From The President – Preserving Cemeteries

From The President – Preserving Cemeteries

by Tony Hanson

“We got a call about encroachment within the boundary of the Horton Cemetery by a construction company working for the bordering Townview Mobil Home Park. They have moved the bordering fence for construction access. It does have a historical marker.”

The Dallas Genealogical Society received this information in a January 7th voice message. It started a flurry of activity focused on the Horton Cemetery; actually, the two cemeteries known as the Horton Family Cemetery and the Horton Negro Cemetery.

It triggered intense research into its history and a renewed attempt to correctly identify the burials that occurred in one of the oldest cemeteries in the Dallas area.

In partnership with members of Preservation Dallas and the Dallas County Pioneer Association, we are taking steps to ensure that the construction does not encroach or endanger the property. In addition, we are taking steps to have the City of Dallas issue a Historic Landmark designation.

Read more about the properties on our website: