
German Genealogy Group Forming

We’re starting a new SIG for German Genealogy. The group will be free to the general public and will likely meet 5-6 times a year.

Interwoven: Dallas History and New Hope Baptist Church

To know the history of a community, one often has to look no further than the history of a local church.

FHL Microfilms Housed at DPL

The Family History Library in Salt Lake City no longer loans its microfilm collection to Family History Centers.

Be Part of the Community

Family history is anything but a solitary endeavor. When I am reading through that index of obituaries, it is there because a group of people faithfully clipped them out of a newspaper for years, organized them, and published a book.

Irving Archives – Irving, Dallas County, Texas

The Irving Archives, established in 1981, is a part of the city’s Records Management Division within the City Secretary’s Office.

The Lloyd DeWitt Bockstruck Scholarship Awardee for 2019

On December 8, 2018, the Dallas Genealogical Society announced several donations to the Genealogy Section of the J Erik Jonsson Central Library at their annual Awards Luncheon.

Women and Property – What is a Private Examination?

A law intended to protect the property rights of married women may preserve fascinating genealogical clues about your female ancestors and relations

Recapping the 2018 Annual Awards

The 2018 Awards Banquet was held on December 8, 2018 in O’Hara Hall at the J. Erik Jonsson Central Library.
This year’s event, which had 59 attendees, was dedicated to the memory of Lloyd Bockstruck.

DGS gift inspires additional donation to Dallas Public Library

Upon learning of the Dallas Genealogical Society’s donation of 157 Hispanic genealogy books for the Dallas Public Library’s Genealogy collection, the Rios Family has been inspired to match this gift.

2017 Heritage Preservation Award

Tony was awarded the 2017 Heritage Preservation Award for his accomplishments in regard to preserving and making accessible publications of the DGS.