
MacGen Reunion Group

8th Floor - McDermott Room, J. Erik Jonnson Central Library 1515 Young Street, Dallas, TX, United States

We will be covering Heredis genealogy software and DNAPainter in this meeting See the MacGen Reunion Group SIG page for more information.

Roots Magic Special Interest Group

5th Floor - Hamon Room, J. Erik Jonsson Central Library 1515 Young, Dallas, TX-Texas, United States

See the Roots Magic page for more information...

Jewish Special Interest Group

8th Floor - McDermott Room, J. Erik Jonnson Central Library 1515 Young Street, Dallas, TX, United States

For anyone with actual (or suspected) Jewish ancestral lines. For more information, see the Jewish SIG page.

Brown Bag Special Interest Group

8th Floor - McDermott Room, J. Erik Jonnson Central Library 1515 Young Street, Dallas, TX, United States

The Brown Bag SIG is for genealogists who want to learn advanced methodology skills and techniques. See the Brown Bag SIG page for more information.

Jewish Special Interest Group

8th Floor - McDermott Room, J. Erik Jonnson Central Library 1515 Young Street, Dallas, TX, United States

For anyone with actual (or suspected) Jewish ancestral lines. For more information, see the Jewish SIG page.

Brown Bag Special Interest Group

8th Floor - McDermott Room, J. Erik Jonnson Central Library 1515 Young Street, Dallas, TX, United States

The Brown Bag SIG is for genealogists who want to learn advanced methodology skills and techniques. See the Brown Bag SIG page for more information.

Jewish Special Interest Group

8th Floor - McDermott Room, J. Erik Jonnson Central Library 1515 Young Street, Dallas, TX, United States

For anyone with actual (or suspected) Jewish ancestral lines. For more information, see the Jewish SIG page.

Brown Bag Special Interest Group

8th Floor - McDermott Room, J. Erik Jonnson Central Library 1515 Young Street, Dallas, TX, United States

The Brown Bag SIG is for genealogists who want to learn advanced methodology skills and techniques. See the Brown Bag SIG page for more information.

Technology Special Interest Group

7th Floor - Stone Room, J. Erik Jonnson Central Library 1515 Young Street, Dallas, TX, United States

Tonight’s topic: Using on-line applications to plan a research trip/project, family gathering, etc. This is an overview of how online applications like Pinterest, Evernote, OneNote, Facebook, Google Docs and bookmarks can be used to plan a research project or trip, a family gathering, or just about any project. Several of the applications allow you share…
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Roots Magic Special Interest Group

5th Floor - Hamon Room, J. Erik Jonsson Central Library 1515 Young, Dallas, TX-Texas, United States

See the Roots Magic page for more information...

African American Genealogical Interest Group

1st Floor - West Room, J. Erik Jonsson Central Library 1515 Young Street, Dallas, TX, United States

Discusses and explores areas of research unique to the African American community. See the African American GIG page for more information.

Jewish Special Interest Group

8th Floor - McDermott Room, J. Erik Jonnson Central Library 1515 Young Street, Dallas, TX, United States

For anyone with actual (or suspected) Jewish ancestral lines. For more information, see the Jewish SIG page.

DNA Special Interest Group

7th Floor - Stone Room, J. Erik Jonnson Central Library 1515 Young Street, Dallas, TX, United States

The Dallas Genealogical Society DNA Special Interest Group is beginning the 2018-2019 year with a special speaker: Larry Youngblood. The meeting will be in the 7th floor, Stone Room, of the J. Erik Jonsson Central Library, 1515 Young Street, 6 pm to 7:30 pm, Thursday, September 20, 2018. “Colonial Ancestors – Knocking down brick walls…
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Brown Bag Special Interest Group

8th Floor - McDermott Room, J. Erik Jonnson Central Library 1515 Young Street, Dallas, TX, United States

The Brown Bag SIG is for genealogists who want to learn advanced methodology skills and techniques. See the Brown Bag SIG page for more information.

Technology Special Interest Group

7th Floor - Stone Room, J. Erik Jonnson Central Library 1515 Young Street, Dallas, TX, United States

Deep dive into the Dallas Public Library online resources. The Dallas Public Library has a long list of online resources and databases that can be used for your genealogical research. A few of these resources can be accessed only from the library, but many can be accessed any place you have Internet access. Several of…
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MacGen Reunion Group

8th Floor - McDermott Room, J. Erik Jonnson Central Library 1515 Young Street, Dallas, TX, United States

The MacGen Reunion Group covers genealogy from a Mac-centric view, with an emphasis on Reunion genealogy software. We're going to have a really different and hopefully fun meeting this month covering: Pet pedigrees and DNA, using Reunion to identify DNA cousins, and house histories. See the MacGen Reunion Group SIG page for more information.

Jewish Special Interest Group

Tycher Library, Jewish Community Center 7900 Northaven Road, Dallas, TX, United States

The October meeting has been rescheduled for Tycher Library on Northaven at 10:30 am. For more information about the group, see the Jewish SIG page.

DNA Special Interest Group

7th Floor - Stone Room, J. Erik Jonnson Central Library 1515 Young Street, Dallas, TX, United States

The purpose of the DNA Interest Group is to explore the use of DNA as a genealogical tool. See the DNA Interest Group page for more information.

African American Genealogical Interest Group

1st Floor - West Room, J. Erik Jonsson Central Library 1515 Young Street, Dallas, TX, United States

Discusses and explores areas of research unique to the African American community. See the African American GIG page for more information.

DNA Special Interest Group

7th Floor - Stone Room, J. Erik Jonnson Central Library 1515 Young Street, Dallas, TX, United States

The purpose of the DNA Interest Group is to explore the use of DNA as a genealogical tool. See the DNA Interest Group page for more information.