
Summer Symposium: Researching In Texas

1st Floor - Auditorium, J. Erik Jonsson Central Library 1515 Young Street, Dallas, TX, United States

The Dallas Genealogical Society invites you to join us for a two-day seminar focused on Texas Research featuring Teri Flack, a noted research with a deep background on the topic, as well as representatives from the University of North Texas Portal to Texas History, The University of Texas at Arlington Special Collection and the Dallas Public…
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Fall Seminar featuring Dr. Michael Lacopo

1st Floor - Auditorium, J. Erik Jonsson Central Library 1515 Young Street, Dallas, TX, United States

We are very excited to be welcoming Dr. Michael Lacopo who will be presenting a one-day series of lectures titled 'Thinking, Assessing, & Storytelling: Genealogy Beyond Birth, Marriage & Death'.

2016: Spring Seminar: Paul Milner

1st Floor - Auditorium, J. Erik Jonsson Central Library 1515 Young Street, Dallas, TX, United States

Millions of people immigrated to this country. This seminar will help you understand why they left, how they got here and how to trace their steps with an emphasis on the British Isles.

Fall Seminar featuring Curt Witcher

1st Floor - West Room, J. Erik Jonsson Central Library 1515 Young Street, Dallas, TX, United States

Be sure to join us as we welcome Curt Witcher, the Senior Manager for Special Collections at the Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne, IN where he manages The Genealogy Center, the institution’s Rare and Fine Book Collection, and the Lincoln Financial Foundation Collection of Abraham Lincoln materials.

2017 Spring Seminar: Tom Jones

1st Floor - Auditorium, J. Erik Jonsson Central Library 1515 Young Street, Dallas, TX, United States

DGS Spring Seminar with Tom Jones

Fall Seminar featuring D. Joshua Taylor

1st Floor - Auditorium, J. Erik Jonsson Central Library 1515 Young Street, Dallas, TX, United States

Fall Seminar featuring D. Joshua Taylor

2018 Spring Seminar: Michael L. Strauss

1st Floor - Community Showcase Room, J. Erik Jonsson Central Library 1515 Young Street, Dallas, TX, United States

Michael L. Strauss, AG, is a professional Accredited Genealogist and a nationally recognized genealogical speaker. A native of Pennsylvania and a resident of Utah, he has been employed as a Forensic Genealogist for 25 years. The topics for the seminar are Revolutionary War Genealogical Research; Researching Your Mexican War Ancestors; Researching Your Ancestors during the Reconstruction Era, and Genealogical Research in Washington, DC.