Getting Started in Genealogy

Whether you are just beginning to learn or have been involved in the genealogy for a long time there’s always something new to learn. And learning is easier (and a lot more fun) when you are around others who are as excited and passionate about genealogy are you are (or will be!).

So you want to discover more about your family? Here are some great resources to help you get started.

Family Search is an outstanding, free resource that has a lot of information that will help you begin your journey of discovery quickly. also has a lot of free resources available.


The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is the nations’ record keeper.

The Archives Library Information Center contains a wealth of information to help you get started.

  • How to do genealogical research
  • Helpful genealogy sites
  • Resources around the world
  • Searchable databases
  • Ethnic Heritage
  • State Archives
  • Vital Records
  • Genealogy blogs