
The Society was first known as the “Local History and Genealogical Society”. Its first meeting was held 26 October 1954 when 22 people meet at the downtown Dallas YMCA to discuss having a society with goals to preserve heritage and records.

Dallas Public Library - 1955
Dallas Public Library – 1955

Our first publication was a single page printed on both sides dated 21 February 1955. In 1957 we began producing a Quarterly publication that continued until 1996 when we changed to an annual Journal. Newsletters have been published since early in the society’s existence. Archived copies for years beginning 2002 are available under the Collections tab.

November 1955 is an important month in the history of the Society as that was the month the first night meeting was held at the library, the first clinic was held, and a Charter was obtained for a non-profit corporation based in Texas.

Over the years meetings have been held during the day, at night, and alternating between the two. Today we hold the general meetings the first Saturday of the month and have added monthly meetings for some special genealogically related interest groups. We’ve had fall festivals, lecture series, and summer institutes to help educate and to raise funds.

Sometime over the years the Local History and Genealogical Society became the Dallas Genealogical Society. Check out our timeline on Enwoven.