June 8 DNA Workshop

The Dallas Genealogical Society will be conducting a beginner’s DNA workshop on Saturday June 8. “You Have Your Ancestry.com DNA Results: Now What?” will provide genealogical researchers with information about the fundamental concepts of genetic DNA testing and demonstrate the DNA tools and resources provided by Ancestry.com.
This is being planned as a hybrid (in-person and virtual) event let by DGS volunteers. The cost will be $15 for DGS members and $20 for others. Lunch will be provided for an additional $15. Please see https://dallasgenealogy.org/meetings-events/dna-workshop-june-2024/ for additional information.
If you are interested in participating, you are strongly encouraged to test with Ancestry.com in advance so you can work with your results during the workshop. If you have not yet purchased and submitted a DNA kit with Ancestry.com you are also encouraged to refer to our “DNA Testing With Ancestry.com” web page at https://dallasgenealogy.org/dna-testing-with-ancestry-com/ which provides useful information and guidance about the process.
Can’t wait to get started? Our DNA Special Interest Group meets virtually at 6:00 pm CST on the 3rdGett Thursday of odd months (September through May): The next meeting is scheduled for March 21. They welcome anybody with an interest in genetic research. Please refer to their web page for more information at https://dallasgenealogy.org/meetings-events/special-interest-groups/dna-2/.