Why Are We Here?

Like many genealogists, my research has led me to several brick walls, those points in the process where there just does not seem to be any more information available to take that next step back in time, or to lead me to the next geographic location.

DGS Receives Digitization Grant

We will be working with University of North Texas library staff to make our 2011 and 2012 Journals available on the Portal To Texas History.

The Freedmen’s Bureau Project

To help bring thousands of records to light, the Freedmen’s Bureau Project was created as a set of partnerships between FamilySearch International and the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, the Afro­-American Historical and Genealogical Society (AAHGS), and the California African American Museum. A press…
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Digitizing Your Old Slides

This article has some interesting and innovative ideas on how you can digitize your old slides:

UT Southwestern Photo Collection

The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center has made several collections of historical photographs available to the public:

Honor Your Ancestors

As part of that celebration, we sponsored a program to honor our ancestors by donating books to the Dallas Public Library, Genealogy Section. Here are the results.