
MacGen Reunion Group

8th Floor - McDermott Room, J. Erik Jonnson Central Library 1515 Young Street, Dallas, TX, United States

Recording DNA Data with Reunion; Exporting Family Tree Maker into Reunion

Jewish Special Interest Group

8th Floor - McDermott Room, J. Erik Jonnson Central Library 1515 Young Street, Dallas, TX, United States

DNA Special Interest Group

5th Floor - Hamon Room, J. Erik Jonsson Central Library 1515 Young, Dallas, TX-Texas, United States

Brown Bag Special Interest Group

8th Floor - McDermott Room, J. Erik Jonnson Central Library 1515 Young Street, Dallas, TX, United States

Technology Special Interest Group

5th Floor - Hamon Room, J. Erik Jonsson Central Library 1515 Young, Dallas, TX-Texas, United States

Using Web-based Apps to Publish

Jewish Special Interest Group

8th Floor - McDermott Room, J. Erik Jonnson Central Library 1515 Young Street, Dallas, TX, United States

DNA Special Interest Group

5th Floor - Hamon Room, J. Erik Jonsson Central Library 1515 Young, Dallas, TX-Texas, United States

The Dallas Genealogical Society DNA Interest Group (DIG) will meet on Thursday, March 17, 2016 in the Hamon Room (5th floor) of the J. Erik Jonsson Central Library from 6:00 p.m to 7:30 p.m. Celebrate your DNA ethnic heritage on St. Patrick's Day as Mic Barnette, SIG Leader, will discuss ethnicity results found in FTDNA…
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Brown Bag Special Interest Group

8th Floor - McDermott Room, J. Erik Jonnson Central Library 1515 Young Street, Dallas, TX, United States

The topic for the March Brown Bag SIG discussion will be about writing an ancestor character sketch for a family history.  The Register Style for building a character sketch can be found in Guide to Genealogical Writing pp. 14-18. As a writing assignment you should choose one of your ancestors and write a short sketch…
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MacGen Reunion Group

8th Floor - McDermott Room, J. Erik Jonnson Central Library 1515 Young Street, Dallas, TX, United States

Jewish Special Interest Group

8th Floor - McDermott Room, J. Erik Jonnson Central Library 1515 Young Street, Dallas, TX, United States

DNA Special Interest Group

5th Floor - Hamon Room, J. Erik Jonsson Central Library 1515 Young, Dallas, TX-Texas, United States

We will talk about the changes in GEDMatch for FTDNA users, share what the DIG members have learned from using GEDMatch during the past two months, and look at the following features in GEDMatch. GEDCOM to All 2 GEDCOMs Search all GEDCOMs GEDCOM + DNA Matches User Lookup

Brown Bag Special Interest Group

8th Floor - McDermott Room, J. Erik Jonnson Central Library 1515 Young Street, Dallas, TX, United States

Jewish Special Interest Group

8th Floor - McDermott Room, J. Erik Jonnson Central Library 1515 Young Street, Dallas, TX, United States

DNA Special Interest Group

5th Floor - Hamon Room, J. Erik Jonsson Central Library 1515 Young, Dallas, TX-Texas, United States