Our 2022 Genealogical Wish List (from our DGS Board & Publication Volunteers)

First, the practical (and purchasable)
- A one year subscription to Find My Past
- A one year subscription to DNA Painter
- Membership in a genealogical society
- Subscription to a genealogical magazine
- Genealogy software package
Next, a bit more pricey:
- A week researching at the National Archives
- A paid tuition for a genealogical conference or institute
Then, quite the opposite – priceless gifts of time:
- Share a trip with me to a cemetery, library, old home place, etc.
- Spend time with me identifying old pictures
And, finally, the “probably not going to happen” gifts:
- A genealogical vacation that my husband would also enjoy
- The Military Records Center in St. Louis finding my grandfather’s file for service in WWI
- Stumbling across a diary of my ancestor’s first years after emigration to the US
- Archion.de putting all the rest of my German Lutheran church records online
- Sources-for all those people my green genealogist self copied from others’ trees (oops!)
- A genealogy organizer to help me keep what I need and get rid of what I don’t, and then make an inventory for me
- The unexpected discovery of preserved nineteenth-century census records for Ireland
- Time machine, giving more time for genealogy, and letting me ask the questions I should have asked when I was young
Image credit: Pixbay / Arek Socha /royalty free