Category: eNews Articles

Successful Reunion – A DNA Adoption Story

Hello, my name is Ron and Ancestry DNA shows that we are cousins. I’m adopted and looking for my biological parents. I was adopted in Dallas, Texas in 1971 when I was born.

McGowan Funeral Home Collection

An overview of the McGowan Funeral Home Collection, and the kinds of information you may find in its records

The National Park Service and the 19th Amendment

What a lot of people don’t realize, is that the story of the Homestead Act of 1862 is closely connected to the story of women’s suffrage.

Dallas and Pandemics: We’ve Been There Before

It all seems very familiar – people saying that it’s “a hoax,” science scrambling to find an answer.

Aerial Photographs Online

Vintage Aerial, an exhibitor at RootsTech 2020, has fourteen million aerial photographs of rural America spanning the 1960s to early 2000s.

Online Access to Databases at the Dallas Public Library

The Genealogy Section of the J. Erik Jonsson Central Library offers several online databases used by genealogists.

Grove Hill Cemetery Interment Cards – 1911 to 1985

The interments for Grove Hill Cemetery in Dallas are available on the Family Search website under the title Burial index file, death, and interment records, 1911 – 1985.

Google is Your Friend, part 4: Google Translate

I am proud to say I am bi-lingual. I speak two languages, Texan and English. As English is my second language, sometimes I struggle but I do the best that I can.

Engaging the Next Generation

When my youngest son Nathan attended New Tech High at Coppell, he became interested in the Civil War.

Google is Your Friend, part 3: Google Scholar

There are several sources you can go to find information on how your ancestors lived. But how do you find them? Google Scholar.