The Dallas Quarterly | March 1990 – Volume XXXVI, Number 1

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Title: The Dallas Quarterly

Created: March 1990

Editor: Adrienne B. Jamieson




Publisher: Dallas Genealogical Society

Format: Paper; Number of Pages: 68; Height (Inches): 11; Width (Inches): 8.5; Binding Type: Stapled;

Language: English

Rights Holder: Copyright – Dallas Genealogical Society

View Index of Names

Adair, 34
Adams, 37
Albrite, 39
Alden, 58
Alexander, 54
Andrew, 26
Angus, 46
Ase, 37
Atkinson, 30, 34

Baker, 29
Ballard, 37
Bandy, 42
Banks, 33
Barnes, 55
Bartlett, 28
Baxter, 54, 58
Beggs, 37, 40
Bell, 54
Bemis, 31
Bennett, 59
Benton, 27
Bilingsy, 39
Bisset, 33
Blackburn, 38
Blaylock, 48
Bockstruck, 1
Bott, 57
Bowman, 27
Bowser, 46
Boyd, 52
Bradley, 37
Brattan, 33
Brem, 33
Brogdon, 37
Brooks, 38
Browne, 34
Byington, 27

Caldwell, 33
Campbell, 33, 37, 50, 53
Cantrel, 39
Carter, 34, 37, 55
Casper, 37, 40
Chamberlain, 29
Chamberlin, 26,
Chase, 28, 32
Clark, 33, 55
Clifford, 37, 40
Cline, 55
Cockrell, 59
Coffman, 37
Collins, 51
Condon, 42
Conway, 59
Cook, 40
Cope, 37, 40
Copeland, 27
Coplin, 39
Corzine, 37, 39, 40
Cosby, 27
Coyper, 40
Cravens, 55
Crippen, 39

Davault, 40
Davidson, 54, 55
Davis, 37, 40
Dawes, 32
Dempsy, 38
Deweese, 37
Dewey, 47
Dod, 31, 33
Donden, 54
Dooley, 37
Doremus, 28
Douglass, 32
Dun, 39
Duncan, 33
Dunham, 43
Dunlap, 32

Edwards, 39
Enders, 34
Ernest, 38
Ervay, 55
Evans, 55
Ewings, 54

Fain, 37
Finney, 54
Fisher, 52
Fiske, 27
Fleming, 32
Folsom, 27
Foster, 33
Frank, 50
Frazier, 55
Freeman, 36
Frierson, 32

Gales, 40
Garner, 53
Gearhart, 55
Gillingham, 54
Gilmore, 54
Graham, 31, 32
Grantham, 38
Graves, 30
Gray, 37, 39, 53
Grincy, 37
Griney, 40
Gullett, 32

Hack, 55
Haley, 54
Hall, 29, 30
Hamilton, 52
Hammel, 27
Hanks, 39
Hawpe, 43
Hays, 54
Head, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40
Henderson, 29, 33
Henerd, 38
Hileman, 38
Hill, 39, 55
Hilton, 39
Himes, 55
Hinkel, 40
Hoffner, 38, 40
Holcomb, 55
Holt, 28
Hotchkin, 27
Hughs, 37, 40
Hutchins, 42
Hutto, 36
Hutton, 40, 57

Inslee, 27
Irby, 53
Irwin, 55
Ivens, 36

Jackson, 54
Jacobs, 32
Janes, 40
Jefferson, 26
Jennings, 54
Jerbey, 39
Jerley, 39
Johnson, 37, 40
Jones, 31, 39, 40
Jonsson, 25, 55
Joor, 28
Jost, 40

Karaker, 37, 40
Keer, 39
Keller, 35, 37, 39, 40
Kelley, 55
Kendall, 59
Kerr, 27, 38, 55
Kilpatrick, 33
Kingsbury, 27
Kyle, 55

Lacey, 55
Lake, 53
Lamb, 39
Larned, 29
Lasater, 38
Laseter, 39
Lee, 31
Leggett, 55
Lence, 37
Leonard, 55
Leovy, 34
Levisse, 30, 32
Lewis, 58
Loughridge, 30
Lu, 25
Lucas, 55

Markham, 27
Martin, 30,
Mawberry, 39
McAlpine, 33
McCann, 27
McClinton, 54
McCormick, 32
McDonough, 55
McElroy, 38
McFadden, 27
McFarland, 35
McGinnis, 37
McIntire, 37
McJunkin, 56
McKay, 33
McKey, 32
McMillan, 59
McMurray, 33
McPhail, 33
Miles, 37, 40
Miller, 30, 37, 55
Misenhamer, 37
Mize, 39
Monroe, 34
Montgomery, 32, 34
Moore, 43
Moorman, 5
Moran, 54
Morrison, 33, 54, 56
Morton, 52
Moseley, 56

Narrd, 52
Nevins, 31
Newman, 43
Nichols, 55
Norton, 55

O'Callaghan, 59
Olcott, 53
Osman, 37
Ott, 31

Parker, 39
Parsons, 59
Patterson, 27
Pealler, 40
Pender, 38
Peney, 36
Penrod, 37, 40
Penry, 40
Peoples, 27
Philips, 32
Phillips, 30
Post, 29
Potts, 26
Prewitt, 55
Pringle, 55
Purviance, 31

Rabins, 38
Ragins, 38
Ragsdale, 38
Ramsey, 33
Randall, 43, 54
Raurk, 54
Reanes, 40
Reaney, 40
Reed, 43
Rennel, 39
Reyner, 55
Rheinlander, 42
Rhody, 27
Rhyne, 56
Rich, 42
Richardson, 37
Rickey, 55
Rieme, 43
Riley, 42
Roach, 41, 42
Roberts, 42
Robinson, 41
Robison, 34
Rodgers, 54
Rogers, 42
Roggs, 40
Rojas, 39
Rollins, 41
Rood, 33
Rose, 42,
Roseberry, 42
Roser, 58
Ross, 25, 41, 42
Rowland, 42
Rowlett, 41
Russ, 54
Rust, 42, 55

Sabatoni, 42
Sanders, 47
Scarborough, 33
Schaeffer, 59
Schonfelder, 47
Schuler, 47
Schwartz, 32
Scott, 47
Scruggs, 47
Scudder, 47
Season, 47
Self, 53
Sexton, 39
Sharp, 46
Shattuck, 27
Shaw, 46
Sheets, 46
Sheffer, 37
Shellalo, 55
Sheridan, 46
Sherwood, 37
Shipp, 46
Shipperly, 46
Shuford, 32
Siegling, 54
Simmons, 46
Simonton, 32
Simpson, 40
Sinn, 46
Slaughter, 46
Sleven, 46
Smith, 25, 27, 29, 32, 39, 41, 44, 45, 55
Sorenson, 45
Sowers, 37
Spann, 44
Sparks, 55
Spaulding, 45
Spear, 45
Spears, 45
Spellman, 45
Spillman, 44, 46
Spiser, 39
Stadden, 44
Stallings, 44
Stanton, 29, 37
Steele, 44
Stephens, 44
Stephenson, 43, 44
Stevens, 43
Steward, 40
Stewart, 33
Stichred, 43
Stingle, 43
Stout, 43, 54
Stover, 44
Stratton, 29
Stuart, 45
Stubbs, 43
Summers, 44
Syfert, 43

Taber, 40
Tackett, 48
Talear, 40
Taler, 40
Talone, 49
Tanco, 49
Tanner, 48
Tapp, 49
Tappan, 50
Tatum, 49
Taylor, 49, 50, 55
Terrell, 30
Thewlis, 49
Thomas, 47, 48, 49
Thomason, 48
Thompson, 30, 46, 54
Thornton, 50
Thrash, 49
Tillery, 50
Tipton, 56, 57
Titterington, 49
Todd, 48
Toomey, 48
Torrey, 48
Tramble, 48
Trees, 48
Trevathon, 48
Trotman, 40
Troy, 47
Tullem, 38
Tunnell, 47
Tunstall, 48
Turner, 47, 50

Unger, 50

Vandervort, 55
Vanderwalk, 50
Vaughan, 50
Victor, 50
Vines, 39
Votes, 50

Wade, 52
Wahl, 52
Walker, 33
Walls, 52
Walthal, 53
Ward, 53
Wark, 51
Warner, 53
Warren, 53
Warrick, 38
Washer, 37
Washington, 26
Watson, 52, 53
Webb, 52, 53
Weeks, 29
Weisman, 53,
Wells, 31
Welsh, 52
West, 55
Whaley, 48
Wharton, 33
White, 25, 37, 52, 53, 55
Whittock, 55
Wickersham, 52
Wienges, 32
Wilcox, 55
Wilhelm, 51
Wilhoite, 52
Wilks, 52
William, 38
Williams, 39, 51, 52, 53, 55
Wilson, 26, 27, 34, 37, 51, 55
Windrow, 51
Wineoff, 32
Winn, 33, 52
Winningkoff, 51
Winslow, 58
Wolf, 51
Wolfe, 43
Wolford, 50
Woods, 50
Woodson, 51
Worley, 50
Wright, 27, 51, 55
Wullschlger, 51

Yost, 37
Young, 53, 54
Youngblood, 54

Zachra, 54
Zimmerman, 54
Zollver, 54