51
Lois Sydney 15
Creed: Edward Gaffney 86
Creek: Henry Lee 86
Creel: Anna Lenora 18
Crenshaw: James Lee 86; Walter H 79
Crews: Tom Bert 19
Cribbs: James Wesley 86
Criswell: Willard 23
Crites: Marion Mark 15
Crookston: Celina A 35; Clara F 36; Harrie E 36; John B 35
Crossland: Earl A 18
Crow: Alice 20; Ella Ploeger 62; Jack A 7, 8; R W 62; Ruth Russell 70
Crowe: Mae Queen 21
Crowell: Dean H 7
Crowley: John C 51
Crozier: Isabelle Gardner 10
Crozier: N R 3
Cruikshank: Tom S 24
Cryder: Robert D 86
Cullimore: Cecile 38; Susan 38
Cullum: Mary Elizabeth 8
Cumbie: Eva 22
Cummins: Dorothy E [Elizabeth] 63; Howard Jr 63; John Howard 63; Lina Belle 6; Virginia Belle 63
Cundiff: W H 82
Cunningham: Tom Jo 25
Cupp: Ernestine 10
Currin: Joe B 17
Curry: Douglas Ray 86; J P 76; Mary S [Susan] 76
Curry: Davida Mavis 8
Curtis: Francine Mae 20; Gwynne 94; Hattie L 94; Isabel 94; Ruth 94; V B 94
Curtsinger: Walter Harrison Jr 7

D: Richard 29
Dabney: Dorothy 12
Daguet: Pierre 14
Dalshaw: Blanche Milburn 11
Dalshaw: Jeanne Irving 24
Dalton: Murphy Leon 14
Daly: John P 65; Permelia F 65; Sallie 65; Thomas F 65
Daman: Wilma Louise 9
Damon: Jane Ferris 14; Marion 14
Daniel: Eugene Charles 23; Faye 12; Louise 20; Mabel Fite 27; Rhea Cox 7
Daniels: Frances B 92; Henry M 92; James Duff 24; Mary Agnes 21; Rev H M 92; William Alvin Jr 86
Dannelly: James 45; James [B] 45; Laura [Hall] 45
Dannelly: Perry 7
Dantzler: Taurrence J 7
Darby: Mary Frances 9
Daudelin: Joe B 7
Dave: Esther Miriam 26
Davenport: Roger Dale 86
David: Daniel F 4
Davidson: Archie 13; Bobby Ruth 8
Davis: Benny Earl 86; Birdie M [McCarkle] 52; Dorothy 10, 11; Dorothy Harriett 24; Edward S 37; Frank Rupe 37; George Malcolm 7; Hattie E 74; Helen Rose 20; Herbert Lloyd 21; Infant of A W 52; Infant of Mrs E S 37; Ivy J 57; Joe W [Joseph Wesley] 68; John Glen 52; Leo G 16; Leroy Jr 86; Margaret M 42; Martha Maxine 20; Marvin Homer 86; Mary Florence 51; Mrs E S 37; Nora [Monroe] 69; Ralph 17; Reuben Jr 6; Richard Bouche Jr 86; Stuart William 9; Willie Louis 7
Davison: Infant of O F 46
Dawson: C A 72
Day: Alice H 44; Jacob 44
De Beck: Charlotte Flora 20
De Bow: Talmage Clair 64
De Loach: Lloyd Dwain 86
de Spain: Marjorie Routh 15
Dean: Hilda 9; Ruth 16
Deane: G Opal 12
Deason: Opal Delmar 21
DeBow: Mary Agnes 4
Decherd: Edmund, 19, 20; Kathleen 10; Winston Yardley 7, 8
Dee: Emma Mozelle 15
Deehne: Addie 77; Raymond E [Edwin] 77
Degan: Shari 32
Deitrich: K F or H F 79
DeLee: Dorothy 17
Dellinger: Isabelle 10
Dennis: Charles 86
Denton: Norris James 86
Devlin: Mrs M J 94; R L 94
Dickerson: Clarence L 64; James David 64; Lucy Hawkes 64
Dickinson: Cora T 92; Cora Thomas 93; Leonard Harmon 75
Dillon: Howard 94; Ruth 94; William Woodard 49
Dilworth: Katharine Earle 12
Dilworth: Tom Wheelock 24
Disheroon: Billy Wayne 86
Disosway: Elizabeth Park 8
Disoway: Alice Wimberly 15
Dittman: Bernita 5
Dixon: Charles O'Neil Jr 86; Dorothy 18; James Baird 44; Mary Minnie 44; Viola Vivian 18
Dodd: Abby Max 17
Dodson: Ellsworth C 42; Ida M 42
Donalson: Walter P Jr 24
Donnell: La Salle 13
Donnelly: R B 57; Robt B 57
Donosky: Leah 16
Doran: Robert 94
Doran: Stanley Raymond 7
Doremus: Pauline 8
Dorff: Gerald L 12
Dorff: Lucille Virginia 24
Dorries: Carl Wayne 86
Doss: M Irvine 12
Dosterschill: Helen Florence 4
Dotson: William Thomas III 86
Dougherty: Elizabeth 92
Douglas / Douglass: John Edwin 23
Dowdy: J Howorth 19:20
Dowis: Weldon Mitchell 15
Downard: Dorothy 22
Downey: John D 73; Ruth Ann 73
Downey: Raymond Franklin 19
Downy: Cecil 73
Draughon: Guy E 9
Dreesen: Boyd J 12
Dretz: John 71
Droigk: Martin Wayne 86
Drumgold: William Edward 9
Dubois: Jennie E 57; Joseph N 57
Duckett: Larry Thomas 86
Duckworth: Mrs Z M 94
Duecker: Annie Marie 10
Duff: Allena Keough 17
Dugey: Virginia Lee 21
Duncan: J A & J T 72; Leland 72
Dunklin: Claudia Mae 25; Dunlap: Frank B Jr 9; Hugh Dearborn 7; John Walter 86
Dunn: Elsie Lorynne 24
Durant: Hubert Frederick 77
Durning: Edward Hackett 7: 8
Durrett: Etta Lee 25; Marylynne 8
Durst: Mary Celeta 8
Dye: David Wade 21
Dyer: M E [Mary Ellen] 37
Dyer: Jessie 9
Dyke: Anna Lucille 8

Eades: Bessie 73
Eades: Allen 17
Earley: Wiley B 86
Earll: David John 86
Early: Josephine Anneta 13
Earnest: Josephine Ellison 59; William Meade 59
Easley: Bertha 4, 5
Eastland: J Eldridge 24
Eaterling: Jessie Vernice 10
Eaton: Abraham 43; Kate 42
Eby: Fay Kathleen 8
Eckles: William Elam 18
Edmiston: Mary Dorothy 11
Edmonds: Moy Florine 20
Edmonson: Dwight M 77
Edwards: Arthur 83; Louis W 14; Mary Julena 25
Egan: Infant of A L 48
Egan: Dorothy Demarlebysse 6
Egan: Kate B 6
Ehrenberg: Herman [Edward H] 74
Ehrhardt: Adolph 18
Eikner: William Maurice 19
Elder: Genie P [Pauline Morgan] 74
Eldridge: John R 33; Laura T [Tagert] 33
Eldridge: Zellner E 7
Elle: Juliette Louise 6
Ellen: Bessie O 12
Ellinga: Noel 24
Elliott: James J 70; Thomas McClure 86
Elliott: Theodora Louise 20
Ellis: Annie Mae 26; Carl Henry 13; Mary Elizabeth 9
Ellison: Jesse Roger 86
Ellsworth: Marjorie 20
Elzey: Dorothea 6
Emelle: Anna P 67; Joseph C [Chas] 66
Emerton: Willis Wayne 86
Engle: Eli 21
Engler: J Fred 68; Lenore Spalti 68
Epstein: Reuben R 6
Erb: Barbara A 38
Ergle: Thelma G 15
Ernest: Edwin J 22
Erwin: Richard Eugene 86
Escamilla: Seferina 76
Esry: Wilma 12
Estaes: Edward Stanley 86
Estep: Bennie Stevens 21; Charles Ralph 18
Estes: Edwina 10; John C 22; William H 17
Etheredge: Mary Washington 8
Etheridge: Mary Kate 18
Evans: Hazel Allyne 15; Margaret 12; Mary Esther 25; Mrs S J 94; Stephen J Sr 94; Tullie Mae 12; William C Jr 18
Ewell: Anna Louise 21
Ewing: Cora M [Myrtle] 53

Fair: Issie 16
Fallin: J A 21
Fancher: Jimmie Alvin 86
Fanning: Emma B 62; Henry N 62; Thomas F Jr 87
Farewell: Roger William 87
Farmer: Clifford Eugene 23; Frances M [Marie] 46; Frank L 7; James Dale 87; Thomas Dee 46
Farrell: Doris Morrison 34
Farrish: Harold 21
Faulkner: Irma May 8: 9
Featherstone: Leta 25
Fechner: Clara W 10
Feidler: Georgia Helen 10
Feldman: Bessie E 6; Jake 10
Fenley: Mamie Grace 16; Mildred 25
Ferguson: Marie Gibson 25
Ferrell: James Henry 81
Fetterly: E May 62
Fetzer: Edwin Lewis 14
Field: Minette 14
Fielding: Wm Alfred 74
Fields: Frank 76
Fildes: William Dillworth 50
Fine: Jas M 63
Finneburgh: Beatrice 16
Finney: Infant of W H & F E 70; William H 75
Finney: Norman C 10
Fisher: Emily 75; Harriet L 47; James Louis 87; Louise 14; Winstead 5
Fitch: Margaret B 10
Fitzgerald: Christine 15
Flannagan: Richard 55
Fleig: Alma Louise 6
Fleming: Lourine 12
Fletcher: Milton G 23
Flinn: Christopher Joseph 82; Clarence C 82
Flint: Pearl 20
Flippen: Vera Mosbey 12
Flora: John Howard 54; Marie Sammie [Work] 54
Florance: Allen Elsworth 44; Catherine [Frances] 44; Doris Evelyn 44; Infant [of A E] 44; Viola V [Victoria] 44; William D [Dolph] 44
Floyd: Carlos B 7
Foerster: Raymond Carl 87
Forbes: G [George] W 52; Geo [George] William 52; Infant of F M 52; Mary Agness 52; Michael 87
Ford: George Logan 7, 8; Ida Mae 13; John A 79
Foree: Elizabeth A 38; Kenneth Jr 38; Lelda Tuck 38; S H 38
Foree: Elizabeth 10
Foreman: Julius Ernest 64; Nettie Dickerson 64
Forest Avenue High School 3, 6, 9, 15, 21
Forester: Margaret Owen 8, 9
Forrester: Mrs Allen 81; Mrs Thomas 81; Thomas 81
Forster: Mattie C 42; Robert 42
Fort: Janie Maurine 10
Fortune: Mrs W B 37
Foster: Frances 26; J M 70; Marvin Franklin 24; Paul R 24; Shelby [Buster] S [Sharker] 80; Tennie C 82
Fowler: Harvey Lee 47; William A 48
Fox: Emma Laura 42; Joseph L 7
Foxworth: Mary 77
Foy: Beulah E 61; E [Edward] Dudley 61; Ed [Edward] 47; Edward Cooke 47; Elizabeth B 61; Faye Lockett 61; Frederick Gray 61; Harriette May Belle 47; Hattie C 47; L [Louis] Dupree 61; Roland S 61; Thomas Carroll 61
Fram: Julius 6
Frampton: Ray S 12
Francisco: John Whitley 12
Frank: M P Jr 5
Franklin: Joe Louis 23
Fraser: Alexander D [Duncan] 57; Louise K [Kinsella] 57
Fraser: Marie Louise 8
Fraze: Jerry Wayne 87
Frazier: Kathleen 22
Frederick: B M 40
Freeman: Irene Helen 10, 11; Kate Aubrey 69; N 28; P Richmond Jr 69; Percy Richmond 69; Richmond Curtis 69
Freer: Anna Rosser 40
Frick: Adolph Jr 94; Adolph Sr 94; Jessie 94; John M 94; Maggie 94; Mrs E N 94
Frick: Ethel Caroline 10
Friedman: Anna Belle 16
Friend: Marie 6
Fritch: John Joseph 4
Fritz: Foncine H 65; Henry 64; Valerie Clay 64; Walter H 65
Froehlich: Arthur E Jr 16
Froehlich: Egmont A 6
Frost: Lloyd Willis 15; Spencer C Jr 9
Frower: Edna 80
Fulcher: James Love 44; Metta [Belle] 44; Ralph 44
Fuller: Patricia 40
Fuller: George S 7
Funderburk: Alverta 15
Furneaux: John L Jr 17

Gaddy: Hartie Brett 68; Rev James Madison 68
Gafford: Margaret Peyton 25
Gage: Annie E 92; Edward 92
Galbraith: Glenn H 6
Gales: Jerome Herman 74
Galley: Margaret Jane 20
Galway: Mary 74
Gannon: Frances Marie 27; Nora 14
Gant: Annie M 49; Emmett M 49; J [Joseph] Lee 49; Milton J 49
Gardner: Arthur D 14
Garland: Princelee 13
Garner: Rickey Dean 87
Garrett: Frances Pauline 75; John Spencer 24; Zarelda 9
Garrison: Amanda Rhodes 67; Ernest D 67
Garvin: Richard Clyde 24
Gaskins: Ruth 20
Gaston: Alice Elizabeth 24
Gates: Reba Oliver 58
Gatlin: Billie 23
Gebhart: Julius Caesar 23
Geen: Arthur 94, 95; Douglass 94; Elizabeth 94; Emily 94; Robert 94
Geeo: Madge Irene 25
Gendel: Fannie 16
George: Catherine 25; John Francis 24; Lula Mae 13; Michael Dean 87
Gerady: Loren H 23
Gerardy: Carl W 7
Gerhart: Paul C Jr 19
Germany: Sterling Ahtha 4
Gibbs: Barnet 31; Barnett 34; Ethel Ryan 34; George Wildy 34; Gooch 34; Marion 34; Sallie A Haynes 34
Gibson: George Miles 61; Maggie Boyce 21; Roy Lee 87; Shirley Elizabeth 6
Giddens: Zambry 51
Gideon: S E 3
Giebel: Frederic Conrad Jr 10
Gifford: Edna Mae 20
Gifford: Edna May 20
Gilbert: Alberta Dabney 21; Clive Bissell 35; Dorothy Alexander 35
Gilder: Florine 25
Giles: Grant U 64; Lynn W 64
Giles: Iva 25
Gilker: Marion Elizabeth 17
Gill: Helen 12; Lillie [Bessie] 71; Ruth 43
Gillcoat: George W 54; John Palmer 54; Marie Elizabeth 54; Nancy A 54
Gillean: Lucy 12
Gillentine: E T Mason 59; Johnnie E 59; Mattie E 59; W N [William] 59
Gilliam: James F 36; Mary A [Agnes] 36
Gilliland: J R 24; Pauline 22; Virginia Clarisse 6
Giltner: Helen 6
Gist: Lloyd Birtran 18
Gladson: Adele 25
Glasgow: Juanita Guynn 20
Glassley: Chester 18
Glaze: Jerry Wayne 87
Gleek: Mattie 73
Glitsch: Hans Carl 8
Glitsch: Fritz William Jr 4: 5
Glitsch: Hans Carl 7
Glober: James Fowler 18
Goad: Alice 61; Chas W [Wilkes] 61; E M & Alice 80; Edward 61; Edwin M 61; Evelyn 22; Katie E 61; Lillie Lee 80; Mareta Mae 22
Gober: Ronald Bernard 87
Goebel: Arnest Charles 10
Goerner: Anna Esta 12
Goldberg: Gerson Herman 9
Golightly: Nellie 14
Golsan: Paul Taylor 9
Golson: Royal 19
Goltz: Joe Clarence 7
Gomez: Tresa 32; Valentine Bermea Jr 87
Gonzales: Agapito Jr 87
Good: Henry Oram 7; Truett 7
Goode: Clifford C 12; William 17
Gooden: J B 8 3
Goodloe: Harry Sherman 38; Ida M 38; Maymie A Cherry 38
Goodnight: Raiford Joe 18
Goodrich: John Matthew 87
Goodwin: James 18
Gooslby: William Ray Jr 87
Gordon: J B 81
Gordy: Jesse Arnel 87
Gossett: Teaburn M 47
Gowdey: Lucie Ritchie 12
Gowdey: Mary Byrd 25
Gowen: Terry G 19
Grace: Delia 81
Grace: William 12
Gragg: Homan H 18
Granado: Alamar C 77; Valentine 77
Granger: Alice G 61; F [Fletcher] D 61; Hubert Gee 61
Grant: Hugh Robert 17; Joyce Lee 13; Robert Lee 87; Will C 24
Grassie: Janet 11
Graves: Stanley Edwin Jr 87
Gray: [I] Albert 61; Bert Davis 48; Gabriel D 48; Katherine M 18; Kittie 92; Marjorie Anna 20; Nettie M [Haynie] 61; Richard Arlington 87; Thomas U 18
Green: E R J 81; Eleanor Argyle 25; Mary E 76; Ray E 6
Greenfield: Fannie J 49
Greenwood: Arletta Mary 6
Greer: Barnie Gibbs 63; Lina Belle 63; Mary Agnes 12; Vera Maude 25
Gregory: Ben T 76; Harold Ernest 74
Gribble: William Marion 18
Griffin: Angus 18; Bennie E 21; Cephus Jr 87; Paul 24; Thelma Charlotte 16
Griffing: Henry Scherer 15
Grimes: A T & Jennie 33; Cora M 33
Grizzle: Geo A 45; Hattie 45
Gross: Lucy 62
Gross: Ruby Mae 21
Grubbs: Silas M 76
Grubbs: Afton Curtis 9
Gruner: Emil 76; Rosa 76
Guilbeau: Mary Honore 11
Gunn: Charley Edward 87
Gunn: Louise 22
Gunning: Cora Marie 20
Guttinger: Annie 49; John R 49

Haas: George Mercer 16
Hacker: James Alexander 14; William A 9
Hackworth: Iradene 22
Hageman: Victor W 5
Haggard: Ada 38; Allen 38; Nannie 38
Haines: Mildred Lorene 8
Halcroft: Martha Viola 70
Hale: Terry Allen 87
Haley: Earle 19; William Caldwell 4
Hall: Cora 74; Densley 19; Dorothy 20; John W 45; Leonidas 44; Mary F 45; Pauline 22; Richard Walter 23; Robert L 6; Thomas Maurice 5
Halley: Anna 79
Hallonquist: Laurent William 7
Hallonquist: Norman A 24
Halsell: Helen Fae 8
Hambleton: Helen Catherine 20
Hambleton: Howard Francis 23
Hamilton: Alamay 25; C [Clem] C 47; Norman 67; T Earle 12; W R 76
Hamm: Anna 68; Geo [George] 68
Hancock: Daniel Tarlton 21; John David 87; Robert Wiggins 19; Ruby Nell 10
Haney: Thelma 17
Hankins: Harold Lee 71
Hanks: Robert Jesse 9
Hanlon: Charles E 23
Hansen: Theodore N 4
Hanson: Percival G [Gerald] 38
Harbison: Jynatha 16
Hardee: Leona Gertrude 80
Harden: Ida Aleen 18
Hardin: Mary Ellen [Middleton] 47
Harding: Fay 9
Hardison: Joe Hillard 14
Hardwick: William Hixon 87
Hardy: Lola Clifford 22; Richard Hubbard 10
Hares: John 41
Hargreaves: Mary Janet 25
Harkey: Cora M [May Race] 66; Edwin E 66
Harlan: Richard Elliott 87
Harlow: Clarence Louis 87
Harmon: Chester C [Clayborn] 74
Harness: James William 87
Harper: Alvin 32; Gertrude 15; James Lawson 23; Matilda 13
Harrell: Noma 25
Harrington: Anna E 92; J W 47; Master Joseph 92
Harrington: Marguerite 10
Harris: Arch T 16; Elizabeth 8; Ellen Lenore 12; Frances Eloise 25; J Maxwell 46; James David 72; Juanita Beatrice 25; Lawrence Everett 10; Lester P (Jack) 59; Margaret 47; Mildred May 10; Myra V 6; Riggs D 12; Theodore 19; Thomas Gilmore 9; William 48; William Thomas 87
Harrison: [Wm] Edward 52; C F 6; Constance Maud 11; E [Elma] A [Davis] 52; E T & Jessie M 52; Edward T [Tyler] 52; Jessie B [Board] 52; Mary Corinne 8; Peggy Rosina 22; William Kenneth 23
Harrott: Richard Leonard 87
Hart: Cecilia Rockne 46; Esther Jacobsen 46; Frank Heiberg 46; Gaylord Anthony 19; Harold Thomas 46; Julius Cutler 14; Mazie Ross [J M] 46; Valentine [Vallie] C Sr 46; Valentine C Jr 46; Valentine Crawford: Ill 46
Harter: Gladys 14
Harting: Frank Otho 15
Hartman: Alice Elizabeth 20
Hartness: Gregg 87
Hartsfield: Thomas Edgar 12
Harvey: Annie Mayo 44; Dorothy May 43; Louis O 44
Harwood: James Arthur 87
Hasie: Frances Edlen 47; Georgie 52; Hattie Hale 47; James M 47; Maj M S [Montague Sylvester] 52; Mattie 52; Mattie F [May] 52
Haskins: Matilda Louise 25
Haswell: Katie Ruth 6
Haswell: Matthew Henry 24
Hatcher: John H 80
Hatchett: Dorothy 18
Hatfield: Elizabeth Jane 8
Haugen: Melvin Joseph 79
Haughton: Mary Mildred 11
Hauptman: Clara E 9
Hause: Birdie C [Clapp] 51; Charles David 51; Nancy Jane 51; Nannie 51; Rev D O 51; W [William] O 51
Hawes: James K 59; Mrs James K 59; Rebecca A 59
Hawkins: Alva M 94; E C 94; Etta 25; Mrs W 82
Hawley: Genevieve Lucile 11
Hawthorn: Amber M 34; John Edmon 87
Hawthorne: E D 75
Hay: Mary Elizabeth 63; Stephen John 63
Hayden: Frances Carolyn 11
Hayes: Donald Ray 87; Richard D 9
Hayman: Ruby 6
Hayn: Edith B 12
Haynes: Dr J W 34; Mary Alice 17
Haynie: E Elton Rust 61; Idelee 61; T [Thaddis] 61
Heafer: Eleanora Elizabeth 17
Hearon: Dorothy 12
Heartsill: Graydon Halley 8
Heartsill: Robert Coryelle 7
Heath: Bessie Lee 8, 9; David Williams 7; Millard J 21
Heatherington: Infant of Robert F 47
Heavrin: Daisy Lee 17
Hefner: Balser Dixon 24
Heilig: Grace M 21
Heimple: Infant 69
Heisel: Adam 61; Georgia 61; Ruth 6 1
Helms: Geo 76
Hemphill: Lora Elizabeth 11; Mary Lou 10
Henderson: Jeff D Jr 4; John A 63; Laura 33; Lauretta Brown 63; Willie 87
Hendra: Infant 37; Jewel 37; Katie Lee 37; Thomas W 37
Hendricks: Sterling Craig 87
Hendrix: Maudie Eleanor 9
Hengy: Julia Marie 17
Henry: Chesley Jamison 19; Louise 13; Mable K [Kathleen] 72
Herd: Ronald Ward 87
Herman: Adelaide S 18; Marie Rose 10
Hern / Hearn: Emma 72
Herndon: Ailsie 25; Anne 12
Herring: Mary Kate 25
Hershman: John 56
Hester: Fred L 9
Hetherington: Ada [Briggs] 47; Ethel 47; John S 47; Mary [Dinah] 47
Hewitt: Maxine 10
Hickerson: James Henry 7
Hickey: Ollie Viola 16
Hickling: Frank L 70
Hicks: Helen Dorothy 25
Higginbotham: Michael Joe 87
Higgins: Clen 18; Lida Emogene 12
Hight: Jim Corbett 80
Hightower: Celistine L 26
Hightower: Hazel 14
Hilbert: Gertrude Agnes 8
Hilburn: Bernard Hoskins 24
Hill: Alva Estelle 15; Catherine 21; Elihue 13; Esther 6; Gertie 80; Hubert Dennette 24; James G 16; Johnnie 13; Robt Johnathan 80; Ruth E 16; Velma 9
Hillsman: Alice 11
Hinckley: Celeste 11
Hinckley: Leslie 23
Hines: Lynn J 82; Mrs Julia [Howell] 34; Namon Jr 87
Hines: Frank Holeston 7
Hines: Howard Bedell 17
Hinkle: Helen Basye 60; Lloyd Brook 60
Hinson: Medie Marguerite 25
Hipskind: Sarah Genevieve 20
Hirsch: Martha Alma 12
Hixson: Jack H 21
Hodges: Mary Imogene 21
Hodnett: Edwin Oscar 7
Hoener: Frank 17
Hoffman: Agnes Stark 50; Charles H 50; Henry S 10; John Love 50; Michael J 17
Hogan: J M 78; Josie 77
Hogg: Jennie 94; Mary 94
Holbrook: John C 53
Holcomb: Daisy M 20
Holden: Beulah Ethel [Ratliff] 48; Edward Gwynn 48
Holding: Louise Elizabeth 8
Holland: W M 79
Holland: J Early 14
Holleman: Joe Earl 87
Hollifield: Cecil L 11
Hollifield: Cecil L 10
Hollingsworth: Mary Kate 4
Hollis: James H 79; Lucile Mariette 19; Yvonne Louise 22
Holloway: Bernice 12; Lillian Alline 22; Mildred 94; Thomas T 94: 95
Holman: Bobby Foster 87
Holmes: William Leonard Jr 4
Holt: Allen & Agnes 73; Doris Edwyna 73; Melba Gene 11; Overton 5
Honen: John A 76
Hood: Leila Evans 65
Hook: Robert W 87
Hooker: Elbert L 7
Hoover: Moble Clistine 14
Hopkins: S [Samuel] B 64
Horn: Homer E 17; Theresa Mae 4
Hornby: Fred Brooks 10
Horton: Dwight Jr 24; James L [Luther] 50; Mattie W 50
Horwitz: Doris Lucille 6
Houck: Emma 49; William 49
House: John M 21; Nannie Mae 20
Housh: Infant of R C 37
Houston: Jessica Sanger 17; Rubye Mae 13
Howard: Charles Chester 6; Eliza C 39; Frances D 39; Hugh Eugene 4; James D 24; Joel Thomas 39; John 24; Josephine J 39; Josephine Jewell 39; Kathryn T [Thomas] 39; Larry W 15; William C 39
Howe: Dr A E 43; Naomia 43
Howe: James Edward 23
Howe: Patrick J 23
Howell: Robert Malichi Jr 87; Tobelia 13
Howison: Calvin Daniel 87
Howland: Hattie 36
Hubbard: Henry Herbert 73
Hubbert: Cecil F 24
Huber: Dorothy Harriette 24
Hubert: Anton George 43
Huckabee: James Edward 87
Hudgins: David Nathaniel 4
Hudnall: Grace Marie 22
Hudson: Noreen 80; Wm Randolph 80
Hudson: Mildred Patricia 22
Huerta: Brijido V 71
Huffhines: Freida 12
Huggins: James Frederick 87
Hughes: Addie T 40; Ben Allen Jr 87; Elizabeth Blake 8; Forest Jr 23; Frank 82; John L 82; John P [Pendleton] 40; Michael Norman 87; Sarah 82
Hughston: Tom Hardin 23
Humphrey: R L 19
Humphreys: Ben T 43; David 82; George R 43; Harry W 43; Lizzie R 43; Maggie 82
Hundley: Sarah A 12
Hunt: Charles Stovall 19; Margaret 16; Maudie L [Lillie] 43; Oscar 43
Hunter: Feryle Frances 25; Katherine 10; Pauline 80
Hurdle: Edwin Milton 18
Hurst: Mary 12
Hutchins: Steven Wylie 87
Hyde: Hattie 58; L E 58; Ruth F 58
Hyland: Paul Edward 87
Hymer: Ruby Gene 11
Hymer: Thomas Ragsdale 10

Illo: Camille 51; John 50; Johnie Jr 51; Mary [Ann] 51
Ingalls: John J 93
Ingram: Artye L 22; Laurine 20
Iredale: Lucile 8
Irving: James 13
Israel: Dorothy 10

Jack: Josephine 20
Jackman: Kathleen 4
Jackson: Emma Jean 50; Eula 78; Georgia Alice Mott 50; Horace Dean 73; Hugh Cecil 23; Ivan M 66; Jack 78; James H [Henry] 50; Lola Maxine 76; Ola M 66; Ruby J [Jewel] 76; Ruth Geneva 26; Sadie Frances 6; Virginia D 9; Vola 18
Jacobs: Lloyd 26
Jaeckel: Annie Illo 51
James: G Ronald 17; J Raymond 17; Jessie Roy 74; Kenneth Earl 88; R E 74
James Madison High School 3
Jamison: Thelma Kathryne 13
Jannasch: Charles Richard 16
Jannasch: Ruth Alvena 21
Jarvis: Adell 37
Jay: Blanche Marie 20
Jefferson: Anis Evelyn 13; Wm Lawrence 83
Jenkins: Bert McCree 88; Don 88; Robt 79
Jester: R E [Ruben Elliott] 36; Frederick B 19
Johns: John C 50; Mary Ann 50; Walter P 50
Johns: R Garnett 9
Johnson: Adelaide 14; Anna Frances 27; Blanche 13; Bonnie Jeane 25; Calvin 41; Chas C 80; Donald Vern 88; Elton W 19; Fred G 81; Gary Morgan 88; Ina Belle 25; J P [James] 74; John Calvin 41; Kellum 5; Louella 25; Mae Elizabeth 10; Martha Ann 41; Mary A 72; Mrs J P [Johnnie L] 74; Mrs O L 94; Nathan Haley 74; O L 94; Pearl Edith 25; Richard Minor 70; Robert Dennison 88; Rosemary Fritz Irwin 64; Tom 72; Vannie S 69; William 88
Johnston: Agnes Dubois 57; Dorothy Carolyn 8; Ivan S 23; William Boyd 62
Jones: Adaline Alvis 46; Albert J 15; Alice Godley 4; Bessie 17; Bessie Louise 27; Derosey C 35; Earl 13; Edwina 15; Elizabeth Gwen 21; H N 35; Harold A 5; Henry B [Bennett] 35; James Thomas 46; Jimmie R 26; John R [Rowe] 34; Laura E 35; Leona 70; Leslie 14; Leslie B [Bradley] 35; Martha Angeline 22; Mary E 35; Mary Etta 35; Mary Frances 22; Mary Louise 12; Mary Tometa 71; Mollie C 34; Mrs Samuel J 81; Nan 20; Osee Ruth 11; Paschal L 70; Paul 35; Pauline Francis 35; Priscilla 75; Ralph Page 17; Robert W 23; Rubye Myrl 18; Samuel David 78; Samuel J 81; Thelma Maye 18; Tom Ingle 23; Walter & Jettie Jones 35
Joor: Judith Janette 24
Jordan: Betty Lee 15; Frank E 21; Frank H Jr 13; Lorraine Alphretta 18; Marshall 74; Rose Mary Elise 63; Vanetta 21
Jowers: Mary [Katherine] 74
Juhan: Son of C J & M H [Charles Guice] 57
Jumper: Stephen Franklin 88

Kaltenbrun: James 78
Karlen: Harry 21
Kay: Winnie Beatrice 16
Keahey: George B Jr 12
Keahey: Howard P 24
Kearley: Virgile Elizabeth 16
Keathley: Morris Sheppard 7
Keffer: E K 59;
Keith: Kenneth G 24
Kellam: Seth White 18
Keller: Bettie 60; Infant of Ridgel 60; Jake 60; Regina Leona 6
Kelley: Helen L 64
Kelly: Donald Glenn 88; Katherine Belle 22; N [Noel] Leslie 64; Vesta 12
Kendall: Emma Ganzer 58; Richard 58; Susan E 58
Kennedy: Eliza 30; Emily 8; Julia 82; Virgil T 79
Kenney: James L 35; Mary Virginia 35
Kent: Jesse Lynn 88; Robert Duane 88
Kepke: Robert Ernest 5
Kern / Hearn: Laura 72
Kerr: Harry B 23
Ketcham: Frank Reavis 7
Keys: John 75
Kidd: Lillian Alvira 54
Kieran: Maggie 36
Kilman: Iris Juanita 20
Kimbal/Kimball: Elizabeth Lucy 8
King: Bruce Thomas 88; Everette Clay 21; G B 30; George W 29; George Washington 28, 29; Greenbery B 28; Joe H 24; Leslie Gene 88; Mary Ann 28, 29; Sue 12; Theresa Myrtle 18
Kingon: Mary 41; Wm 83
Kinnamon: Paul H 24
Kirbo: Minnie Lee 76
Kirby: Alberta Archer 53; Emma Johnston 40; Infant of W S 40; Jack 24; Mary Render 40; Wilson Sanders 40
Kirchhaine: Agnes Lucile 22
Kirk: Joseph 4
Kirkland: Addie May 41; Amanda A 41; James 93; Larry James 88; Margaret 41; Willis R [Richard] 41; Willis R Jr 41
Kirkpatrick: Buena Lorene 25; Valma 20
Kiser: Eldora 75; Robert C [Christopher] 73
Kissling: Benjamin Kaon 88
Kittelsen: Selmer 73
Kleber: Amelia 4
Kleinman: Thomas 10
Klumpp: Edward 23
Knight: Earl Gordon 17; Ella E 94; Eppie Maurine 23; Fay 8; G B 94; Lennie Elizabeth 20; Thomas Wilford 88
Knott: Edw L 64
Knott: J H 14
Knowlton: George 73
Koenigsberg: Fannie K 6
Kolber: Abe Edwin 4
Korn: James Mabry 6
Kraft: G ayle 8
Kramolis: Theodore Charles 19
Kreager: D J 21
Kreager: Orlena 21
Kretchmar: Angus 75
Kritchmad: Elsa 80
Krusz: John F 55; Lottie [Lizzie] 55; Valentine 55; William J 55
Kugler: Frank W [William] Jr 53
Kuntz: Louis Henry 7
Kuntz: Louise H 8: 9
Kvapil: Lola Mae 70

La Bonte: Gary Lee 88
La Moreaux: F F [Franklin Frisbee] 62
La Rue: John Madison 19
Lacy: Allie Samuel 26; Garvice B 6; Nicholas Longfellow 26
Lagler: Helen Lou 22
Laib: Henry Edward 22
Laidley: Amanda 43; Charles S 43; Jennie 43; Sallie 43
Lamar: Augusta W [Page] 65; Eula J 65; H C [Henry Clay] 65; Mary 5; Walter G [Grant] 65
Lambert: Walter Lee 75
Lamoureau: Dr Jessie Estell Castle 62
Lancaster: Clara [Bell] 50; Corpl Benj F [Franklin] 50
Lancaster: Jessie Shirley 11
Landauer: Leo L 9
Lander: William Milton 18
Landis: Paul Emerson 45
Landon: Julia Eliza 59
Lane: Charles Jr 76; Frances Elverda 12
Laney: Olivia [H] Dickenson 64
Lang: Ed [Emond] 48; Thekla 48
Langhammer: Ulrich 10
Langley: D S 81; Lena C 81
Lansky: Elsie 5
Lantham: Samuel W T 34
Larson: Charlotta Andersdotter 59; Lars 59; Ollie M 59
Lasater: Luther McKind III 88; Minnie Myrle 70
Lasater: Thelma Elaine 9
Laskowski: Alexander 37; Felix N 38; Martha E 37
Latham: Joseph 71
Lathrop: Nellie 92
Lauderdale: [C H ] 64; John 64
Laugenour: Dudley Philip 9
Lawrence: Marguerite 21
Lawson: Charlotte 59; Irving Homer 5; Martha Margaret 25; Miss Ollie M 59; Myron Emmett 24
Layton: Marwood 6
Lazarus: Ruth La Verne 5
Leak: John E 73
Leatherwood: Earl L [Leslie] 77; Eliza Jane 77; Rev Nicholas N 77; Ruby H [Morrow] 77
Leatherwood: Lucille 21
Lebel: Andrew F 15
Ledbetter: Bernice 25
Ledford: Lauretta Alline 18
Lee: Calvin Ray 88; Charles Edwin 88; Howard W 88; J Ray 6; Mildred Elinor 12; Ronald Paul 88; Virginia 57; Willie Douglas 26
Leech: Margaret 12
Leeman: George Berry 19
Lefkowitz: Helen Louise 10
Legan: James Ballew 24
Lehman: David Johan III 88
LeMaster: Calvan & Amanda 72; James [Jimmie] 72; Jane 72; Lillie 73
Lemburg: Florine C 12
Lemmon: Dorothy Marcelle 11; Louise 7; Martha Ramsey 5
Leo: Esther Mae 22
Leonard: Nash 19
Lepage: Rosina L 76
Leslie: Frank C 12; Margaret Martin 17
Levene: Sadie 5
Levison: Lois 39
Lewelling: Rev Dwight L 40
Lewin: Harold E 6
Henry 21
Lewis: [Emily] Elizabeth 62; Albert Sidney 62; Albert Sidney Jr 3; Freddie Mae 21; Joseph 28; L 30; Lena Louise 25; Lovie Mackey 63; Lydia E 28; Margaret Elmina 20; Mary A C 28, 30; Mrs Althea B 48; Tedd McClune 88; infant of R H & S F 42
Lichenstein: Sam 4
Ligon: Robert M 17
Lilly: Herman Clifton 18
Lilly: John Clefferd 23
Lindberg: Earl Esborne 5
Lindberg: Edwin G 24
Lindley: Lou 61
Robert Delbert Jr 23
Lindley: William R 17
Lindsey: Dan Carmack 16
Link: Roger Mark 88
Lipman: Edith L 16
Lipsitz: Jacob George 19
Lister: Vericue 19
Litchfield: Amon J 68; Pearle D 68
Little: George Orman 7
Littleton: Frank Jackson 24
Lloyd: Elbert J [Joseph] 49; Eugene F [Field] 49; Joseph L [Lafayette] D. D. 49; Louise 49; Lucy Payne 49
Lloyd: Mary Virginia 22
Lock: Nancy E 82
Lockett: Lola Frances 15
Loftin: Teddy Carl 88
Logan: Hall H 7; La Vonee Evans 20
Long: Benjamin Harrison 51; E A & Minnie R 78; J Clifford 19; Laurence Rutherford 78; Mary H 51; Robert Scott 51; Samuel Q 51; Samuel S 51
Lott: Thomas Edwin 7
Love: Mary Susan 73; Ransom Desha 73; Lollie 15; Lorena 5
Lovette: Gladys 15
Lowery: Josiah B 44; Malinda 44
Lowman: Ralph Forrest 19
Lowrey: Jack 24; Kathleen 25; Mack 24; Margaret T 18; Mark 61
Lowry: L A & Addie T 40; Lillian 40
Lucas: Ione 12
Lull: Howard Burdette Jr 88
Lumpkin: Miriam Estelle 24
Lund: Lillian 16
Lutrell: Bessie Lou 15
Lutz: Eusibia 22: 23
Lyle: Edward Hayes 5
Lynch: Celestia Virginia 8; Edmund T 19; Lynn; Daisy 8

MacDonald: Rebecca A 17
MacDonnell: Thomas Meade 92
Machen: Billy Wayne 88; MacKay: David M 66; Dr A [Alex] C 66; Dr D [David] 66; M 66; Margt 66
Mackel: Infant of Mrs Jas W 67; Mrs Jas W 67
Mackinnon: Donald F 25
Magee: Clyde Franklin 64; Hugh Franklin 64; Nettie Valerie 64
Mahoney: J O 19
Maledon: George R 25
Maloan: Dorothy Elizabeth 25
Malone: David [Harold] 45; Estelle E 25; Fannie 60; Francis [Marie] 45; Frank [R] 60; Jane [D] 60; John Hugh 16; Mrs Annie L 60; R F 60; Robert Louis 7; Tennessee 60
Maloney: Mary Amanda 12
Malowitz: Rose 16
Mangrum: Mary Lee 11
Manley: Jane Elizabeth 49; John Walter 49; Mary Ann 49
Mann: Carl 94; J B 21; Mattie 94
Manning: Mildred 9
Manos: Nick 78
Mansfield: A [Arthur] W [Wilkerson] 58; Doris Powell 8; Elizabeth Aurelia 12; Minnie E 58; Ollie Mae 94; Robert 94
Maples: Florence 12
Marchant: Janice 12
Marder: Carl 21
Margules: Daniel Deronda 9
Markham: Edward Bowers 4
Marlowe: Arthur 48; Carrie 48
Marrs: Ronald Wayne 88
Marsh: Franklin K 48; Gordon 11
Marshall: Catherine Webber 8, 9; Thomas Russell 19
Martin: Gladys Maurine 20; Henry 80; Herschel 25; Johnnie R 81; Marion Lenox 7; Mary Dennis 8; Wilma 12
Martinez: John 88
Mason: E T 59; Eugene 9; Herman Campbell 23
Massey: Abram W 58
Massey: Verna Winnifred 16
Master: Charles 77
Matheny: Earl 53; Nannie A [Nancy Ann] 53
Mathes: Katherine C [Cline] 47
Matney: John B 17
Matteson: Glenn 88
Matthews: Carl L 12
Mauer: Merrill B [Bernhardt] 65
Maxwell: Mrs Birdie C 74; Ruth 11
May: Alan 10; Alfred Byron 88; Bonnie Leola 12; Catherine Angela 80; H [Howard] Basset 63; Howard Patterson 63; Leroy W 23; Lucy Bassett 63; Robert B [Benjamin] 63
Mayborn: Don 18
Mayer: Thomas J 88
Mayfield: Gladys Vernon 16
Mayfield: J Theo 6
Mayo: Stephen Liebling 7
McBride: Sallie 80; Ralph Houghton 14
McCabe: James Page 71; Ray 7 1
McCahan: William C 66
McCain: Thelma Juanita 12
McCallum: Olga Ines 12
McCann: John Ward 12
McCarson: Pierce Wilson 23
McCarty: Carroll 24; Edward L 12
McCelland: Aubrey David 88
McClain: Lizzie 33
McClellan: Wylie Scott 24
McClelland: Charles Edgar 18
McClennahan: Edward Lee 24
McClesky: S Newman 9
McClung: Rachel 14
McClure: Burton Reece 7; Clarence Lindon 7; Clark O 55; Lizzie R 55
McCommas: Alvyne Lola 17
McConnell: Leroy 94
McCook: Joel J Jr 23
McCord: Dorothy Nell Faustina 25; William C 7
McCormack: Charles Thomas 24; Ernest 18
McCormick: Anna M Reamey 54; John H 57
McCorvey: Mary Kate 53; Mollie D [Deedie] 53; W N [William Neal] 53
McCoy: Cora 33; Cora M [McDermott] 33; Dr W A [William Addison] 33; Earl Ellison 33; Elizabeth McClain 33; Infant of J M 33; J C 33; Jas M 34; Jim 34; John C [Calvin] 33; John Calvin 31; John M [Milton] 33; John Milton 31; Lewis 33; Lucile 33; Marie Alice [Ostrom] 33; Mary Alice Peel 33; Miss Eliza 33; Rebecca Hester 33
McCoy: John M Jr 4
McCoy: Mildred 16
McCrone: James Roland 88
McCune: Jessie M 94; Rev W C 92; W Y 93, 94, 95
McCutcheon: Lydia 15
McDaniel: Fonsi Fons'l 70
Mollie G [Mary] 73
McDonald: Harry 12; Orison Fleming 7, 8
McDuffie: Katherine Lillian 8
McElory: Ronald Lenear 88
McEvoy: Belle 94
McFarland: Goldina 21
McGee: Hannah Alice 8
McGonagill: William Francis 14
McGregor: Alice 25
McGuffey: Janie Elizabeth 50; Levi 50; Mrs Stella 50
McGuffin: Novelle Floyd 4
McHenry: Virginia Gladys 18
Mclver: Mrs J D [Mattie] 62
McKay: Ruth Stewart 12
McKelvey: Gertrude Irene 24
McKenzie: Carol 6
McKim: Edward Alton 88
McKinney: Julian B 39; Nancy E 39; Ronald Gene 88; Sally Margaret 20; William M 39; Wm J 39
McKnight: William Marion 6
Mclain: Etta 45
McLain: Edmond Burr 45
Infant of Edmond Burr 45; J M 45; Margaret H 45; Miss Mae 49
McLarry: Mary Dowell 12
McLaughlin: Hugh Jr 18
McLean: K B 71; Rev J D 71
McLean: George Dearborn 25
McLemore: Thurman Odis 78
McLemore: Lotta Dorothy 6
McLemore: Pauline 25
McManamon: Edward L 75; Leola B 75
McMickin: Annye Dru 15
McMillan: Bennie 14
Robert Lee 60
McMillen: Fred A 19
McMillian: Bertha [May] 60
McMurray: John D Jr 16
McNabb: Thos 44
McWhirter: George Finley 9
McWright: Dale Stephen 88
McWright: Edward Arthur 88
Meaders: Inez Arcane 12
Meador: Jack Ralph 10
Meadows: Bonnie Belle 81
Means: Infant of Edward E 50; Jewel Ethel 50
Means: Virginia Barbara 8
Meeks: Dustan William 88
Mehro: Mary Gertrude 70
Melton: Edgar Robert 88; T Allen 25
Menefee: Gladney 27
Mercer: Grace Allene 5; Harry 80
Madeline Winniefred 11
Meshigaud: Andrew Harry 88
Metcalf: Infant of J F 49; Jimmy Allen 88; Richard J [Jordan] 49
Metzger: Martha 79; William J R 79
Meyer: George: Sr 79; Ida 80, 81; Jacob 80; Katharine 79
Meyer: Evelyn 15
Michaelson: Charlotte Beatrice 21
Michaelson: Dave 9
Michel: F [Ferdinand] 72
Middleton: Infant 48; Roberta 48
Miers: Harris Wood 4
Miguel: F 72
Milam: Florine 20
Miles: Robert 0 25
Miles: Virginia 14
Miller: Alberta Jeannette Meeker 35; Claude 18; Delphine 5; Herman A II 88; Ilia Gene 25; Lewis Duncan 19; Lois Vivian 12; Mary Elizabeth 12; Maurine Lanier 25; Nellie Hazel 12; Thelma Laurena 18; William Crenshaw 12; William Franklin 10
Millican: Jewell Margaret 22
Milligan: Gene Charles 88
Mills: Addie Pearl 56; Charles F 55; Don C 56; Edith M 56; Elizabeth 56; Flora C 55; Frederick A 56; Grover C [E] 55; Joe Milton 4; Leo C [Clifford] 55; Lucy Weber 55; Paul Neal 55
Mills: Infant of Chas F 55
Mims: Felton Lee 88
Minter: Wilbur Loving Jr 88
Mischefsky: Anna 71; Frank 71; William J [Joseph] 71
Mitchell: George Grover 88; J E Jr 21; James Price 7
Mittenthal: Morris Joseph 22
Mittenthal: Nathan H 21
Mixon: Roy S 19
MLean: Infant son of J D & K 71
Moberly: Thomas Elliott 7
Modisette: Thomas Glenn 88
Monasco: Cecil Robert 47
Moncrief: Lucile L 6
Monds: Olan Cecil 16
Monroe: Henry A [Albert] 69; Horace E [Edgar] 69; Sinie V 69; Montgomery; Lyle Edward 4; Pete 7; Moody; Ione 69
Moon: George Emmett 79; Gladys Estelle [Billy] 77; Mary Alice 8; Walter Clarence 77
Moore: Arthur 19; C M 5, 11, 18, 24, 26; Doris 6; Eddie 94; Evelyn Hail 8; Frank W 5; Helen Elizabeth 24; Henry P 36; Katrina Kirby 41; Lillian 25; Louis N 40; Lucy 13; Martha Louise 12; Mary Belle 77; Mattie 13; Mrs Pearl 71; Scott Ferris Jr 88; Stanley R J 13; Tommie 10; Treba G 45; Walter 9; Walter Lee 89
Moorman: Mildred 22
Moran: E H 48; Margaret S 48
Moreland: Frances Eugenia 11
Morelock: Virginia Graves 9
Morgan: Annie 94; Arthur Leroy 49; David 94; Harry 81; Havelock 94; Mary 94
Moriarty: James Richard 40
Morphis: Mrs Fannie E 82; Morris; Ben T 7; Elroy 89; John Lee 89; Lula [Louise] 55; Robert Edward 55; S E 81; Singleton Leroy 9; William F Sr 55
Morrison: Hardy 34; Hiram 34; Hiram [H] 34; Lucy S 34; Maude W 34
Morrow: Blanch 70; Frances E 27; Ruby Lee 12
Morton: Evelyn Elizabeth 6
Moser: Tenne Belle 22
Moses: Dorritt J 25
Mosher: Theodore 93
Mosher: Edward J 16
Mosley: Willie Catherin 25
Moss: Charles Henry 25
Robert Marvin 18
Mote: Frederick A 25
Mounce: Horace C 78
Mountz: Rita 10
Mueller: Herman A 4
Muller: John 58
Mullins: James Michael 89
Munden: Ruth 14
Munger: Don D 76; Ona Florence 76
Munk: Eva Mildred 22
Murff: Eunice Vera 9
Murff: Gus 12
Murphy: Frank Monroe 89; Mary Bebe 12; Orlando J 16
Murray: Margaret Tiffany 8
Muse: Edward W 25; May Belle 13; Michael Dennis 89

Naggiar: George William 73
Nail: Frank Wilson 4
Name: 70
Nance: Tiglman H 40
Nash: Sue Boyd 18
Nason: Will A 93
Nauman: Paul 94
Naylor: Harris 6
Neal: Avarella Ashford 73; Burnett Jr 89
Neasbitt: Larry Douglas 89
Neaves: Gilmer 21
Neel: Avarella Ashford 73
Neeley: Miss P J 61
Neff: William Deyerle 23
Neindorff: Clara Starr 11
Neislar: Jerome Thomas 16
Nelms: Katherine Irma 6
Nelson: Etna 81; Maryallen Elizabeth 15; S 92, 93
Nevitt: James B 6
New: Billy Joe 45; Henry F 46
Newton: Charlie Bright 79; Kathleen 20
Nichols: Curtis Stanley 15; De Lossie 27; Edgar Arch 6
Nicholson: Elsie D 94; Robert 94; Floy 20
Nickless: John W 41; Luna 41
Nicolaisen: James Ellsworth 89
Niendorff: Clara Starr 11; John Franklin Starr 23
Niess: Isabelle [Young] 48
Nigro: Frank P and Ida 37; N N and C B 37; Philo Estelle 37; Selvatore 37
Noah: Vivian L 13
Noe: Evangeline 22
Nolan: Mrs F M 94
Noles: Janie Louise 5
Nolley: Erma Cora 25
Norman: John William 75
Norris: Thelma L 13
North Dallas High School 10, 16, 22
Norton: Gerald Wayne 89; William Autry 6
Nottingham: David E [Edward] 65
Nunnelly: Robert Guy 7
Nye: Hattie P 92

O'Bannon: Lucius Edwin 10
O'Beirne: Edward J Jr 70
O'Connell: Alice 13
O'Hara: Eveline Elizabeth 11
Oak Cliff High School 3, 5, 11, 17, 24
Oatis: Lloyd B 25
Ocosto: Alvido 82
Odom: Ruth 13
Oeland: Isaac Jr 63
Offutt: Mrs Bettie E 50; W H 48
Ogden: Edward Paul 89
Oglesby: John Sumner 4
Ohl: Constance S 18
Oldfield: James Stanley Jr 89
Oliva: Isabel 75
Oliver: Ben 82; C M [Charles] 76; Eliza H 59; Nell Louise 17, 58; Robert B 59; W Hughes 58
Olsen: Helen Margaret 20
Olsowski: Gary 89
Orchard: James J 67; Mamie Louise 67
Orr: G M and L Orr 37; Gylma Amelia 22; Harry Lee 37; Martha Evelyn 22; Martha M 37; Thomas M 37; Wesley G 37; Wilma Grace 5
Osborne: Elvis Weldon Jr 89
Owens: L C 7; Loree 6; Mary 17; Nellie 43; Zella Mae Griffith 77
Owin: Mary Cecile 22

Packard: Burwell R 49; Lula Ragland 49
Padgett: Evelyn Janice 65; Infant of J D & Lillie May 65; James Dingle 65; Lillie May [Fritz] 65; Marjoria Marie 65
Padilla: Michael Raymond 89
Page: Cordelia 92; Harvey 41, 92, 93; Ida Stokes 92; Louis H 92; Miss Etta 92; Beverly W 23
Paine: John Randolph 10: 11
Painter: Lester Howard Fleming Jr 7; M Maxwell 19; Robert Wilson 19
Palacios: Oscar H Jr 89
Palmer: Carl E Jr 10; Dr J R 43; Oliver 79
Palmo: Jimmie Charles 89
Pantermuehl: Elinor Louise 18
Paradise: Charles Alonzo 89
Paris: Mrs Patricia 80; Ben R 10
Park: Aubrey G 89; C T 94; Maggie L 94; Mrs Mary S 94; Ouida 94; Robert 94
Parker: Ella F 92; Infant TH 77; J R [James Robert] 73; James Franklin Jr 14; Leona Clara 9; Louise 15; Lucius C 92; Pauline 5
Wylie A 6, 9, 15, 22
Parks: Andrew Jackson Jr 6; Percy S 6; Phyllis Gene 22
Parma: Anna Bell 5
Parson: John D 60; L J 59
Parsons: Catharine 60; Dr J D 60; Fanny [E] 60
Parsons: Dorothy Joe 13
Patterson: Geo [George] W 55; Rebecca Ann 55; Ruth 5
Patton: James Lawner 14; Mrs E A 72
Paxton: Rev C E 95
Payne: Grace 20; John Howard 4; John Wade Jr 18; Ruth 8, 22
Payson: William H 81
Peach: Ernest A 22
Peacock: Fannie Webster 56; Jacquelyn 57; Robert B 57; W [William] Nolan 56
Pearc: Elizabeth Samford 17
Pearce: Helen Kendall 17
Pearlstone: Henry Ash 16
Pearson: Annie Louise 8
Pease: [Judith] Anna 48
Peck: Russell 25
Pedige: Virginia 25
Peebles: Berry Stephens 81; Carrie Stephens 81; Infant of Niles 49; Joseph Hardie 81
Peebles: Edwin Johnston 15
Peel: Margaret Elizabeth 20
Peeler: Lois 24
Pegues: Frank M 25
Peoples: Allen Harlan 21
Peoples: Fred S 25
Pepple: Mildred 20
Perez: Catarino Mata 74; James Sanders 89
Perkins: Katie Pearl 6; LW 9; Wallace Sam 89; William Clifford 21
Perry: Billy Earl 89; Buna Bass 71; E Frank 71; Hoyt H 79; Jackie Ray 89; John C 71; R C Jr 89; Roddie Lee 89; Sallie C [California] 76; Sarah Elizabeth 22; Theodore Harold 6; W W 71
Peters: Eleanor [Laura Laskowski] 38; Henry L [Lawrence] 38; Herman 38
Peters: Henry L 21
Pettey: Emma 59; John Parks 59; John T 59; Loretta Ellen Martin 59; Susan F 59
Phares: Alice Frances 22
Phelps: Henry E [Edgar] 74; Infant of J C 56
Phelps: Nathan W 19
Phifer: Merle Zehna 20
Philbrick: Maurien 12
Phillips: Dennis Michael 89; Emmett Marvin 70; Henry L 16; John Slawter 59; Marie 70; Permelia Brazilla 59; Roy Edwin 89; Yates L 21
Phipps: Harold S 12
Pickett: Andrew 66; Ethelyn Nehrmeyer 66; Howard 66; Victoria 66
Pickle: Don 19
Pierson: Nancy Louise 68
Pike: Phyllis Sanger 9
Pilkey: Dorothy May 15
Pillet: Frederick A 23
Pinson: Cloyde Cyris Jr 89
Pippen: William Carl 23
Pippin: Edith 6
Pitts: Ruth Nixon 5
Pittuck: Alfred Aldredge 42; Katherine Colbern 42
Platt: Sue Ethel 8
Plecker: Wanda Mae 45
Ploeger: Adelheid 62; Catherine J [Johanna] 62; M P T 62; Max 62
Plummer: M H 34
Pohl: Lelia 94; Mrs J H 94
Polk: William Glenn 21
Pollard: Benna Lou 8
Ponder: Mary Florence 25
Pool: Jean Juliet 25
Pope: Norris Paul 17
Porter: Walter 83
Portman: Vera Marie 9
Poston: William Thomas 89
Potter: Dorothy Irene 13; James Lowell 25; Roberta 25
Powell: D C Jr 21; E M 93: 95; Ernest M 94; Mary A 94; Robert Clyde 89; William Kelly 23
Power: Guadalupe 71
William Reagan 7
Powers: Joseph E 53; Mrs Jennie B 53
Prant: John Henry 37
Pauline 37
Pratt: Franklin Alfred 6
Predmore: David Martin 89
Prescott: Jacqueline 22
Presly: Frank Edwin 4
Preston: Elizabeth 94; J M 94
Prewitt / Pruitt: Alice George 6; Celia Serena 18; Josephine 8; Patsy Faye 8; Price: Charles Allen 89; Hugh Lee 24; Infant of M D 52; Lourae 14; Ruby Helen 13; Ruth 8
Prichard: Harold Lynn 45
Pride: Harold S 70
Prince: Ruby J 9
Pritchard: Sarah 70
Propst: Anna Mclean 49; J F [John Frank] 49
Pruitt: F 79
Pryor: Donald Ray 89; Melvin: Sr 89
Puett: Marvin B Jr 77
Pulliam: Harry Odell 23
Purifoy: Ray Warren 89

Quails: Mary Frances 45; Ted Wayne 89
Quillin: Jack 25
Quinn: Nannie Catharine 22
Quisenberry: Roy Mims 9
Quist: Edith C 5
Quist: Elsie B 20

Race: J [Joe] Drayton 66
Rachofsky: Sam 14
Radford: Cena [Morrison] 34; Gena 34
Rajac: Dorothy Jean 72; William 72
Randall: Delsie L [Ethel] 82; Hallie M [Mae] 67; Ida Mae 67; Martha Ellen 67; Russell Madison 67; Walter L [Laurence] 67; Winnie (Pete) 67
Randall: Ruth 16
Randle: Henry E 7
Randle: LaVelle 13
Ransdell: Olivia Nell 16
Ransom: Miss H L 94
Rather: Harral 14
Ratliff: Worth A 19
Ratzlaff: Jennie Cole 48
Rawlings: H H 45
Rawlings: Corinne 6
Rawls: Erma 13
Ray: Anna Kathryne 8; Earl 75; Earl Frank 17
Rubye E [Elizabeth] 65
Read: Ruth 22
Reagin: Drayton 35
Reamey: Jack T 54; Leta May 54
Rechenberg: Karl James 4
Redner: Lilly May 74
Redwine: Madge Louise 18
Reed: Arthur J 17; Ludger C [Carl] 75; W E 95
Reele: Frank 21
Reese: Addie Lowe 60; Rev Luther D 94
Reeves: Margaret LeClaire 22
Regeon: Nelsyne B [Bessie] 72
Reib: [Helen] [Irene] 69; Charles E [Edward] 69; John H 69; Mattie Lee 69
Reid: James Cole 19
Reiter: William R 40
Relf: William Charles 89
Renard: Harold 17
Renard: Lucy Key 22
Renfrow: William H 25
Reyna: Juan Manuel 89
Reynolds: Alice Katherine 13; Charles Franklin 4; Evelyn 6; Mahala 62; P [Pleasant] D 62; Ronald Burns 89
Rheinlander: Martha 10
Rheinlander: Ruth 21
Rhoads: Joseph J 19:26
Rhodes: Geneva 20; Margaret 8; Rice: Albert Jr 12; Gladys E 21; Helen Lucille 5
Richardson: David L 35; Frank Irwin 21; Lucile 11; Lucille 11; May Shetler 74; Nelma 22; William R 21
Richter: Billy 25
Ricks: Ronald Glenn 89
Riddell: LeRoy 21
Riddle: Charles Lloyd 89
Ridgeway: Laura 76
Ridout: Lemuel Howard Jr 7
Riggins: Robert Lucian Jr 89
Rightberger: Lila 6
Riley: Mary Louise 69
Patrick James 76
Risby: Clara 13
Riser: Margaret Christine 8
Risinger: Jerry Leroy 89
Ritcheson: Velma Lee 6
Ritter: Alice 76
Rivas: Arturo Brown 89
Rivenbark: Mary Lois 22
Rives: Evelyn 22
Roach: Mary Evelyn Griffith 80; Vaunita 6
Robbins: James Walter 89
Robbins: Anna Mae 8
Roberts: Billy Dale 89; Billy Jack 89; Claude W Jr 23; John Allen 89; Leona 6; Lorena Harriett 18; Walter Eugene 89
Robertson: Georgia Belle 15; Grace Gloria 26; Infant of F A 71; Mildred 5; Thelma 22; Thomas Clifton 4
Robey: George Thomas 24
Robey: Martha W 13
Robins: Ralph Hayden 12
Robinson: Alvin 94; Dixie Hazelle 8; Eliza E 73; Elizabeth Gretta 13; Harry 12; James M [Marion] 73; Jennie (BT) 94; Jesse 94; Lucy Foy 47; Minnie 94; Nellie 94; Olive D 52
Robison: Dorothy Lucile 8; Ella Lee 22; Gerald Marion 79; Hazel 21
Robson: Frances L 72; O A 72
Rocha: Rudolfo Leonard Jr 89
Rodrigues: Joe G Jr 90
Rodriguez: Margarito Jr 90
Roe: John Elmer 90
Roessler: Babette Eugenia 22
Rogers: Daniel Gordon 90; Jimmie Dale 90; Lucian 80; Orville Curtis Jr 90; Russell V Jr 23
Romberg: Constance 22
Romotsky: Myer 4: 5
Roots: Menefee 12
Rose: Maurice W 83; Nannie L 83
Rosemond: John L 90
Rosenberg: Marguerite 16
Ross: Elta Louise 13; Helen Louise 13; Lawrence S 25
Robertha Christine 25
Rossman: Mrs Mollie 43
Rosson: Amy Irene 25
Rothschild: Sam 16; Sarah A 10
Rougeou: Otto 25
Routh: Ross 18
Rowden: Bessie Mae 15
Rowden: Jessie Fae 15
Rowe: B F [Benjamin Franklin] 66; Bess R 66; Clara 66; Edna 31; Emmett K [Kirby] 66; F [Frances] Edna 66; Harriett Levonia 66; Mollie 66; Ollie 66; William Harold 9
Rowen: Russell R 13
Roy: Aricheal Lee 26
Royal: L J 26
Royer: Fred F 12
Ruble: Olive Lucille 8
Rucker: Georgia Sue 25
Rudd: Robert Charles 90; Marth Goode 13
Rudolph: Dorothy May 20
Rugel: Paul F 4
Rugel: Ruth 20
Rupe: Mrs H O 37
Rush: Fannie 75; James Polk 75
Ruska: Carole 32
Russell: Charles Lee 46; Clinton Parker Jr 17; Dorothy Gladys 8; Elizabeth 46; George W 46; Grace Estelle 15; Jack W 6; Jennie C 37; Lauren Hilton Jr 37; Lela L 16; Robert Thomas II 90; Wm Herbert 70
Ruth: Edmund M 15
Ryan: William E 24
Rye: Martha Cheatham 34

Sachs: Beatrice Norma 21
Sadler: Jake 81
Saenz: Conception Diaz 74
Sala: Angelo M [Michael] 62; Charles Levi 62; Guyennett 62
Sales: Ruby 13
Salisbury: Charlotte 15
Sallard: Lula Kathrine 26
Salmons: Mollie A 56; Thomas B [Benjamin] 56
Sampson: Theodosia Ernest 26
Sanchez: Michael 90; Pedro Jr 90
Sanders: [C F] 75; Annie A 83; Robert Patterson 10; Ruby 13; S W 94
Sanderson: Madeline H 5
Sanford: Catherine 24; Nina 5
Sanger: Fannie Alexander 10
Sansom: Willie Lois 21
Sapp: Frances Adelaide 23
Sarazen: Josephine H 10
Saunderson: Kathryn Evelyn 8
Saurini: James Paul 90
Sawdey: Edgar 82
Sawyer: Albert R [Rufus] 38
Saylor: Marcia Lee 11
Scales: Irene 6
Schaefer: Otto 75
Schafer: Dorothy Genevieve 23
Schoemaker: J B 77; Mrs Mattie 77
Scholwinski: Pauline Alma 71; Raymond [L] 72
Schoppe: Franklin Dale 90
Schroeder: Meredith Olive 13
Schroeder: William Rahe 25
Schuler: A G 46
Schultz: Jeniva E 53; W 44; Wm 53
Schultze: Alfred Richard 48; August Richard 48; Johanna E 48; Katherine 48
Schulz: Marvin H 19
Schumacher: Larry Dean 90
Schuppel: Charles L [Leroy] 72
Schwedler: Gustave C 25
Schwille: Charles Frederick 58; Cynthia 58; Evelyn Marie 58; Lydia Lenora 58
Scirratt: George E 76
Scofield: Abigail (Goodrich) 93; Cyrus I 93; Daniel 93; Elias 93; Rev C I 92
Scott: Dorothy 9; James Beverly 7, 8; Lloyd Thomas 26; Margaret Frances 14; Susan Wade 23
Scurry: William V 23; Seale: Eva 16; Robert Ira 7
Seals: Florelle Marion 13
Searcy: DeWitt 12
Searcy: Thomas James 7
Searls: James R 14
Sears: Marjorie 17; Mildred Jean 6
Sebastian: Edith 21
Sedgwick: Arthur 74
Seely: Edwin T 21
Segal: Leopold E 6
Seidenglanz: Charles B 7
Seitzler: William E 72
Selby: Evelyn Morgan 23
Self: Harrison P 54; Richard Alexander 12; Walter Adams 4
Sellers: George Cyrus 12
Selman: Mary Jewel 20
Senior: Joseph Blain 58
Senter: Crowell Manley 57; Erasmus G Jr 57; Erasmus Gilbert 57; Lula D 57
Service: Infant of J J & H H 39; Rachael Brown 39
Settlemyer: Barbara Jeane Sauls 79
Sewell: Ann Catherine 29; B 30; B B 28; Burn(w?)ell; Barnes 29
Burwell Barnes Jr 28; Emma 28; Isaac Q 30; Isaac Quimby Sr 28, 29; Japheth F 29; Japheth Freemar 29; Joseph William 29; Lewis Lawhorn 29; Lydia Elizabeth 29; Marion 29; Mary A C 29; Mary Jane 29; Octavious A C 30; Quimby Jr 29; Sarah Elizabeth 29, 30; William J 29
Shackelford: Gerald Malone 40
Shackelford: Jo Lois 25
Shaffer: Edna Mae 10
Shanks: Alma Mena 57; D [David] W 57; Frank R 74; M C 74; Mary D [Catherine] 74
Shanks: Allene B 25
Shannon: Mary Alice 13
Sharp: David W 7; Grover C 73
Shaw: Carroll Wiley 23; Virginia Jane 13
Shearer: Ethel Louise 15
Sheek: Thomas D 74
Sheffield: Georgia 45; H Jr 45
Shelburne: Frances Henrietta 23
Shelton: Mildred 25
Shepard: Dorothy Ruth 6; Florence Winifred 25
Sheppard: Janie 8
Sheridan: Andrew Jackson 42; Louise Evelyn 42
Sheridan: Ellsworth Dodson 8
Shero: John Paul 14
Shessel: Pearl 6
Shields: Faye 15; Maurine 5; Tennie Lee 25
Shiels: William B 19
Shipley: Anna 8
Shipp: Angline 55; Sam 55; William N [Nathan] 73
Shoemaker: Thomas Campbell 8
Short: L D Dan 46; Maude E 46
Shroyer: Jas Steve Jr 75
Shrum: Earnest F 46
Shumate: Edgar Leroy 47; F H 4 7
Shumate: C St G 21
Shumate: Helen Lois 23
Shutt: Isora Daniel 13
Shuttles: Lorenzo R 42; Mrs Belle Z or V 42; Myra 42; W S 42
Sickles: Marie J Haynes 34
Siddall: Vene P 57
Sides: Harold Erwin 90; Jack Davis 15
Siegert: William Fry 90
Siesennop: Marion 25
Simmons: Adele 23; Bobby J Joseph 65; Cleo 25; Lillie C 16; Moses 58; Wanda Louise 65; Zora 23
Simms: Esque 26
Simon: Milton 21
Simonds: Joseph Calhoun M.D. 41; Laura Harrison Percy 41
Simons: Charles R 75; Mildred 75
Simonson: Samuel 8
Simpson: Ferris Arthur 19; Lou Fox 42; Mary Louise 11; Mildred Moore 18; Mrs M 62
Singleton: Harris 18; Vernon Dickerson 12
Sinz: Marguerite Dolorez; Gertrude 25
Skaggs: Lina 14
Skiles: Mary Alice 11
Skillem: Jean 24
Skinner: Paul M 19
Slack: Pansy 8
Slack: Susan Alline 23
Slankard: J H 55
Slater: Annie Lucile 81; Augusta 13; Emmanuel A 81
Slicer: Gladys Lee 79
Sloan: Catherine 16
Slocum: Joseph Hoyt 12
Small: Ava Jane 71; Grant 71
Smart: Robert Hall 90
Smart: Maggie 13
Smith: Alice Bernice 6; Alice Darby 9; Alice Elizabeth 17; Asa 50; Bertha Ruth 75; Byard Pixley 25; Carolyn 32; Claude 56; Clyde Meredith 25; Donald Wayne 90; Dorothy Jean 20; Edward M 48; Eliza [Elsie] Hanna 56; Emma 41, 56; Emma D (Budd) 56; Erma Motley 8; Evelyn 13; Evelyn Delores 25; Frances C 18; Frances H 25; Frank E 78; George B [Benton] 76; Gordie B 8; Gwendolyn Joyce 8; Harry William 19, 20; Hubert Winston 23; Idelle Gladys 13; Imogene L 15; Infant of H B 72; J [John] W [Wesley] 57; J Philip & Georgie D 39; J S 81; James Herman 14; James M 65; Janet 15; Jennie Elizabeth 78; John N 48; John T 43; L C Jr 90; L G & Two Small Infants 56; Laurence S [Small] 71; Maggie D [Davis] 76; Margaret Ellen 23; Marguerite 49; Mary E 43; Mary Terry 8; Mildred Mayrant 20; Milford H 23; Mrs Lillie 50; Mrs Octavia 48; Myrtle Marie 23; Nina Nadine 20; Norman Wilson 6; O M [Oscar Mellie] 56; Orene Roselyn 23; Philip Duffield 39; Ralph 43; Robin Virginia Artine 5; Sam O 65; Sarah Elizabeth 25, 81; Sidney R Jr 25; Thomas Field 19; Violet 23
Snell: Mona 8
Soper: Mark 44
Sophia R 44
Sosa: Secundino Garcia Jr 90
Sowden: Webb McCann 12
Spain: Nettie Lee 13
Spalding: Dora Ella 51; George C 51; James Morris 51
Spalti: Cynthia Coke 68; Horace Duncan 68; Horace Duncan Jr 68; Horace Elton 68; Lenore Duncan 68
Spangler: Max Ray 90
Spann: Margaret 23
Spears: Jackson Edward 6; Mary C 14: 27
Speer: Ernest Dreuil 6; Robert Fritz 90; Ruth Margaret 8
Speight: Doris Louise 5
Spencer: Julius C [Clarence] 79; Ruth 13
Salome Elizabeth 25
Spikes: Josiah 82
Spivey: Alice Houghbrook 43; Anna Virginia 43; Carrie Lee 43; John L 43; Mary L [Lula] 43; Rev James A 43
Springer: Louis Daniel 90; William Sam 70
Stadden: Jones F 21
Stakeman: A [Albert] 53; Anna 53; M 53; Walter 53
Stambaugh: Thelma A 54
Stamper: Frank Anthony 16
Stampley: Minnie S 77; W M 77; Wm 77
Stanage: Mary B [Bradley] 39
Stanbery: Sam R 8
Stanley: George Leonard 78; Loyd 78
Stanley: Helen 23
Staples: Charles C 14; Martha Marie 21; Mary M 11
Stark: Arline 10
Starke: Minnie Gertrude 41; Neal 41
Starkloff: Rosalie 74
Starks: Joseph Quincey 19
Starnes: Mervyn E 12
Starr: Allen Eugene 90; William Trice 9
Staten: Margaret M 64; Valerie 64; William J 64
Steeger: Charles J 9
Steer: Arthur 23
Steere: Helen Lucile 11
Stein: Aubrey Alphonse 4; Catherine [Franzen] 62; Fred K 62
Stell: Lawrence Irving 19
Stephen: Virgil Lynn 90
Stephens: Arthur Cole 19; Bennie Vorice Jr 90; Elizabeth Porter 20; Pansy 16
Sterling: Earl 21
Stevens: Dorothy Mary 18; Eunice Margaret 11; Stevenson: Bessie 58; Finley L 58; Flora Kosier 58; Sadie Mckeen 67
Stevenson: Irene 6
Stewart: Frances Norwood 23; Margaret B 21
Stillman: Isaac Samuel 16
Stockard: L V 4: 9: 15: 20
Stockton: Marge 3
Stoker: Huelyn Bernard 90
Stokes: E M 92; Hubert Eugene 19; Ida 92; J Doyle 18; Vernon Bill 12; Vivian 6
Stone: Ervin 6; Sam 6
Storey: John W 63; Mary Virginia 20
Story: Laura Marie 20
Stover: Helen Frances 75
Stover: Henry M 16
Stover: Nina Beth 21
Strader: Mary Jo 45
Strait: David Leon 90
Stratton: Charles Wayne 90
Sidney Taylor 90
Stratton: Mildred 14
Strickland: Ethel 17
Stroney: Mary [Susan] 60
Strother: Bennie Sue 25; Mary Jo 5
Strube: Herman L 18
Stuart: Dorothy 10; Lucy 23; Ruth Alice 11
Sturdivant: Jesse Boone 68; Jesse Carl 68; Ruby Ima 68
Sullivan: Anna Ola 49
Summers: Emmit B 58; Fannie Bell 58; Ileta Catherine 8; James M 12; Mary Elizabeth 25; Ronnie J [James] 71
Suravitz: Isadore A 21
Surges: Sadie Lucille 8
Surles: Bonnie Lee 25
Svarz: Gerhard 60
Swancy: James Andrew 90
Sweeney: Marie 25
Sweiger: Calvin 73
Swepston: Happy Jack 15
Swift: Eva 92
Swift: Staunton Demeritous 16
Swiger: Calvin 73
Swindell: Bobby Dale 90
Synnott: Ruth 17
Sypert: Artie Lee 12
Sypert: Harriett Irene 25

Tabor: Lois P 21
Taggart: Henrietta J [Jane McCoy] 33; J C 33; Johnnie C McCoy 33; William H 33
Tait: Vennie Victoria 16
Talley: Ernestine 26
Tally: Clinton A [Alvin] 62; Dorothy E 62; Irbie B 62; Peter H 62
Tanner: Jack Armstrong 20
Tapp: Felix Cowan 8
Tapscott: Louisa Carter 51; William M [Moses] 51
Tapscott: Dorothy 10
Tate: Lottie Frances 23
Tatum: C A 23
Taylor: Bruna Fay 15; Charlie [C] 48; Dixie 6; Ernest Vernon 90; Fannie [Frances] Tapscott 51; Frances Margaret 11; Henry Burton 51; Hila Inez 21; John A [Albert] 72; John Irvine 9; Joseph M 23; Katherine C 21; Lura Ann 10; Mollie Allen 79; Pauline 26; Robert E L 10; Sybil 48
Teacher Training School 14, 27
Teal: Gordon K 20
Teale: Gordon K 20
Tede: Victor E 20
Temby: Josie 92; Myra 92
Templeton: Edwin Pinkney Jr 8
Tennant: Irving 18
Terranella: Sam 6
Terry: Condon Hunter 90
Thacker: Birtie Juanita 77; Richard W [Warren] 77
Tholl: Albert Sidney 67; Freda 67
Thomas: A A [Alexander Aikin] 56; Alton 80; Chapman 39; Clementine Jacqueline 19; David John 90; George Robert Jr 12; Henrietta 39; Josephine A [Allison] 39; L [Lucretia] Ellen 56; Mary E [Ellen] 56; Mary Susan 74; Roland Truett 39; Rosser Jr 10, 11; Roy Service 39
Thomason: A M 38
Bernice Dorothy 22
C H & A F 39
Charles McCampbell 39
G Radney 9
Thompson: Afton F 13; Alberta 10; Charlie Earl 90; Earl 38; Edith Marie 56; Evelyn 21; Henry 13; Homer T W 25; Leslie A 4; Mildred Aileen 8; Mrs F S 67; Nita 10; Roy Eugene 90; Sterling R 26; T St Clair 66
Thornton: Katherine Marie 20; William Dillard 14
Thorp: Mary Rosell 5
Thrash: [Roy Mansfield] 58; Howard Gibson 58; Kathleen 58; Ruby Mansfield 58
Tibbitts: Mrs Wm H 73
Tice: Jimmie Ray 90
Tidwell: Thomas O 80
Tietze: William Robert Jr 8
Tilford: Sarah Elizabeth 23
Tillery: Mildred 16
Tillie: Gussie Obelia Thurline 19
Timmerman: Ilene 23
Tindall: Mott Williard 70
Tinkle: J Lon 5
Tinnin: Lola Gladys 20
Titterington: George A Jr 12
Todd: Fredrick Welton 90
Tomlinson: Herbert E 20
Tompkins: Valerie Brown 12
Toney: Willie Lee 90
Topletz: Ivy 6
Tothell: Honest O 19
Townsend: Mrs T L 41; T L 41
Travnicek: Edwin Ray 90
Treadwell: Frances Pickens 10
Trebold: Harry 55; Nancy 55
Trevino: Savas Escamilla 90
Trevitt: Roger Page 23
Trew: Jessie Ray 70
Tribble: Guy Oakley 8
Tribble: Ray Lowrey 8
Trice: Agnes Baird 51; Sinnett Young 51
Trigg: Baby Shannon 63; Felix Coonce 63; May 63; Ruby Shepard 63; Walter S 63
Trimble: Dr E L 73
Tristan: Albert Flores 90
Trolinger: Margaret Anne 16
Trott: W illie 14
Truett: Anne Sallee 23
Trumble: James 57
Trumbull: Catherine 94; G A 95; Geo A 94; Kate A 94; Robert 94
Tucker: James Hugh 23; Leota B 17; Lloyd Earl 38; Lucy 26; Mary Lueva 8, 9; Odessa 23
Turner: Adelia Frances 10; Anna B 12; Charles Lewis 12; Coke 25; Eliza [Reib] 69; John William 21; Lois 5
Turney: Infant of N G 81; J H 6 0
Margaret A 60
Turnmier: Walter R 70
Tyler: Alex L 44; Ella E 49; Ernest L 49; James M 44
Tyson: Mary Ethel 8

Uberman: Rodney Ray 90
Ueckert: Nadine 13
Uhl: Sue Irene 13
Uncell: Anna May 13
Underwood: Helen Fay 26; Leona Maude 26
Ursery: Michael Terry 90
Utay: Simon 16

Vacher: Edris 13
Valandingha: Everett Jose 90
Valentine: Daniel 47, 77; Mary Ann 47, 77
Van Cleave: Walter Shelby 90
Van Dusen: Charles Ray 14
Van Maanan: Herman 25
Van Walke: Mrs S 72
Van Wart: Charles E 23; Fergus M 10
Van Winkle: Andrew Parsons 8
Vance: J Dean 8; Mary Lee 20
Varble: Claude Wesley 72; Martha G [Grace] 72
Varble: Claude W 20
Varcasia: Nick 4
Varner: Henry 54; Mrs Callie 54
Vaughan: Byrdie Billie 17
Veach: Harold Whitlow 12
Veasy: Lucile Alean 26
Verschoyle: L R 20; Mildred 17
Vieregge: Walter 90
Viglini: John P 6
Vinson: K Douglas 9
Vise: Vera 15; Vera Elizabeth 15
Vittrup: Russell Lowell 21
Vogel: [Frank] Edward 78; Emma L 78; Frank E 78; Lizzie 79
Vogt: Effie A 15
Voss: Ralph 90; Violet F [Frances] 52
Voyd: F 79
Vroom: Miss Josie B 33

Waddle: James Paul 25
Wade: Mary Aurora 24; Woodie L 12
Wadleigh: J B 64; Nellie [Robbins] 64
Wadsworth: Sophia Rose 18
Waggener: Infant of Leslie 64
Wagnon: James S 20
Waldrop: Dale 20
Walford: E G F 94; J H 94; Miss L R 94
Walker: Burwell Green 29; Grace Trueman 10; James 29; James M 30; John P Jr 6; Quimby 29, 30; Robert Donald 91; S A 30; Sarah E 30; Stuart 20; Susan 28; W M 28
Wall: Arlon Daniel Jr 91; Carl W 20; Eulalia Lemmon 11
Waller: Grimes Rayburn 9
Walston: Ruby Pauline 26
Walters: A O 94; Mrs O 94; Ruth Thyrza 18
Walton: Ruth A [Adelle Utz] 56; Oscar Edward 23
Warburton: Mary E 47
Ward: Amos 46; Florence Virginia 23; James Quimby 28; Julia Stinson 46; Margaret Elizabeth 18; Margaret Ella Vee 26
Ware: Barbara 31, 32
Warlord: Margaret E 21
Warlick: Charles Edgar 17
Warmsley: Harold James 91
Warren: Albert Sidney 38; Richard L 39; Sleeta 13
Wartz: Hattie 93; Henry 93; Louisia 93
Washington: Donald Ray 91
Wastland: Finley 10
Waters: Martha Leake 64
William MacGowan 64
Waters: Glendon Lee 91
Waterstreet: D Olive 77
Watson: Alex 94, 95; Elizabeth 94; Ethel Louise 13; Evelyn 16; Floyd Edward 18; George 94; Ida Mae 5; Janie 94; Ruth 23; Sherman L 13; W Haskell 10
Watts: Mrs M A 48; W T 78
Weatherford: John Michael 91
Weathers: Lola 13
Weaver: Allen Price 91; Dixie L 74; Evelyn Elizabeth 5; Juel E Jr 4; Margaret 5; Raymond H 20; Thelma 20
Webb: Allen B [Bryant] 53; B Wrenn Jr 20; Haizlip 23; Irving H 16; James C 6; Mildred Eugenia 15; Raymond Lee 53; Robert Lee 53
Webber: George S 92
Weber: Oscar 55; Sophia Elizabeth 55
Webster: Cecelia May 67; Daniel Geo [George] 67; Edward T 67; Florence Bookhout 67; George A 67; Helen 67; John Lee: Sr 67; Mary Frances 67
Weehunt: Clarence Washington 38
Weekley: Pat 6
Weinstein: Denie 16
Weir: Alfreda Amelia 11
Welles: Raymond L 8
Wellman: Kenyon Gary 91
Wells: Frances Elizabeth 20; Lloyd Clifton 71; Margaret 26
Welton: Dorothea Vivian 13
Wendelken: Mrs J M 92
Wendt: Robert Wayne 91
Werry: John Henry 42; Susanna Waggener 42
West: Alma 20; Erin Q 13; George A 91; Jesse 20
Westbrook: Joseph W 25
Westerfield: Chas R 38; Sarah Brasher 38
Westerman: Roland 45
Wetzel: Daisy 94
Wharton: Harvey Kendric 23
Wheatly: Elizabeth [M] 37
Walter S 37
Wheeler: Lilla Mae 26; Rowena Travis 20
Whitaker: Ethel May 10
White: Charles Theron 91; Dorothy 17; Edmund C 54; Lois 8, 9; Panola M 54; Robert Elliott 23; Ruby Alyne 15; Samuel Martin 20; Tommie 91; Will W [William] 68
Whitehurst: Frank Elmore 17
Jewell Edwin 25
Whitley: Geo F 82
Whitney: Lorena 14
Whittemore: Mary E 60; Samuel S 60
Wicker: David E 25
Wiggins: Rufus S 41
Wiley: Frank David 91
Wilke: Alma Carrie 5
Wilkins: Roena Gerlena 26
Wilkinson: Albert Edward 42; James H 42; Nellie Mae 42; Trigg N 25
Willbern: Gary 83
Willeford: Jimmy Wayne 91
Williams: Benjamin L 82; Charlie B [Bedford] 78; Clifford Alice 76; Dave 65; E R 36; Elton Ray 20; Harold 32; James Wesley 91; Joe Buck 91; Juanita 13; Kate Fildes 50; Laura Mae 26; Minus 75; Mortimer 25; Mrs Sam W 65; Owen 13; Pierce 25; Rayfield 91; Raymond Sterling 47; Richard 20; Sam W 65; Tennie L [Lee] 78; Thomas Harvey 25; Vance George 91; Virginia 8; William 72; William J [Jefferson] 76; William Robert 4
Williamson: Alexander Roger Hennedy 38; Emily Ruth Rosendale 38; Herman F [Fred] 38; James W 45; Mary C 45; Pierce McDonald 24; William Ollie Jr 23
Willis: Catharin 26; Fredna H 21; John Andrews 25; Lois Estelle 10; Richard B 6; W Darrell 25
Willman: Gary Lynn 91
Wills: Hubert D 10
Willson: Loyd Meredith 91
Wilmans: Audrey Sarah 26
Wilmarth: Raymond Venner 15
Wilson: Annie Dee 15; Byrd Reed 23; Charles Edwin 91; Ferne 21; Geo Nathaniel 66; H Tevis 25; Helen Emma 26; Irene 20; Jimmie Myrel 5; Julius 13; Mattie B 66; Nodine Elizabeth 26; Robert J 10; Thomas Carl 23
Wimmer: Forrest Edward 39; J E & M M 39
Winder: Lafayette G 14
Winkler: Fred Paul 14
Winn: Joseph Eugene 72; Memford 18; Philetus E 12; Robert 10, 11
Wishard: C W 81
Withrow: Michael Dennis 91
Witt: Faye Evelyn 21; Pauline N 41
Witwer: Alice Fox 68; Chas Fox 68; W [Walter] Clare 68
Wolcott: O P 12
Wolf: Alphonso 19; David J 21
Wolfe: Frances B 10; Martin D 15
Wood: Frances Maude 21; Katie 54; Lester Lee 91; Susie 78
Woodruff: Floyd Russell 79; Louise 79
Woods: Jennie 81; Mrs J 81
Woodson: Frances Virginia 23
Wooley: Bailey C 20
Woolf: Henry David 6
Woolsey: Marie D 79
Wooly: J M 79
Work: Joseph Ausvil 54; Mabel A [Ann] 54; Samuel A 54
Works: James Reuben 8
Worley: Edward 94; John F 94, 95; John L 94; Mary 94
Worley: Walter Spray Jr 17
Worth: Verl Rhea 79
Worthington: William Floyd 4
Wray: Dr J J 80; Ralph H 71
Wright: Arthur G Jr 24; Donna Rae 26; Etta Mae 5; Ionea Beatrice 26; Juandolyn Constance 20; Lucille 13; Mamie 13
Wyche: Paul Granville 8
Wyche: Susie Lorine 23
Wylie: Horace Pierson 20
Wylie: Joe Lindsay 5
Wynne: Mary Argyle 14

Yancey: Joe Bailey 73
Yanke: Fritz 68
Yarrell: Thomas Moore 12
Yates: Charles Michael 91
Yingling: F J 94; Lillian G 94; Mary C 94
Yonack: Manuel M 6
Yopp: [H] Gordon 40; Alexander Franklin 39; Carrie Lee 40; Marie [Rie] Catherine 40; May S 39; Nannie May 39; Richard Franklin 39; Virginia Berry 39; Wm Isaac 39
Young: Clardy W 9; James Michael 91; Madolyn A 12; Mary E [C] 68; Paul 4, 5; William Robert 23
Youngblood: Ella Rowe Thompson 66
Younger: Suzan 31, 32
Yuerg: Marie 78

Zeibel: Elizabeth 13
Zeller: Henry M Jr 8
Zeller: Henry M Jr 8
Zimmerman: Mary M 76

Publisher: Dallas Genealogical Society

Format: Paper; Number of Pages: 128; Height (Inches): 11.0; Width (Inches): 8.5; Binding Type: Glued;

Language: English

Rights Holder: Copyright - Dallas Genealogical Society