A Long Time Coming (we’re meeting in person)

A Long Time Coming (we’re meeting in person)

by Jim Thornhill

In April of 2020 we were camped at a very wet Cooper Lake State Park when my kids and grandkids stopped by for a visit. I remember them remarking that they were glad to get out since they were going stir crazy after five days of being cooped up and denied their normal activities. It’s amazing we survived the last two years!

I feel the same way regarding my family history friends. When am I going to see you all again? Well, the time is coming soon!

September 10th will be our first in person meeting since April of 2020 and it’s going to be a celebration! For those of you who can make it to the Central Branch of the Dallas Public Library, we are going to have a special day. For those of you who can’t, we will miss you. As always you can join the meeting via Zoom.

If you can attend in person, here’s what we have in store:

David Rencher
  • Our meeting speaker will be Family Search Chief Genealogist David Rencher. David will be joining us via live streaming to talk about the FamilySearch website; how to get started, what’s new, and hidden secrets we need to know about.
  • Next will be lunch—on us! We want everyone to hang around and get reacquainted. To claim your lunch, just click the button below to let us know you are coming and what you want to eat. It’s that simple! If you want to bring your own lunch, we would love for you to join us!
  • After lunch we will be meeting on the 8th floor where we have reserved their bank of computers. That will give us all a chance to practice what we learned during the meeting. If you want to bring you laptop, no problem! Whether you are just getting started or are an experienced FamilySearch user, volunteers will be on hand to answer questions and unlock the vast world of FamilySearch.

Plan on joining us on September 10th at 10:30 (note the change in date).