Marriage records — the most romantic of the vital records — can be difficult to locate, but once found, can provide important clues for your family history research. Learn about the different types of marriage records, where to search for them, and what to do if you can't find one!
Join Dr. Terry M Turner, Dallas Genealogy Secretary, presenting "Finding Your African American Ancestors." This is a Zoom meeting, registration is required.
Do you have photos, scrapbooks or slides that you want to digitize? Join Genealogy & History Manager Stephanie Bennett to learn about the ins and outs of family history scanning and digitization and how the Heritage Lab located on the 8th floor of the J. Erik Jonsson Central Library can help you achieve your family history preservation goals!
Years of history and tradition are contained in the food we eat every day. Celebrate Black History Month with food, community, and conversation. Enjoy a selection of small plates created by Chef Tish Crear of Recipe Oak Cliff.
Are you stuck trying to trace your African American ancestors back through history? For many African Americans, genealogy research before 1870 can be a tough hurdle to overcome. Join Dallas Public Library Genealogy Specialist Ari Wilkins to learn about sources and strategies to trace your ancestors back into the Antebellum Era.
Join us over Zoom or in person on the 7th floor! Ari Wilkins will present "Let Your Fingers Do the Walking: Exploring City Directories, Telephone Books and Criss-Cross Directories."
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