Mount Olive Cemetery

Mount Olive Cemetery
aka Horton Slave Cemetery, Crestview Memorial Park

LOCATION: South of I-30, east of Walton Walker (Loop12), Dallas, Texas (Arcadia Park). Turn off service road on Town View; go through trailer park to back.  Cemetery is northeast of trailer park, east of and adjacent to Horton Family Cemetery.

A section of the Horton Family Cemetery was set aside for slaves belonging to the Horton Family.  G. Brummond Hunt sold one acre of land, which had “for many years past has been used as a place of burial for members of the Negro race…” to the Mt. Olive Baptist Church years prior to 1952 when this sale was put into the records of the county. In 1954 Mt. Olive Baptist Church provided a quit-claim deed to the cemetery to the Crestview Memorial Park, Inc. which planned to include this cemetery and the Horton Cemetery in the Crestview Memorial Park.  Crestview Memorial Park was dedicated in 1956, but undedicated in 1968. The Horton Cemetery and the former slave cemetery (Mount Olive) remained dedicated as cemeteries.

DGS volunteers inventoried this cemetery in March 1992 and published the transcription under the name of the Crestview Memorial Park.  There are many unmarked graves and many marked with field stone markers.  Other sources consulted: typescript survey made by Barney C. Jones, 1985; and Grand Prairie Cemeteries, Dallas County, by Grand Prairie Genealogical Society (GPGS), 1984. This transcription has been updated with information from death certificates.  No death certificates were found designating burial at Mt. Olive or Crestview Cemetery. The death certificates belonging to the tombstones found at Mt. Olive Cemetery state that burial occurred at Horton or Eagle Ford Cemetery.

Records Available from the Dallas Municipal Archives

Public Works Survey Division Cemetery Files, 1887-2005

Collection 2005-005

Survey documents, ownership records, notes, maps, and photographs documenting the boundaries and history of cemeteries within the city limits of the City of Dallas, as well as a number of cemeteries within Dallas County, Texas, and contiguous counties.

  • Crestview Memorial Park: A.k.a. Horton Family, Horton Slave or Colored Section, Mt. Olive Cemetery – Block or Abstract # 8328
  • Horton Family: A.k.a. Mount Olive, Crestview Memorial – Block or Abstract # 8328
  • Mt. Olive Colored: A.k.a Crestview, Horton – Block or Abstract # 8328
  • North Dallas Memorial Park: A.k.a. Mount Olive Baptist Church of Eagle Ford (Colored), Horton Family & Crestview Memorial Park, Inc. – Block or Abstract # 634-1/4