Category: eNews Articles

Out of the Attic – Rebekah Lodge

“While going through a metal box of items belonging to my great grandmother and great aunt,” writes Barbara Ware, “I found several items including items related to the Farmersville Rebekah Lodge.”

Readers Respond: April 2022 e-News DNA Quiz

We had our largest survey response ever to the April 2022 DNA quiz. We asked readers to share their thoughts with us about their DNA test results.

Save the Date for the DGS Summer Seminar – July 16, 2022

The Dallas Genealogical Society is pleased to present our Summer Seminar 2022.

Martha Didn’t Eat Dinner . . . or Anything Else

In 1934, not long after Martha Nasch (1890-1970) returned home on parole from a seven-year sentencing at Minnesota’s Saint Peter State Hospital for the Insane, her husband called the press.

A Second Chance at Rootstech 2022

Rootstech 2022 occurred live March 3-5, 2022. For the second year, it was 100% virtual, offering presentations from all around the globe in multiple languages.

Murder in the Genes

For many years, we never knew why the Palmers, a cluster of my wife Patti’s ancestors on her mother’s side, uprooted from their farms in Alabama between 1880 and 1900, and moved to Texas.

Grandmother, the Census and ‘Mr.’ Fannie Green

When I first became interested in genealogy, my grandmother, Betty Ross Crook, steered me to research at

Alternative Methods for Researching African-American Genealogy

The advent of databases like 23andMe and has produced a revolution in genealogical tracing, allowing people to look into their family histories with remarkable ease.

Irish Families turns over a new leaf for genealogists

It is probable that many Americans who consider themselves Irish are unaware that their immigrant ancestors from that island did not.

Out of the Attic: A Photo Album Detective Story

My mother bought two antique photo albums at the Canton, Texas flea market around 1986.