From the President: volunteers are always needed

by Tony Hanson
I miss experiencing the more defined seasons that occurred when I was living in Chicago. Unlike Texas, I could count on a gradual warming up in the spring and anticipate a cooling off in fall. The weather was predictable, and I knew what to expect.
Organizations such as ours move reassuringly through predictable cycles as well, and it is time for us to once again embrace two annual activities.
Board Nominations
Our next slate of leaders will be presented by our nominating committee at the April 6 general meeting, and the election will be held at our May 4 meeting. Our nominating committee has been appointed and has begun the process of identifying candidates for our next President, Vice President and Secretary. Once elected, this team will select and appoint the remaining members of the board, who will assume their positions in September following the process defined in our bylaws.
To me, the only thing more challenging than being the President of this society is finding someone who wants to be the next President. Finding someone who meets the basic requirements (having previously served on the board in some capacity and possessing a pulse) is hard. Finding someone who meets the basic requirements, has the requisite skills and a strong desire to lead is even more difficult. I know you are out there somewhere.
I take a longer-term view of things, and I encourage you to do the same. You don’t need to begin your board engagement at the top. I encourage you to get engaged now in some smaller way. Meet some of the other volunteers, gain some new skills and observe how a successful society is managed.
Nominate someone now using this form.
Annual Awards
Every year we present several awards at our Annual Meeting (which will occur in May this year) in recognition of individuals and organizations that contribute to the goals of our society. Please take a few minutes to think about those deserving of recognition and submit a nomination: