Proposed Bylaw Changes

Proposed Bylaw Changes

by Tony Hanson, President

The board of directors recommends making several changes to our current bylaws:

  • Elimination of term limits for the President.
  • Elimination of the requirement of prior board service for the president.
  • Clarification of circumstances for the end of a term in office.

The first change is in Section 5.3 – Qualifications for Serving as an Office of the Society.


Each Officer must be a member in good standing of the Society. An Officer shall hold only one elected position at a time. The President is term‑limited to two full one-year terms. A partial term served because of a vacancy does not count as a one‑year term. The Secretary and Vice President are not term limited.

The President shall have served as an Officer or Director of the Society for at least one term.


Each Officer must be a member in good standing of the Society. Prior service as an Officer or Director of the Society is desirable (but not required) for the office of President.

An Officer shall hold only one elected position at a time.

The second change is in Article 7 – The Executive Committee:


The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice President, Director of Finance, Secretary, Immediate Past President, and Director of Information Technology.

The Executive Committee shall appoint, subject to the approval of the membership, the directors enumerated in Article 8, Section 8.1.

The Executive Committee may perform the duties of the Board of Directors concerning emergency matters between Board meetings. The Executive Committee shall have the authority to approve line item expenditures before the Society budget is approved by the membership.


No change to the above, but add the following:

Each member of the Executive Committee will remain in office until:

  1. The installation of a duly elected or appointed replacement assumes responsibilities for their position, or
  2. Resignation, or
  3. Removal from office as outlined in section 9.6, or
  4. The completion of all steps required for the dissolution of the Society as outlined in Article 17.

Comments or questions about these proposed changes can be voiced at the September general meeting or at the October General meeting or by contacting any member of the board of directors. The vote for approval will be held at the November General meeting. The proposed changes will take effect immediately if approved.