Join DGS Seminar Administrator Barbara Coakley Presenting Searching vs. Research. Searching is just one step in the research process. A case study based on a family story from Chicago in the 1920s demonstrates the research process from beginning to end - how to develop a research goal, plan the research, document results, and preserve your findings.
Disability is an essential part of being human. Our ancestors and relatives faced temporary and permanent disabilities just like we do now, though how they lived and in what conditions differed. Learn about types of institutions, practices, and potential records to learn more about your disabled ancestors.
Join Emily Coffman Richardson presenting "Using Documentation – Identifying Documentation as found in Genealogical Records with an Eye on Proof and Citations."
Your Dallas Public Library card can take your family history search to new places! Learn how to get started online with your family history search and receive a brief overview of how each genealogy database will help you in your search. For those with more research experience, learn about non-traditional databases that might benefit your family history search.
Join the Van Zandt Genealogical Society and Patti Huff Smith for an afternoon of learning and fun! The topic is learning to get the most out of DNA data by using GEDmatch
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