Celebrate the holidays with a gift to the Dallas Public Library

Celebrate the holidays with a gift to the Dallas Public Library

DGS usually holds its annual awards meeting and holiday lunch on the second weekend of December in competition with the Dallas Marathon. The DGS Board had already decided to reschedule the event to May 2021 to avoid the December conflicts, well before the COVID health crisis resulted in the library’s closure.  In a year filled with challenges and changes to our regular activities, we cannot meet in person for the December general meeting. We will meet virtually, and we can still show our holiday spirit.

The Dallas Genealogical Society Board has decided to give a holiday gift to the Genealogy Section at the J. Erik Jonsson Central Library. At the DGS Board’s request, Genealogy Division manager, Stephanie Bennett, identified three books for their holiday wish-list. 

The Mayflower 500: Five Hundred Notable Descendants of the Founding Families of the Mayflower by Gary Boyd Roberts. 

Early New England Families 1641-1700, Volume 2 by Alicia Crane Williams

The Mayflower Migration: Immigrants to Plymouth, 1620 by Robert Charles Anderson

DGS is accepting donations to fund these holiday gifts. These books will be available for use once the library reopens, and they hold a wealth of information for researchers with early colonial ancestry.

Share the holiday spirit with a donation to raise the approximately $200 needed to purchase the books.

Happy Holidays!
The DGS Board of Directors.