DNA at RootsTech

DNA at RootsTech

RootsTech, the largest genealogy conference, just finished the first London event.  The upcoming RootsTech 2020 event in Salt Lake City promises to offer traditional, non-traditional and DNA genealogy programming.

Today, you can view previous DNA sessions at RootsTech through the years via the archived sessions at www.rootstech.org.

RootsTech London 2019

Two “beginning” session with a British accent are:

From RootsTech Salt Lake City 2019

The Dallas Genealogical Society DNA Special Interest Group meets 3rd Thursdays, from 6:00 to 7:30 pm in the Stone Room on the 7th floor of the J. Erik Jonsson Central Library, 1515 Young Street, Dallas.  Meetings are open to all.  Check the DGS calendar or DNA SIG page for more information.