Are you using DNA strategically?

Are you using DNA strategically?

Diahan Southard is a leading voice for consumer DNA testing, one of the world’s most fascinating, dynamic and socially-transformative new hobbies. Nearly 30 million people have taken a DNA test. The numbers keep rising and so do the uses of their data–and questions about that use. As Founder of Your DNA Guide, Diahan teaches internationally, writes for popular magazines, consults with leading testing companies, is author of Your DNA Guide- The Book, and producer of Your DNA Guide – the Academy, an online learning experience. You will walk away from an interaction with her enlightened and motivated as she has a passion for genetic genealogy, a genuine love for people, and a gift for making the technical understandable.

The Dallas Genealogical Society is proud to host Diahan Southard at our Spring 2022 Seminar. The seminar will be live-streamed to you via Zoom on Saturday, April 23. Join us from the comfort of your home or anywhere you have Internet access. Go to our website for the day’s schedule and a list of Diahan’s lectures.

Check out Your DNA Guide on Diahan’s YouTube channel for additional information about Diahan.

Be sure to claim your early-bird discount and register by April 3, 2022. DGS members receive an additional discount. As a DGS member, you can save as much as $30 if you register by the April 3 early-bird deadline.

Please consider becoming a DGS member. Annual membership costs just $35.