Title: The Dallas Journal: Volume LVI
Created: October 2010
Editor: Ora A. Penn
- Call for Papers
- Certified List of Graduating Students from Dallas Independent School District High Schools, 1925 by Marge Stockton
- Genealogical Records of Superintendents of The Dallas Independant School District 1884 - 2010 by Barbara A. Ware
- Texas Rangers at Oakland Cemetery
- Oakland Cemetery, Dallas, Texas, Section Three by Suzan Younger and Barbara A. Ware
- East Dallas Christian Church Membership Roster 1916 by Rose Blatch
- Obituaries from The Southwestern Advocate by Kelvin L. Meyers
- Additions and Errata
- Mayors of Dallas 1856 - 2002 by Barbara A. Ware
- DGS Sponsored Events and Programs
- Index
Publisher: Dallas Genealogical Society
Format: Paper; Number of Pages: 132; Height (Inches): 11.0; Width (Inches): 8.5; Binding Type: Glued;
Language: English
Rights Holder: Copyright - Dallas Genealogical Society
Abbott: Alex C 35; Clyde B 35; E Ophelia 35; Harry 35; John W 35; John Wesley 35; L 35; Nathaniel Hugh [Chubby] 35; R E 35; R T 35; W Richard 35; William Arthur 35
Abel: Berneice 21
Abernathy: Alma Frances 12, 13
Abney: Dr J A 90; F P 90; Mr Perry Collins 90; Phillip C 90; Rex P 90
Abraham: Clara Josephine 13
Abrams: Clarence Albright 32; Ella [M] Harris 32; Family Marker 32; William Henry 32
Acers: Maurice Wilson 14
Achenbach: Miss Dorothy 65; Miss Genevieve 65; Mr and Mrs W G 65
Acker: A G 75; B A 75; Ben 92; C D 75; Charles 92; Colonel D 84; Ed 92; Godbey 84; Jim 92; Joe 92; Mayor Tom E 75; Samuel Eli 75, 83; Tom E 84
Adair: R S and Eliza Ann 72; Rev Robert Sidney 72
Adams: Edna 5; Henry Alston 10; Hughie 6; Rev C H 73; Rev J F 73; Rev R W 73
Adamson, W H 5, 13
Adler: Louis Henry 10
Agate: Rosena M 53; W R 53; William Edward 53
Agee: Hugh 65; J L 65
Aguirre: Rudy 52
Ailshie: Charlie A 57
Ainsworth: James and Annie 77
Albright: Amos J [Jesse] 56; Amos Jesse 58; Annie Mae 58; Annie Mae [Pilkington] 56; Richard Glenn 58
Alcott: Edward Elbert 7; Norman 65
Alexander: Alice Jane Wallace Adams 49; Leon 5; Maggie lnez 59
Alexander M.D.: Dr Charles Watts 78
Allen: Dave Jr 16; Jimmie Thomas 8; Joe C 78; Jos H 78; Mrs W R (Leota) 78; Russell 78; William R 78
Allison: Rev Sam E 75
Allumbaugh: Ruby 10
Almaguer: Lorenzo 54
Alston: Ruth 4
Alsworth: Louise 9, 10
Alvis: Mrs L C 65
Amacker: Stirling Cowan 12
Amerson: Elsie 82
Anderson: Alton E 55; Anita 15; Gen Robert 80; Jack 80; Lee W 14; Lila Howard 11; Miss Annie 65; Miss Gladys 65; Mr J B 65; Mrs Bell 65; Mrs W E 93
Anderson D D: Eugene W 80
Andrews: Albert Clyde 5; B E 45; Charlotte 73; Dorothy Louise S; Dr W B 73; Edwin 73; Lillie 45; Mrs B E 45; Mrs W B 73; Percy 8; Roy 73
Andrews Jr: Benjamin E 45
Anthony: Mrs Graham 65
Apple: Erva Dorris 11
Ard: Wilbur 14
Armstrong: J E 72; Mrs T S 72, 74; Rev E L 74; Rev James Oliver 89; Rev T S 74
Arnold: Charles E 59; Lawrence Edwin 6
Atkinson: Miss Lillian 65
Atwood: Mrs Nellie Peak 65
Ausburn: Marion Lucille 7
Austin: Debra Jean 21; Margaret 9
Autrey: Frankie 4
Autry: Frank 11; Leslie King 12
Averill: Ruth R 50
Avery: Margaret 13
Await: Elmer Wilson 12
Aymond: Robert Lamarque 7
Ayres: H C 81; Mrs Verna Miller 81
Badder: Mrs H P 54
Badgett: Mary Bernice 6
Bailey: [Col] George M 34; Angelina 59; Clarence Vernon 14; Edwin H 6; Emma Webster 35; George M 34; L M 34; Laura Martin 34; Leslie [Cortez] 59
Baillio: Holley Buckingham 6
Baird: Josephine Augusta 35; Mrs Reginald 81; Rosa Lea 35
Baker: Ella Pauline 6; Miss Mabel Minier 65; Mr and Mrs Jno B 65; Mrs E A 65
Baldock: Mary Olive 13
Baldwin: Wm Maurice 7
Bale: Algene 11
Ball: Miss Fannie Lee 65
Bamer: Sadie 54
Banister: Mrs H W 65
Barcus: Julia 90
Barksdale: Mary 20
Barnard: Margaret Finley 40
Barnes: Ben Hill 48; H P 53; Infant of H P and Anna May 53; Jennie L 48; John [H P] 53; Miss Nancy 65; Mr and Mrs H F 65
Barnett: Annie Maie 65; E G 79; T L 79
Barnette: Berta E 4
Barr: Burt 14
Barrera: Ricardo D 21
Barrett: Elizabeth 15
Barringer: William H 59
Barry: Ella Gamble 41; Francis J [Joseph] 41; Mary Dolly 41
Bartlett: Mrs H N 65
Barton: C Q 65; Rev KP 71
Bass: William B, Jr14
Bassett: Ben H 34; Ethel Walden 34; Mrs Frank 83
Batchelor: Charles Jr 4
Bateman: Mary Jeannette 12, 13
Bates: Mrs E W 65
Baugh: Richard 16
Bayliss: Infant of H A 60
Baylor: George W 28
Beaird: Benjamin J 8
Bealmear: Mr and Mrs L A 65
Bean: John C Jr 78; John Cross 78
Beard: Sarah Jane 19; William F 6
Beasley: Jack L 8
Beaty: Mrs B P 75
Beaumont: Frank A 28
Beavers: Dewey 77; Mrs J H 89; Mrs S D 77
Becket: Quentin W 12
Beckham: Horace F 91; Mrs T J 90; Rev T J 90
Bedford: Deborah Lucille 20; Mary 15
Beeks: Miss Nina 65
Beeson: Andrew L 36; Mamie T 36
Behrends: Mrs Earl D 65
Belcher: Barbara Ann 58
Bell: Barbara 9, 10; Miss Ima 65; Mr and Mrs S H 65; Wiley A Jr 65
Belo: Alfred Horatio 47; Family Marker 47; Helen Ponder [C] 47
Benavides: Sophia E [Edna] Broyles 53
Benefield: Veva 15
Benham: Mrs Alex 65
Bennett: Ada L 56; Chas Mariel 52; Infant of A L 57; Kathryn 9; Mary Pearl 52; Robert Lee 53
Bentley: Frances 14
Benton: Authur Kelly Sr 58; Virginia Ruth 13
Beren: Irvin 11
Berger: Frances 5
Berkman: Herbert S 10
Berry: Mr and Mrs E C 65
Bertram: Robert Thomas 6
Best: Edna Myrtle 6; J B 91; James 91; Mrs J B 91
Bethurum: Bertha 11
Bettinger: Jane 56
Bettle: Mrs Lee 75
Betts: Doris Lucille 15; Era Lou 9
Bezinge: Elizabeth Marie 7
Bibb: Dr A L 43
Biggerstoff: Verma 20
Biggs: Bancroft Putman 10; William A Jr 10
Billingsley: K C 65
Billington: Valentine Robert 8
Binford: John Robert 5
Binyon: Miss Lottie 65
Birdwell: Mrs W H 76
Bishop: Lynn 14
Bissell: Edward 80
Blagg: Mrs Mary 71
Blair: Miss Myrtle 65; W F 78
Blake: Charlie Harrison 5
Blakeley: James Alex 12; Thos Alton 12
Blatch: Rose 64
Blaylock: Family Marker 40; Georgia Darton 40; Infant 40; Louis 40; W D 40
Bledsoe: Mary E 47
Blesi: E C 65
Bloodworth: Rhoda Jane 85
Blum: Elisa Schneider 49; Infant of M 49; Leon 49
Blunn: Joseph 37; Katie 37
Blust: Tola Louise 9
Bodenheimer: Zaner W 8
Bodiford: Jesse 11
Boehle: Oscar F 59
Boggess: Annie Lou 20
Bohmert: Myla Carolyn 13
Bohne: Albert 65
Bolanz: Charles M [Murphy] 32; Chas F [Fredrick] 32; Nell [West] 32; Rowena A [Adelaide] [Boyle] 32
Bolden: Clifford W [Walter] 56
Boles: William Alden 19
Bolitho: Nellie 65
Bolles: Alden 19, 22
Bookhout: Family Marker 50; Infant of John 50; Judge John 50; Lillian May 50; Mary Ella 50
Boone: Flora Lee 15; Margaret 4; Mildred 9; Mrs Emma 89
Booth: Eudora 83; Robert Allen 8
Borden: Adeline 19
Borgeson: Myrtle 15
Bostick: Harold 82; Isom Lafayette 82; James 82
Bourland: Dr Joseph Wilbur 47; Eugene K 47; Family Marker 47; Priscilla F 47; Rev H A 47; Virgie G [Grace] 47
Bowland: Eva 65; Mrs E B 65; Ruth 65
Bowles: Susan 48; Thomas 48
Bowling: Gerald F 14
Boyd: Emma M 52; Eva May 20; Genevieve Gwendolyn 15; Hunter 65; Jewel 65; John 65; Katherine 15; Mr and Mrs E M 65; Wm 52
Boyle: Ethel Louise 38; F W 38; L D 38
Bradford: Dee 65; John 65; Miss Ethelyn 65; Miss Stella 65; Miss Tressie 65
Bradley: Jennie 54; Miss Bertha 65
Bradshaw: Arnold Grant 4; Horace 14
Brady: Mrs Myrtle 65; Vivian 6
Brandenburg: John James 14; Mildred C 6
Brannin: Daniel 65; Dr Edw B 65; Elizabeth 65; Louis 65; Mr and Mrs L E 65; Rector 65
Brassell: Ruth 9
Braude: Libbye S 4
Bray: F J Jr 14; Infant of George 53; Mrs W F 65
Brecht: Oliver R H 10
Breeding: Miss Vera 65; Mrs A J 65
Brener: May 4
Brett: Henry Appleton 12
Brewer: George A 91; T H 65
Brewton: Dudley C 12; Modeste Elizabeth 13
Bridges: Allie E 58; Felix 85; J A 58; Mills 85; Mrs J H 85; Raymond 85; Walter 85; Wayne P 14; Wilson 85
Briggs: Mrs W H 79
Brignardello: Corinne Mary Louise 4; Lorena Merle 9
Briney: Mrs Ella 65
Brister: Birgil 6
Bristow: Corinne Gayle 4
Britain: Emma 15
Britton: Emily Marie 4
Brock: Helen D 9; Mr and Mrs J B 65
Broderick: Laura Anne 93; Sadie Marie 9
Brodigan: Hessie 65
Brodnax: Mildred Evelyn 13
Brooks: James 19; James Albert 18, 19, 23; Mr and Mrs Earl M 65; Mrs G W 65; Naomi 53
Broome: R A 91; Rev C P 91; Rev W L 91; Robert Franklin 91
Brothers: Rev L F 74
Brouillet: Willie Pearl 34
Brown: Birdie Mae 16; Bishop Wallace E 90; Dudley 76; Feral 9; G S 92; James Donald 14; John Esters 16; Joseph 58; Lee Sims 57; Lillie Belle 16; Melville M 5; Miss Fleta Coy 65; Miss Frances 83, 92; Miss Hazel 65; Miss Julia 92; Miss Mamie 65; Mr and Mrs Emmet L 65; Mrs Etha Steinhagen 76; Mrs F W 65; Mrs G C (Ethel) 89; Mrs J 54, 55; Mrs Mary E 65; Mrs Mattie 92; Mrs T B 65; Nell McClain 9; Seburn Malcom 14; Sue Louise 15; T E 92; Thomas Gipson Jr 14; W G 79; Wayne Clark 8
Browne: Calel 15
Brownlee: Ada E 6
Brundidge: O D 65
Bruner: Mr and Mrs Griffin 72; Mrs Leslie 88
Brunson: Miss Lattie 72
Brush: George 4
Bryan: Alfred [Franklin] 34; Dr and Mrs W F 86; Fairy 6; Joseph Benson 34; Joseph O [Orick] 34; Kate G 34; Margaret 6; Mr and Mrs William Gaston 86; Virginia Ruth 86; William Gaston 86
Bryant: Mrs Delia 84
Buchanan: Ivy Lee 4; Mrs E 65
Buck: Mrs W A 65; Sallie 76
Bucker: 53
Buckley: Ida J 59
Buckner: Louise E 53; Wm R Leonard 34
Buell: Mrs T J 49
Bullard: Leon 8
Bullett: Miss Hattie 78
Bunker: Fred 14
Bunn: Mrs J C 65
Burch: James 14; W D Jr 10
Burden: Frank 65; R L 65; Thomas 65
Burger: Rachel Malvina 53
Burgess: Robert Banks 14
Burgin: Dr S H C 84; Mrs Elizabeth Kirkpatrick 84
Burke: Mary Katheryn 9
Burkhalter: Harris 80; J B 80; Mrs Mamie 80
Burkhead: A G 55
Burns: Carter L 4; Hugh Barney 60; Robert Lee 10
Burroughs: Ellen Elizabeth 45; Mrs W H 84
Burrow: Florence Catharine 15
Burrows: Dr and Mrs H M 81; Joe 65
Burruss: Dorothy Allean 11
Burt: Ellna Grace 7
Busey: Mary S [Sue] 50
Butcher: Icylene 16; Mrs E D 92
Butler: Jesse Jones 52
Butters: Edwin B 10
Button: Frances 74
Buttrill: Mrs A B (Iva Lee) 89
Cabell: Earle 7
Cadwallader: Helen Freeman 15
Caffey: Miss Marie 65
Cagle: Mrs Ruth 78
Cain: H B 87; Mrs Ellie Ford 87; Seth 87
Caldwell: Fannie McNairy 42; Henry G 42; J B 65; John F 42; John F Jr 42; Miss Louise 65; Mrs T J 65
Callahan: Albertis N 7
Calvert: Mrs W J 65
Camel: Joe 91
Campbell: James Roy 8; Miss Veda 65; Mrs Florence E 85; Paul 14
Cannady: J C 61
Capers: Ewing A 5
Caraway: S C 56
Carbone: Patsy Helen 21
Carey: Infant of Vernon J 55
Carlton: Eloise 15; Miss Irma 75
Carnes: Mrs Dona 75
Carpenter: Miss Lesta 65
Carroll: Sally Bell 52; Willie 62
Carsey: Charles B 6
Carson: Mary John 90
Carter: 56; Charles F [Franklin] 50; Charles F [Franklin] Jr 51; Emma Dorothy 14; Flora E 15; Gilbert Buie 10; Isabel [Belle] 51; J D 51; John T 50; Lorraine 15; Mrs H W 87; Owen 51; Ray 12; Rev H W 87; Rev Orion W 87; Sallie Marie 5; Susan T 50
Caruth: Anna W 52; Edna Gertrude 52; Family Marker 52; Miss Ara 65; Ralph W 8; Raymond Percy 52; Walter Jr 52; Walter Sr 52; William 52
Cary: Arthur Powell 48; Family Marker 48; Jeanette 49; Joseph Milton Jr 48; Lucy J 48; Pearl B 48
Casey: Douglas 5; Thomas P 56
Cason: Mrs J W 90
Caspary: Courtney 65; J A 65; Mrs J A 65; Pauline 65
Castleberry: Emma Jane 6; Miss Sarah 76
Cavender: Florence 15
Chamberlin: Miss Nona 65
Chambers: Robt Elisha 54
Chandler: Chan Clarence 50; Marguerite Carter 50; Mrs Mollie 77
Chapman: Eleanor Moore 33; Mr and Mrs J M 65
Chappell: Dr and Mrs E B 87; Edwin B Jr 87; Frank W 87; Harold 8; Mrs George 75
Chase: Child of F G 42; E A 42; F G 42; Frank E 65; Katherine 9; Mr and Mrs Nathan 65; Rita Aiken 42
Cheatham: Miss Emma 74
Chedester: Mrs E J 74
Chenault: Jesse A [Alden] 35
Chenowith: Grayson 65; Mr and Mrs J D 65
Chenowth: Marjorie 9
Cherry: Thomas Gladney 9
Chester: Andrew Jackson Jr 112
Childers: Dr J V 50; Family Marker 50; Ida Randall 50
Childress: Family Marker 48; Louisa B 48; Stella B 48; W Albert Jr 48; Wm Albert 48
Chiles: A V 37
Chilton: Robt Henry 48
Chotnisky: Rae 5
Christensen: Miss Ruth 65
Christie: Albert 57; Mary Susan 57; May 57; Minnie 57; O C 57
Clanahan: Mrs M A 65
Clapp: Charles A 36; Family Marker 36; Mary C 36; W [William] H 36; Wm H 37
Clark: Claude C [Candler] 46; De Vona 15; Fanny Estill 14; Gilbert C 14; Leika 20; Louise 9; Mable 14; Mable Ruthenia 16; Miss Valine 65; Mr and Mrs J L 65; Mrs Hines 75; Mrs S T 87; Rowena P [Power] 46
Clayton: George W 56; Lester J 7
Clendenin: Rev Stewart 72
Clogenson: Paul C 58
Cluck: Thomas14
Coates: Tommie 59
Coats: Birma 5; Lillian 9; Susan Lorraine 13
Cobb: Haskin H Jr 12
Cochran B M 42; Catherine 15; J W 42; Jeannette 42; Nell 12, 13
Cochrum: Miss Ella 72
Cockerell: Earl 7
Coe: Alice Evelyn 9; W N 32
Coffey: Miss Martha 65; Mr and Mrs T J65
Coffin: Margaret Lucille 12, 13
Coghill: R G 65
Coit: Richard 8
Coke: Robert King 12
Coker: Bernice Mable 53; Doil (or Doyle) Vernon 53
Cole: Miss Daisy 65; Miss Louise 65; Mrs J R Jr 88; Mrs J W 65
Coleman: Henry 28; Lewis Edward 16; Margaret Francis 36; O V 36
Collier: Ed Stone 84; Mr and Mrs Loucille 84; Mrs J W 71
Colligan: Lizzie 37; Thomas 37
Collins: Dorothy 66; Frances Louise 6; Jasper 12; Mary Elizabeth 13; Miss Ida 66; Mr and Mrs B F 65; Mr and Mrs J J 66; Mrs H A 66; William English, Jr 8
Colville: John 54
Combs: Mrs Margaret 73
Comer: Mrs A L 84
Compton: Miss Monie Lee 66
Comstock: Doris Louise 7; E B 7, 12
Connell: Mr and Mrs R L 66; Mrs Ruth 89
Connor: Evelyn 12, 13; Lee 66
Cook: Infant of J E57; Miss Mildred 66; Mrs A B 79
Cooper: Abram [Abraham] 44; Allie T [Townsley] 34; Carrie 14; E L 34; Emmett Daniel 34; Miss Ruth 66; Mr and Mrs R P 66; Mrs Ruth 66; N [Nellie] A [Allen] 34; Samuel L [Luckett] 34
Corbin: H G 66
Corder: J H 56
Corley: Mrs Tabitha 86
Cosby: Adele 15
Cotter: Bailey Ellis 36; George Emmett 36; George W [Washington] 36; Mary Harriett 36; Mary N 36
Couch: Mabel 7; R L 66
Coulter: Mrs J W 75; Walter 75
Cowan: J W [Walter] 56; James Chas II 52; James V 12
Cox: Helen Houston 7; Mrs George 73
Cozzens: Lorenzo Perry 72
Crabb: Louis D 5; Travis Leon 10
Craddock: Louise 6
Craeger: Mrs Y S 66
Craven: [John] Howard 38; C E 38
Carrie Eleanor 38; John Henry 38
Cravens: Evelyn 14
Crawford: George 66; Miss Rose 66; Robert Russel 8
Crew: Alva Gedney 53; Susie 59
Crissmann: Miss Gertrude 80
Critcher: Robert 66
Crochran: Sam P 31
Cronkhite: Jane Finley 40
Cross: Mary U [Unette] 61; Minnie 62; William A [Albert] 61
Crowder: Bertha 4
Crowdus: E H 47; Sidney O 47
Crozier: Dr Norman Robert 20; N R 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18; Robert Haskins 20
Crum: Mayo Paul, Jr 4
Cullom: Miss Olive 66
Cullum: Thelma 5
Culp: Mr and Mrs Geo E66
Culpepper: James M 74
Cundall: Arthur 56; Elizabeth 56; Ernest Evans 56
Cunningham: Bruce Jr 14; Miss Vivian 66; Mr and Mrs A P 66; Mr and Mrs Geo D 66
Currin: Rupert Deryl 12
Curry: Lee A 58
Curtis: George M 10; Mrs N B 85; Nell 14; W L 66
Dailey: Andrew B 89; Mr W B 89; Mrs Mary Walton 89
Daily: Mrs Frank 66
Daly: Richard Hugh 46
Damon: Grace Elizabeth 4
Daniel: Francis H 12; Lillian 9, 10; Sue 15
Daniels: Sarah 6
Dannelly: Chas O 48; Elizabeth [O] Marshall 48; Francis Marshall 48; Geo L 48; Henrietta Graber 48; Henry G [Graber] 48; M 48; Mattie L 48; Richard V 48
Dansby: Mary 6
Dardemann: Addie 61; Annie 61; John [D] 61
Darton: Caroline A 40
Dashner: Ada Dale 5
Dathe: Richard A 10
Daudelin: Frank E 10
David: Mrs J H 91
Davidson: James P58
Davies: A B 83; E B 83; Eugene 83,84; Gordon 83
Davis: Alma Helen 92; Clarence 92; Frank M 7; Fred 14; J Barney Jr 92; Judge and Mrs W A 90; Marvin 66; Mrs C W 66; Ozie Mae 4; Rev W F 74; Stewart 92; Theo 15
Dawson: Mrs F D 84
Day: Stella H 47
de la Fontaine: Pierre C 10
Dealey: Anna Cammack 50; Charles C 50; Charles Louis 50; Doris Geen 38; Edna [W] 50; Family Marker 50; George 38; George Bannerman 38; Infant of Chas L 50; Infant of S D 38; Jennie Campbell 50; Kenneth Howard 50; Mary A [Ann] [Nellins] 38; Sam 14; Samuel D [David] 38; Virgie 38
Dean: [Maude] Estella 60; Edna Jenetta 59; F H 57; Harold 10; Jacque Roland 60; S H 57; Simeon H [Henderson] 59; Sophronia A 60; W A 59; W A [William Alexander] 60
Debenedetti: John 37
DeBow: Miss Mildred 66; Mr and Mrs T C 66
Deface: Elsie C 59
Degan: Shari 29
Degraftenreid: Miss Kate 76
DeLee: Mrs A S 66
Denman: Annie M [Maria] 43
Denn: Kathy Lynn 21
Dennis: Elder 80; Mrs Mary Isabell 80; Scott 80
Devenport: Mrs Emma 81
Dew: Emerson D 61; P A 61; W V 61
Dexter: Charles Lamb 46; Grace Leake 46
Dickey: Martha Brooks 4
Dieterich: Minnie 9
Diffey: Arnold 66; Mr and Mrs W A 66
Dillard: Shirley Whitmore 20
Dillon: Willard Lloyd 56
Dixon: Rev Thos F 36; Sarah Ann 36
Dobbins: Jefferson Davis75
Dobbs: Kathleen 82
Dobkins: Mr D A 77
Dobson: Ivon J 10; Mrs M H 73
Donnally: Anna Winifred 9
Donnell: Alfred Bearce 8; Mr and Mrs W A 66; Mrs Bettie 66
Donsky: Nathan 10
Dooer: Claude 66
Dorsey: Benjamin Franklin 20; Julius 18; Julius A 20
Dosterschill: Bernard K 7
Doughty: Walter C 8
Douglas: Robt 66
Douglas / Douglass: Delbert 14; Frances Louise 9; H Dorsey, Jr 7
Dowdy: Mr and Mrs J H 66
Dowlin: Miss Ruth 81; Mrs W H 81; W Lee 81
Downs: J Lyle, Jr 14
Doyle: Minnie Louise 15
Dozier: Marion Otis 10
Drake: Mrs Mae 92
Drew: Mrs E A 88, 92; Rev E A 88, 92
Drummond: Guss L 8
Dubois: Wesley Jackson Jr 45
Dubose: Clare Ousley 42
Duckworth: Marshall 66
Dudley: A C 66; Mrs Forest E 92; W Sherwood 30
Duff: Mrs S M 55
Duke: Albert Grant 47; Ida S 47; Julia Ann 4; Mrs Arthur 88; Samuel D [David] 47; Samuel David 47
Dukes: H C 54; Jane [Walters] 54
Dulaney: Mary 20
Dunham: Celeste Collins 30; Hubert David 30
Dunlap: George Pierce 46; John F 46; Samuel Fletcher 46; M [Martha] Florence 46
Dunlop: Mrs Byron 92; Mrs George 92
Dunn: Chas T 47; S [Stewart] A 62
Dunnahoo: Mr and Mrs Walter A 66
Durfey: Miss Alice 66; Miss Maebelle 66; Mrs Dora 66
Durham: Elizabeth Arminda 3
Dye: Mrs U B 92
Dyer: Infant of 56; Miss Lillian 66
Earl: Vivian Marie 3
Early: America Sousley 49; Infant of H C 49; Infant of Mr & Mrs H C 49; Infants Twins [of HC] 49; James B 49; John Thomas 49; Lucy Rena [Lee] 49; Mamie M 49; Mrs Joe 76
Eason: Mother Mozelle 21
Easterling: John Lewis 85; Rev W S 85
Eastland: Emma J [Jalonick] 33
Eaton: Wilkin Chenault 8
Eberhardt: Marvin 75
Eddins: Josephine 15
Edelen: Sophia Belle 15
Edmons: Joe Victor 59
Edmonston: Miss Elizabeth 66
Edwards: C E 84; Earleene 66; J M 77; Laura 84; Marvin 18; Marvin Earle 20; Mary Louise 9; Mrs E W 66; Mrs J D 73; Mrs Sarah Elizabeth 77; Mrs W H 84; Rev J D 73; Simeon 20; W H 84
Ehrhardt: A [Andrew] 54; John A 56
Eimicke: Frank 53; George 53; Gussie 53; John H 53
Ellett: Joe Leonard 14
Elliot: Mrs Elma 75
Elliott: Mrs C H 66
Ellis: A D 35; Eula Fay 8; Eunice M 35; M [Mary] Frankie 35
Elliston: Miss Pearl 66
Elmore: Clarence 37
Elrod: L C 86; Paul 86; Elrod D D; Rev L B 86
Emerson: Mrs Arizona L 66
Emmons: Miss Lillian 66
England: Mr and Mrs J M 66; Mrs M A 66; Thelma 5; Enlow; Irma B 93
Erickson: Dorothy Irene 7
Erlanger: Mrs G C 89
Erwin: Grace Aline 9; H L 66
Estes: [Mrs] Willie R 49; Albert H [Hill] 49; Clarence M 20; Dr Nolan 20; Frank 11; J D 49; Lula M [Mary] [Martin] 49; Nolan 17; R H 49; Rebecca C 49; W [Wm] Frank 49
Eubanks: Burton Cecil 14; Ira Reed 6
Evans: Dr and Mrs H W 66; James C 8; John Luther 3; Miss Beatrice 66; Mrs Stella 90; Thelma 9
Everett: Annette 13; John Cates 86; Leslie 86; Mrs W C 86; W C 86; W C Jr 86
Everts: Frank 66; Mr and Mrs A A 66; Myron 66
Evins: Ada Louise 82; Charlie 82; Dr and Mrs B S 82; T M 82; W A 82
Ewald: Raymond 54
Ewell: J H 66
Ewton: Floyd 14; Exline: Albert Lobdel 32; Alb't [Albert] S 32; Bena Bird 32; Family Marker 32; Louisa E 32; Marcus Page 32
Fair: Frances 9; Louis 5
Fairs: Child of Jim 54
Fairstein: Pearl Florence 5
Farland: Eliza 19
Farnham: Mr and Mrs A S 66
Farr: Dr Edna Brown 66
Farrimond: Florence Hewitt 6
Farrington: Mrs Lee 76
Farris: Jane 71
Faulkmer: Mr and Mrs J M 66
Featherson: Hiram 49; J [James] L [Luther] 49; Sarah 49
Felhaber: Frank 12
Fellows: Sallie 19
Feltner: Alma Virginia 13
Felton: Minnie [Wagner] 42; Wagner G [Graham] 42; Wallie 42
Fenley: G W 62
Ferguson: James C 4; Mrs Dan 87; Narcissus M [Marie] 36; Ruth 5
Ferrell: Josephine 32
Ferris: Clara Margaret 13
Fessenden: Merrill E 58
Fincher: Lois May 6
Finley: F M 41; Georgia Nichols 41; Jewel Ruth 4; John Knox 41; Martha M 41; Mr and Mrs J Edgar 66; S [Sallie] M 40; Sallie A 40
Finney: Miss Frances 66
Fischback: Alexander A Jr 10
Fisher: Family Marker 46; Frank 46; James M 46; Loulie G [Gordon] 46; Maud M 46
Fitzgerald: Mrs E L 83; Wm 57
Flanagan: Juanita 14
Flannery: J M 66; Miss Alma 66
Fleming: C H 82; Edna 82; H F 82; J H 82; Mrs J H 82; Ralph 82; T E 82; W H 82
Flemming: Mrs Fred 77
Flint: Adrian L 7
Florence: Twila Loretta 9, 10
Flores: Margarita 21
Flournoy: Margaret 21
Floyd: Cushman B 48; M L 48; Mrs C T 91; Russell Vaughn 48
Fluitt: Louise 54
Fly: Samuel Lawrence 12
Fonda: Edward R 49
Fondren: Mr W W Sr 72; Walter W Jr 72
Foor: James Finley 58; Maria M 58
Foord: Marjorie S
Forbes: Miss Grace 66; Mrs J D 66
Ford: Anna Ray 16; Elizabeth 5, 20; Thomas Edward 16
Foreman: Odessa Dell 16
Forester: Maurine 9
Forgy: Moral Dee 14
Formby: Dorothy B 3
Forrest: Philip H 8
Forster: Arthur 5
Foster: B H 58; Elmer Norman 58; H A 58; J Fagg 14; John Douglas 14
Fowler: Daisy Christine 16; Dottie Mae 11; Rev Littleton 87; Rev T A 75
Fox: Sarah Abramowitz 4
Frances: Infant daughter of Irvin and Anita 74
Francis: Mrs Henry 87; Rev Henry 87
Frankfurt: Edna 15
Franklin: Ada 14
Frant: Sallie Joe 15
Freeland: Kathleen 11; Mildred 11
Freeman: Charles Fremont 42; Charles Hudson 42; Chas Douglas 42; James P [Page] 42; Lucinda [Lou] Jane Page 42; Mrs Chas F 42
Frensley: Iris Margaret 15
Frey: Emogene Slade 5
Friar: Mrs Tessie 83
Fridia: Otto 18; Otto Malory Jr 20; Otto Malory Sr 20
Friedman: Reuben 5
Frierson: Alleson Jr 66; George Lillard 7; Mrs Alleson 66
Frisbie: Rev John Wesley 77
Fritch: Charlie E 4
Frost: Archie [H] 41; Mr and Mrs W C 66
Fry: Bill R 12
Frye: Miss Kate 66
Fudge: Ezra 88
Fulcher: Eva 15
Fulfer: Sylvia 60
Fulk: Dorothy Merle 9
Fuller: J M 77; James M 83; Mrs Clauson 76; Mrs Mae 66; Rev David F 88; Rev J M 77
Fullington: Miss Mildred 66
Funderburk: Johney Merl 9
Furneaux: Miss Dorothy 66; Miss Margaret 66; Mr and Mrs W C 66
Furniss: Florine Lynette 15
Gage: Geo W 66
Gaines: Evelyn 11
Galbraith: Miss Nell 66; Mrs A 66
Galipp: Hermenia 66
Galleher: John Calhoun 4
Gallimore: Carrie L 8
Gamble: Bert 66; Claude 66; Elisha Howell 41; Elizabeth A [Armenta] [Panther] 41; Fred 66; Miss Blanche 66; Miss Mattie 66; Mr and Mrs J M 66; Oscar M 66; W O 66
Gano: Clara B 44; Clarence W 44; Clarence Welch 43; Eugene Lowe 44; Eugenia Lowe 43; Genie L 44; Gen'l R M 44; J [Jeannette Grissum] D 43; John T 44; John Thomas 44; Marcus Grissim 43; Margaret Doherty 43; Mattie J 44; Maurice D 44; Ogla Lightfoot 44; R [Richard] M II 44; R Lee 44; Richard Chilton 43, 44; Sidney J 44; Vera 43; William B [Beriah] 43
Garcia: Mabel 5
Gardener: Anne Starke 20; C E 37
Gardiner: Wayne 14
Gardner: Alfred 34
Gardner Wright: Lillian 34
Garner: Jesse 46
Garrett: Kenneth W 7; O Powell 4
Garrison: Earle Durwood 8
Garritson: Howard 33
Garter: J D 37; Lisabel 37
Garwood: Mrs J H 66
Gates: John W 14
Gattis: Marvyne 7
Gay: Evelyn Stella 4; Samuel M 12
Gayer: Miss Naomi 73; Rev and Mrs W H 73
Gazaway: Mrs Opal 80
Gee: Edward 14
Gentry: Mrs Tinnie 72
George: Homer 89; J P 89; Mrs J P89
Gerth: Mr and Mrs Emil C 66
Gessell: Elmer T 4
Getty: Mr A V 79
Gibbard: W W 66
Gibbs: Dr and Mrs O W 66; John A 14; Margaret 77; Mrs Annie Nugent 77; Wilbourn S Jr 77
Giddens: Roy 66
Gilbert: Jere Edgar 14; John Henry 62; John W 62; Mary A 62
Gill: Della Frances 14
Gilleland: T H 91
Gillespie: Gladys 66
Gillin: Dorothy 9
Gillmour: Robert 40
Gilstrap: Bro 91; F S 91; R W 91; Rev Peter Calvin 91
Gingles: Nocona 13
Gipe: Mr and Mrs F W 66
Gipson: Geo W 61; R L 54
Givens: E B 44
Glanville: C C 74
Elizabeth Frances 74
Glaser: Ed 4
Glass: David Ella Marshall 45
Glenn: Emory Thomas 39; Jefferson M 14; Mamie Warren 39
Glover: Mrs F Scott 83
Goad: Edith 11
Goebel: Bessie 11; Evelyn Eleanor 5
Goerner: Cornell 14
Goff: Lloyd 14
Gohry: Louise 15
Goldbaum: Pauline 11
Goldberg: Clara 11
Golden: Frank Lafayette 58; Mrs J J 88
Goldsmith: Selma 11
Golsan: Louise Virginia 9
Gomez: Tresa 29
Gonzales: Gilbert G 21; Yvonne 18
Gonzalez: Dr Lauren Yvonne 21
Good: John 4
Goode: Mary Thelma 7
Goodman: Mrs Albert 76
Goodner: Mrs Ross 91
Goodwin: Mrs D A 90
Goolsby: Miss Sue 66
Gordon: Arthur N 66; Mr and Mrs T P 66; Pierre 10
Goss: Dunbar 54; Dunbar [B] 55; Mrs W L 82
Gowins: Harry 66; Miss Ruth 66; Mr and Mrs H H 66
Graber: Family Marker 51; Henry W 51; Lee 51; M Louise 51; Roy 51
Gracy: Lena Elouise 15
Gragg: John Edwin 14
Graham: Anna E 38; Bobby 38; Charles Barton 83; Earl S 66; Earl S [Scott] 38; Earl Jr 66; Edwin S 87; Frank 38; Frank D 8; Frank E 87; Fred 66; Fred B 38; Glenn 38; Harry B 87; Infant 38; Louise T [Thyfault] 38; Mr and Mrs B H 67; Mrs Edmonia 87; Raymond 55; Robert E 87; Selma C 55; Sue 87; W G 38; W N 38; Walter N Sr [Nicholas] 38; William 66
Grandberry: Eula 58
Granger: Alfred 86; Fred 67; Hubert 67; Mrs M A 67; Sanford 86
Graves: Henry L 8
Gray: Mr and Mrs C C 67
Greding: Edward J 6
Green: Celina 19
Edward H R [Henry] 60; Harry 42; Ina Mae Elizabeth 8; J M 67; Lillian 11; Mrs M S 67; Pauline 5; W A 42
Greenfield: Mr and Mrs H F 67
Greenlaw: Wm B 59
Greenwood: Robert Dyer 4
Greer: Charlsie E [Elizabeth] 61; Julian Frances 9; Mary E 59; Mrs M C 67
Gregory: Flora May 53
Grenfell: Lady Anne 74
Grief: A Vernon 45
Griffin: Dolores 9
Grimes: Eliza 43; Miss Laura 89; Mr and Mrs T J 89; Nell 15; W D 89
Grizzle: Lucy M 60; William H 60
Groce: Florence Craig 51; Grover 56; John Sheppard 51; Sheppard 51
Grogan: E W 82; Mrs E W Sr 82
Groody: Pauline Margaret 6
Groover: Mrs F R 92
Groppel: Bruno Walter 21; Dr Larry Don 21
Grove: David E 30
Grove: Eliza Adele 30
Grubbs: Miss Arvell 67
Guinn: W D 67
Gumm: Miss Ernest 67; Miss Fay 67
Gunn: Dorothy Elizabeth 13
Gurley: Dr James W 46; Mrs J W 46
Haas: Henry Frederick 10; Julia Elizabeth 11
Hacker: Fay Milburn 8; Guy L 8, 10
Hackney: Vivian 4
Haddix: William B 14
Hagan: Mrs Geo 67
Hagedorn: Mrs S B 39
Hahn: Ernest E [Edward] 57; Miss L P 67
Haines: Mrs Ocie 81
Hale: Frankie 6; Minnie Belle Dean 60
Hall: Hazel 15; Irvine 53; Mrs T C 53; Ruby Grace 6; Rushey A 8; W E 85
Halley: Miss Emma 67; Mrs S A 67
Halliguest 60
Hamilton: Beatrice 46; Bobby Ray 60; Charles A [Anderson] 46; Claude R 46; Edward L 60; F G 46; Hattie E [Ellen] 46; Henry 46; John W 14; Louis F 8; Louise 6; Ronnie Lee 60; Thelton 14; Theresa 46; Vivian E 61
Hammock: Agnes 7
Hammons: Luna 6
Hampton: Loyd Ernest 10
Hancock: Evelyn 15; Fred 67; Martha Burch 15; William C 6
Hand: Isaiah (Isaih) 19; John T 19, 22, 23
Handy: Infant of F J 57
Hanna: Virginia 6
Hansborough: Jeannette A 15; William 14
Hanson: Richard Glen 59
Hanszen: Arthur H 6
Harbuck: Mrs J S 87
Hardage: Mrs S Guy 93
Hardin: Mrs G C 92
Harding: Anna M 5
Hardy: Celia Mae 6; Mrs C R 79
Hargrove: Miss Grace 67
Harkey: Chaplain Claude S 83; Evie H 83; La Verge 83
Harman: Annabell 15
Harmon: Dora [Collins] Spragins 41; Theadore 36
Harned: Bert R 7
Harper: Alvin 29; Clara M 39; Jack Carnes 6; Jack Lea 14; Robert 67; Ruth Helen 9; W T 39
Harpold: Marie 15
Harrell: M Lamont 12
Harris: Annie 80; Dr Joseph Pickens 80; E B 80; Ezekiel 19; Floride 80; Martin Reese 80; Mary 81; Mary Martha 81; Mr and Mrs Henry Camp 67; Mrs Mary Reese 80; Rubye Mae 8; Ruth 80; Thelma 11; Thomas Green 19
Harrison: Hubert M 67; Marguerite 11; Mrs A W 91
Harrison-Walthen: Edith J [Josephine] 43
Harrott: Clara Louise 58
Hart: Dorothy Mae 11; Grace Lee 16; Mr and Mrs J J 67; Mrs E G 72
Hartsell: Mrs J H 92
Harwood: Mr and Mrs R B 67; Ripley 67; Win Kellar 67
Haslitt: Bernard P 14
Hassell: Marjorie Sue 9; Rosalie 13
Hassler: Mrs W E 89
Hatcher: Mrs C L 76
Hatchet: Gladys L 15
Hatzenbuehler: William Walter 4
Haupt: John Carl 58; Mary D [Dorothea] 54
Hause: Alma Lee 11
Hawkins: Buford 88; Charlie Avert 61; Howard 88; Jesse 88; Lola Marie 61; Milton 88; Mrs Mary Margaret 88; Nathan 88; Rev Henry G 88; Robert 89
Haycock: William F 61
Hayes: F R 74; Mrs B T 74; Phillip E 6; Rev B T 74
Haymes: Mrs J O 79
Haynes: Frank 75; Judge J B 75; Martha Lucille 13; Rev A C 75; Tom 75
Hayter: William Lawrence 6
Hazelwood: Mrs J M 71
Head: Webster 67
Heafer, Martin 14
Heard: Mrs Lou Ella 81
Hearn: John T [Thomas] 59; Wilburn 59
Heinzerling: G H 37
Helsley: Nelrose Virginia 4
Henderson: Edna 20; Hannah Louisiana 19; Mr and Mrs A C 67
Hendon: Eddie H 42; Fannie M 41; George W 42; Jimmie W 42; Retta T 41; W A 41; Walter P 42
Hendry: Mrs C H 86
Hennemuth: Family Marker 36; Henry 36; Henry Edward 36; Mary L 36; Otis Carl 36
Henry: Elizabeth O 55
Henson: George William 57; Nancy 54
Herbert: Anita Moore 52
Haynes F 52
Herd: Charles W 86
Herrin: Ira Bootsy 9
Herrling: Gussie 5
Hickcox: Richard B 12
Hickey: Mary Allene 9
Hickman: Mary 19
Hicks: Edward H Jr 10
Highsmith: Ruth 5
Hightower: Elizabeth 15
Hildreth: Mr and Mrs J S 67
Hill: Dr J B 67; Miss Hattie M 67; Miss Mollie 67; Miss Willie 67; Mrs Martha A 67; Will M 7
Hilliard: J R 78; Mrs Sallie Riggins 78
Hinckley: Joe 6
Hinds: A M 79; John J 79; Mrs A C 79; Rev W C 79; S B 79; T J 79
Hines: J R 67; Mr and Mrs Sam G 67
Hinojosa: Adamina 21; Dr Eliu Misael 21; Michael 18
Hinojosa-Salazar: Amado Salazar 21
Hinton: Tom Ross 14
Hitchcock: Herbert James 67; Mrs Mayme 67
Hobbs: Mrs R L 81; R L 81
Hodges: Nancy Cason 85; Virgel Austin 4
Hoeny: James Clifford 34
Hoffman: Anna May 11; John P 10
Holbert: Webb Hearn 8
Holbrook: Harry 67; Mrs W S67; Walter 67
Holden: Alice Curless 45; Benjamin F Jr 45; Family Marker 45; Thomas Steele 45
Holland: James Russell 8
Holliman: Bennie Deltessa 8
Hollinguest: S 60
Hollinquest: Miss T A 60
Hollins: Annie Laurie 16
Holman: Annie W 37; John Q 37
Holmquest: August A 62; C A 62; H 6 2; Sandra 62
Holt: Ivan Lee 77; Mr R E 77; Mrs Jno W 89; Rev Jno W 89
Hooker: Lowell 8
Hopkinson: Sarah 15
Hornaday: Hugh R 67; Mr and Mrs Grant 67; W C 67
Hornet Trezevant: Eva Whitt 30
Horney: James Clifford 34
Horsley: Katherine Elizabeth 13
Horton: Claude Fred 14
Hotchkin: Grace 49
Houghton: Mr and Mrs T D 67
Howard: Arthur 12; Evelyn Elizabeth 9, 10; Violet Aline 3
Howell: Dr William Harrison 51; Florence Edmiston 51; Lewis Joe 13; Mrs J E 77
Hoyt: Infant of O A 54; Wm 54
Huckaby: Edgar Hurt 10
Huddleston: Mary Eloise Moore 33
Hudson: Mrs L E 67
Hudspeth: Ruth 5
Huff: Miss Pinta 67; Mr and Mrs Chas C 67
Huffhines: Rhoberta M 7
Huffines: Rebecca 21
Hugg: Ben B (P) 60
Huggins: Mrs N J 71
Hughes: Family Marker 32; G [George] R 54; G L [Luther] 55; George V Jr [Venable] 32; George Venable 32; Lee Vernon 32; Miss Opal 67; Olive 55; Paul Lee 32; Virginia Amanda [Piggs] 32; Virginia P [Penelope] 32
Hughey: Dr James Howard 21; George Thomas 21
Hulen: Miss Mae 67
Hull: Mrs Shan M 71
Hume: Allie G [Graber] 51; W D 51
Hummell: Elsie Irene 39; Guelph McQuinn 39; Karl Degen 39
Hummell D D: Rev Carl Degen 39
Humphreys: Herman Horace 5; Ila Maye 11
Humphries: J T 67
Hunt: Clarence 12; Infant of J Walter 45; James T 7; James William 44; Miriam Irene 4; Mrs H L 87; Mrs Willie 90; William 44
Hunter: Gertrude C 13
Hurlbut: Natalie Elizabeth 9
Hurt: W [William] M 38
Hussey: Lula King 11
Hutcheson: Louise 56
Hutchins: Thelma Juanita 15
Hutchinson: Gwendolyn 6
Immler: Miss Effie 67; Mr and Mrs J F 67
Irby: Dwight 83; James F 83; Loyd 83
Irwin: H J 54
Ivey: Richard H 8
Izer: Ruth Adrienne 5
Jack: William Carroll 14
Jackson: Ethel Alexander 8; Fannie Mae 13
Hubert Leroy 59; Julia 16; Miss Bessie 67; Mr and Mrs W T 67; Mrs Albert R 73; Mrs R 67; Mrs R E (Velma) 89; Velma 67; W R [P] 55
Jackson Bell: Senora Anita 16
Jacobs: Infant of J S 60; W L 60
Jalonick: Edison C 33; Edwin F 32; Family Marker 33; George W 33; Isaac 33; Katharine Leake 33; Margaret 33; Margaret Edgell 33
James: Dorothy Dell 15
Jamison: Jessie Francis 59
Jarman: Mary Ruth 12, 13
Jarrette: De Vora Frances 15
Jay: Josephine 14
Jeffers: Paul Hugh 10
Jenkins: Naomi 9; Roy Frank 14
Jenson: Oliver Brooks 6
Jester: Mr and Mrs P R 67
Jetton: Eudora McKnight 44; Louis McKnight 44
Johns: Felix Whipple [Harley] 34; William E 34
Johnsen: Wuanita 11
Johnsey: Ruby Loretta 6
Johnson: Alta C 7; Arthur Roland 4; Burt Winfred Jr 12; Carolyn 20; Dave M 11; Dr J W 88; Eva Lois 9; Eva Mae 14; Grover 67; H McCoy 88; J W 88; Mildred Faye 20; Mr and Mrs Guy 67; Mr and Mrs J R Jr 67; Mr and Mrs Thomas Gideon 89; Mr and Mrs W W 67; Mrs Eva Howell 88; Mrs J Wesley 67; Mrs L T 67; Rev T H J 88; Robert B 16; Robert E Lee 8; S A 88
Johnston: Alan C 12; Hope 14; Robert L 17
Jones: Dorsie L [Lee] 54; Frank M 12; Grace L 6; Grace Mosher 35; Helen C 14; Hugh T Jr 12; Jacquelyn Veo 11; Lucy 78; Margueritte Lily 14; Miss Kate 67; Mrs Birdie 90; Mrs Cecil 67; Mrs Clarence 85; Mrs Helen 92; Roy Lee Sr 41; Ruth T 35; Thomas J 35
Jonson: Hazel Luez 9
Jordan: Alma 14; Chas W 53; Ernest Wilbur 6; Grover L 58; J E 53; Mrs Mary 90
Joyner: Ray McCuistian 8
Junge: Edman 56
Kannenberg: Eddie C H 3
Kean: Frank 67; Geo Jr 67; Mr and Mrs Geo 67
Kearby: Rochester 38
Keating: Emily 46; Harold S 46; Mary Southerland 46; Mary V [Leake] 46
Keeley: Evaline 6
Keener: Arthur 8
Keith: Mr and Mrs M B 67; Mr and Mrs R P 67; Mrs Grace 91
Keithly: Mr and Mrs C M 67
Kelley: Inez 6
Kelly: Florence 11; Julia 67; Patrick Ashton 47
Kendall: C M Jr 38
Kendall: Maude E38
Kendall: C [Charles] M Sr 38
Kendall: Cinderella 38
Kennard: Miss Mary Lou 85
Kennedy: Beulah 7; James Nuel 4; Steele Mabon 14
Kennon: June 56; Kepler: Cecil 14; Kerley: Malcolm H 4; Ruby 5
Kerr: Margaret Frances 82; Mary Elizabeth 15; Miss Lizzie 67; Miss Tillie 67; Mr and Mrs J G 82
Kersey: T M 67
Ketchum: A C 79; Miss Clara 79
Kettle: Joseph [H] Jr 53
Keyser: J C Jr 14; Mrs A H 92
Kidd: Mary Alice 9
Kidwell: C W 67
Kiker: Orville P 6
Kiles: Herbert C 8
Kilgore: Mr E P 73
Kilgus: Emil L 10
Killingsworth: Marie 13
Kim: Bishop Chong Oo 87
Kimball: Dr Justin Ford 20; Justin F 1 18; Rev Justin A 20
Kincaid: Mrs Theo 79
King: Dr Frank L 81; F A 81; Jesse Lewis 16; John H 81; Mrs H J 89; Mrs Jennie B 67; Mrs Laura Burrows 81
Kinnamon: David Ernest 14; Mary Alma 6
Kinnard: Cynthia 67; H W 67; Mr and Mrs J F 67
Kinney: Mrs C D 67
Kinser: Anson 5; Charlie 67; Henrietta Bailey 35; Howard 14; Mr and Mrs W C 67
Kipps: Dorothy 15
Kirby: Albert 14; J R 37; L D D 37; Milburn W 37; Mrs M J 37; Mrs Samuel B 88
Kirk: Cain 84; Ira 84; Marvin 84; Mrs M E 84; O R 84; R A 84; Robert 84
Kirkland: Dr James Hampton 86; Metca Eugenia 9
Kirkpatrick: Ann Ozeta 7; Chester Edward 6; Frances 67; Geo 67; Kathleen 67; Lewis A 67; Mr and Mrs A F67; Terry 67
Kitts: Florine Estella 12, 13
Kleinman: Ethel 9, 10
Klepper: Ralph 57
Kneeland: Ed 67
Knickerbocker: Hubert D 49; Julia Catherine 49; Percy R 49; R W 49
Knight: Dorothy 5; Lortah 19
Knouse: Frances Marion 12, 13
Knox: Gordon 67; Mrs W S 67
Kolber: Minnie Viola 5
Kovondovitch: Nicholas 8
Kramer: Kenneth 14
Kratz: George 57; Mary A 57
Kretz: Inez 11
Krueger: Frederick James 8
Kunard: Mrs A J 58
Kurtz: John L 60; Mrs M E 67
Kuttner: Athamae 12, 13
Kuykendall: Mrs Martha 83; Rowena Beth 83
Kynerd: A J 61; Callie J 61; Frances E [Ella] 61; George W [Wesley] 61; Marie 11; Rosa Lee 61
Lacy: James Taylor 79; W G 79
Lagow: Mrs Nannie N 67; Ruby 5; T Kenneth 10
Laird: Infant of A S 41
Lake: Mrs G E 67
Lamar: Henry 8
Lambert: Grace 46; Henry M 46; Inf dau 46
Lambeth: Katherine Mae 6
Lamkin: Ollie Bess 15
Land: Alva 67
Lander: Lynwood 67; Mr and Mrs E L 67; Raphael H 7
Lang: Mrs Lou Beth 89
Langdon: Dr Win O [Ousley] 35; Family Marker 35; Infant son of Roland 35; Katharine Ross 35; Stella C 35; Stella F [Farrar] 35; William F 35; Y M 35; Young M 35; Young Mitchell 35
Langston: Mrs A C 89
Lankford: Alfred William 8
Larson: Elma Carralee 4
Lasell: Irma May 6
Lawler: L Horace, Jr 8
Lawrence: Annie Ruth 15
Lawson: A Estelle 7; J R 14
Lawther: Joseph Earl 93; Mr and Mrs Paul W 67
Leachman: Infant son of Thomas & Florence 50
Leake: Mary 46; Mary A 46; W [William] W [Wirt] 46; William Wirt 46
Leaman: N E 56
Leatherwood: Earl L 58; Ruby H 58
Lebowitz: David 4
Ledbetter: Elizabeth Ann 57; Mr and Mrs J J 67; R C 67
Lee: Earl 67; Infant of J D 54; Mr W 81; Mrs R H 67; Vernon 67
Lefevre: Arthur 19, 23; Jacob Amos 19
Leffingwell: Roy J 7
Leftwich: James M 6
Legg: James Watt 35
Leggett: Nellie Estell 67
Lehmberg: Miss Emille 91
Leman: Robert Sutcliff 36
Lemmon: Thetis 11; W C 3
Leppert: Thomas Chris 93
Lester: Sybilla 16
Letcher: Dr Joseph Stephen 33; Helen Thomson 33; Madora M 33; Nathan Oakey 33
Levy: Hilda 13
Lewis: Claude 34; Evelyn Simpson 56; Frances Ellen 5; Lillian 16; Lovie Mackey 12, 13; M J 83; Mrs Yancy 67; Rev George 79; Yancy Jr 67
Lewton: Martha Amanda19
Lichte: Rudele Estes Hebsacker 49
Lightfoot: Martha Gano 44
Robert Duncan 44
Ligon: Ernest 67; Miss Annie 67; Mr and Mrs R L 67
Lindsay: Arthur 68; Florence 68; Irene 5; Miss Louise 67; Vivan 68
Lindsey: Paul D 12
Linebaugh: John Sims 9
Lingwiler: Mr and Mrs G W 68
Linn: Mrs W C 68
Lipscomb: Mr and Mrs K V 68
Lipsitz: Elsa 4
Lively: Catherine Mary 11; Elizabeth Nannette 13
Locke: Lillian Ruby Mae 13
Loesewitz: Elizabeth Pauline 12, 13
Logan: Mr and Mrs E R 68
Lombard: George 12
Long: Baby 34; George Frederick 19; J L 17, 18; John Lawson 19; Mrs M D 87; Richard P 9, 10
Loupot: Herman M 14
Louttit: Bessie 42; George T 42
Lowe: Miss Vida 82; Rev S W 82
Lowry: Card 68; Robt 68
Lucas: Louise Ray 15; Mrs Beckie 72; William Albert 61
Ludiker: B [Bill] L 58; John [M] 62; Sarah 58; Ludwig
Florine Dyer 9; Lumpkin: Louise 15
Miss Lula 91
Mrs Clemmie 91; Will 91
Lundell: Cyrus Longworth 10
Luper: Mrs Fred 68
Luther: Janie A 56; T L 54
Lyle: Chris 21
Lynch: Fannie Mae 68; Helen Marie 5; Mr and Mrs J T 68; W C Jr 6
Lynn: Esther Gertrude 4
Lyons: Mrs Ann 68
MacBroom: Nellie Maud 12, 13
Mackey: Dave 68; Mrs H L68
Mackinnon: John A 14
MacQuiston: Helen Elizabeth 13
Madden: Mattie Mae 11
Maddox: Wilton, Jr 9
Magill: James Rankin, Jr 9
Magness: William Ralph 9
Magnolia: Rosalie Katherine 7
Mahan: Mrs J W Jr 68
Mahanay: Phala Marie 13
Mallory: Amanda 13
Malone: Jane 68; Mr and Mrs F R 68
Mann: Alacia Suell 11; Mary Hazel 9; Mr and Mrs Bert 68; Mr and Mrs T J 68
Mannan: Cleo 68
Mr and Mrs A V 68
Mr and Mrs F G68
Mr and Mrs Lyle H68
Manner: Harold Eugene 12
Mannering: Fred 68
Manning: Family Marker 51; T A [Thomas Andrew] 51;
Mamie 51; Thomas Hall 51; Mr and Mrs Frank 68; T E 68
Mantel: Miss Welma 68; Mr and Mrs Jake 68; Willie 68
Mantooth: Nancy E 57
Maples: Homer 14
Marbrey: W F 68
Markham: Mable Lucile 11
Marler: Hughie Lee 60
Marshall: Marie 15; Mrs C C 68; Vivian 15
Marti: Dorothy Dealey 50; George Harry 50
Martin: Annie Laurie 9; Eugene 68; Hazel Marceliette 6; Irene Frances 4; J B 54; Kathryn 9; L C 68; Miss Mary 68; Mr and Mrs J M 68; Mrs F Z 68; Mrs J B 68; Mrs Will 89; William Povall 4
Mason: Mrs Jack 68; Sybol 68
Massie: J W 68
Massier: Arthur 5
Masters: Miss Catherine 68
Mathis: Mildred Amery 9
Matranga: Andrea 55
Matthews: Charles Henderson 45; Dewees James 45; Eulah Rochelle 45; Farmer Dewees 45; Henry P Jr 14; John Daniel 45; John Thompson 45; Laura 19; Louis F 12; Martha McCarer 45; Maud H 45; Robert Thompson Glass 45; William McCarer 45
Mauldin: Howard 68; Roy 68
Maupin: John A 56; Mary Maurine 12, 13
Maxey: Edwin 68; Mrs Geo 68; Theodore 68
Maxwell: Will 68
May: Bob 73; Dr E O 73; Dr Reynolds 73; Dr Ross R 73; Lester R 73; Rev H Grady 73; Wm 73
Mayer: Dorothy Bell 13
Mayes: Hon William H 83; Tom Duncan 14
Mayfield: Mrs Robert B 84
Mayhew: Levi L 39; Otha W [M] 39; Sue [Sudie] S 39
Mayo: Corinne Frances 5; Mrs Mary Annie 81
McAfee: Josephine F 80
McAlpine: Neil Guion 7
McCafferty: Ralph A 5
McCallum: Roland 9
McCamey: Howard Douglas 12
McCarer: Sarah Howell 45; Wm H 45
McCarthy: Miss Bee 68; Miss Mae 68
Mrs Willie 68
McCarty: Bea 15; Bernice 11
McCauley: Dr and Mrs C M 68
McClanahan: Miss Josephine 79; Mrs C 79
McClellan: Bertha 53; Frances Louisa 14; Jean Dealey 50; Joseph Lupton 50; McClendon: Bryan 82; Miss Alice 83; W E 83
McCleod: Mrs John 77
McClure: Dr J T 92; Miss Ethel 92; Mrs J T 92
McConnell: Dorothy Margaret 9; John Neven 56; Lyle Morgan 39; William [L] W 39
McCuen: Vicki Lynn 58
McCulloch: Mrs W G 72
McCutcheon: Irene Carman 9
McDaniel: Nannie 72
McDanies: Mrs Cutis 78
McDeane: Marie V [Vivian] 61
McDonald: Byron A 10; Elizabeth 15; Margie 9; Sarah Jane 91
McDonnold: Valma 13
McDonough: Robert L 6
McFarland: Dorothy Gordin 13; Mr and Mrs S J 68
Nelson K 14
McFerren: Mary B 58
McGaite: Mr C C 76
McGaughey: Cleo Adeline 5
McGavock: Mrs Ina Beth Sessions 72
McGee: Charles [Charlies] M 55; Ida Mae 57, 55; Mr and Mrs H I 68; Mrs H 68
McGill: Ilmay Buckley 59; Mrs Alexander 68
McGrath: James 11
McGuffey: Lillian 15
McGuire: Anthony B 58; Mr and Mrs R N 68
McGwier: Yates 9
Mcintyre: John 53
Mclintyre: Elizabeth H 32; Hugh McCulloch 32
McKay: Carroll Elliott 14; James Walter Jr 4; Sarah Jane 45
McKee: Alma 91; J H 9 1; Katherine Jalonick 33; Rev W A 91; Ruby Clayton 9
McKenney: Dr S S 75
McKennon: Mrs Mary 84
McKinley: Allie May 13
McKneeley: Mary [Mollie] S 36
McKnight: Emma E 44; Mary Anne Stewart 44
McLarry: Dick 12
McLaughlin: Mae Rena 6; Mattie 81
McLaurin: Hugh L Sr 44
McLaurin: Family Marker 44; Kate Gano 44; Maurice G 44
McLendon: Dr L M 68; Leland 68; Lucian 68; Miss Annie 68; Tom 68
McMaster: Albert Lee 82; Albert Reed 82; Alice Matilda 82; Carl Patterson 82; Effie Bertie 82; Mattie Mae 82; Mrs A R 82; Sibblie Evie 82; Walter Jessie 82; William Earl 82
McNabb: Gerald C 10
McNair: Grace Marie 13
McNeill: Miss Leslie 68; Mrs J L 68
McQuary: David Demetris 76; Ed 76; Lewis 76; Miss Mettie 76; Mrs Margaret Minerva Ross 76; Reatherford 76; Ross 76; Tom 76
McQuillan: Jack C [Cooper] 59
McShan: Eugenia 58
McShann: Mamie Beatrice 16
Meador: Mr and Mrs L C 68; Mrs M 68; Robert F 12
Mears: Miss Myrtle 68; Mr and Mrs W A 68
Meek: Miss Willie Ann 77
Meers: Myrtle 20, 24
Meggs: Pennie E 59; Stevens 59
Meley: George M 61
Melone: Henry Lloyd 37
Mercer: Miss Florence 74; Miss Helen 74; Mrs J J 74
Meredith: Nina Browning 9, 10
Merrel: Mary Luella 82
Merritt: Alice 9; Virginia 9
Merry: Mrs G G 74
Metzger: Bertha 37; Family Marker 37; Jacob 37; Wm 37
Metzler: F J 68; Mr and Mrs F J 68
Meyers: Kelvin L 71
Middlebrook: Edwin 58
Midlothian: Mrs R C 76
Miers: Hudson Stuck 12
Mikeska: Joe Frank 61; Lucy M [Howard] 61
Milam: Elizabeth E 7
Miles: Mrs Julia 86
Miller: C A 90; Charles Louis 47; Floribell 37; Herman 68; J J 90; John H 37; John Hickman [Dick] 37; John Hickman Jr 37; Katherine 37; Katherine Melone 37; Kitty 37; L M 90; La Nora Charlotta Elizabeth 89; Laura Suzanne 93; Lestere 68; Lloyd M 6; M E 68; Mabel E 15; Miss Agnes 68; Miss Ida 68; Miss Ila 68; Mr and Mrs Fox F 68; Mr and Mrs Henry Lewis 89; Mr and Mrs N O 68; Mrs E H 81; Mrs W C (Dub) [Nell West Bolanz] 32
Miller-Bolanz: Family Monument 32
Millett: Alonzo 31; Mollie 31
Milligan: Anna 57
Mills: Dr J W 75
Mimms: Pauline 5
Minor: Zeda Alyce 9
Mitchell: Carolyn Laruth 20; Elijah 16; Harriet Jane 90; Miss Eda 91; Miss Ethel 68; William H 42
Mize: Edward Harvey 4
Mobly: Eugene W 6
Moffett: Mrs R R 68; Ralph 68
Moller: Miss Lillian 68
Moncrief: Elizabeth 11
Monroe: Beverly Joyce 21; Lurline Pearl 9; Mrs Calhoun 80
Monzingo: Fredna Clay 9
Mood: George Henry 9
Mook: Alice Lee 15
Moon: Mrs Leota 68; Perry 68
Moore: Alfred A 50; Barta 33; C M 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 16; Caroline Louisa [Carrie Lou] 33; Charles J 33; Charles J, Jr 33; Cordelia [Eudora] V [Vaughn] 33; Dr H Leslie 68; Frank G 50; Geo H 33; George H 6; Henry H [Hibler] 33; Henry S 33; Henry S [Sutton] 33; Hugh 10; lona Helen 13; Ira Thomas 50; Jack 12; Jennings M [Murphy] 33; John Francis 6; Laura A [Angela] 33; Louisa Ann 33; Marguerite Ann 9; Mary E 33; Mary Spencer 33; Miss Eugenia 68; Mrs Addie 90; Mrs Anna 80; Mrs Mary Elizabeth Height 78; Rose Hendon 42; Ruth Armelia 16; Susan S 50; Thomas 33; Thomas S [Spencer] Sr 33; Twila 68; W F 78; Wilton Chappelle 4
Morehead; Miss Durelle 68
Moreland: Irene 12, 13
Moreno: Raymond Charles 60
Morgan: B S 68; Cecil 68; Edgar 68; Miss Sallie 68; Mrs Margaret 68; Thomas 68; Morris; Janet 3; Miss Annie 68
Morrison: Albert A 44; Gertrude Samuel 44; Norman M 37
Morrow: Thelma Lucile 16; Virginia Bell 9
Morse: Allen H 9
Morton: Mrs Georgie 81; Mrs P H 86; Ross Bradley 58
Moser: Mrs Minnie 68
Moses: Dr Michael Alton 21; Walter Felming 21
Mosher: Edward John 35; Jennie Elizabeth 35; Mary E 35; Mildred 35; Theodore 35
Moulton: J C 6
Moursund: Carl T 9
Mouzon: Bishop E D 73; H D Jr 73; Henry D 73
Moxley: Frank Norris 9
Moye: Abie F [Paige] 41; Clyde 41; Family Marker 41; Jean Clifford 41; John T [Thomas] 41; Louie 41; Mary Anne 41
Mulford: Charley 57
Mulkey: Elizabeth 72; Frank 72; Gill 72; Irene 68; John 72; Miss Ruth 72, 75, 81; Thomas Pickett 72
Mullican: Mr and Mrs Clark M 68; Mr and Mrs W M 68; Patsy 68
Munckton: J [Joseph] W 49; Marie Mary 49
Munford: Annie P 31
Munger: Dorcas 19; Infant of L Roy 52
Murchison: Reva 13
Murdoch: Marion A 5
Murdock: Etta Bell 11
Murphy: Helen Marie 16; James T 44; Mrs Joe 68
Murray: Mrs J E 68; Sarah Moore 34
Muse: Mrs Lizzie 75; Nellie 15
Musgrave: Juanita 13
Musgraves: Pearl 74
Myers: Beatrice 11; Mrs O C 68; Mrs S 68; Pren E 60
Nale: Julian, Jr 6
Nance: Carnes E 7
Napier: Robert Howard 14
Nash: Lenora 4
Neal / Neel: Calvin Clifford 16
Neary: Frederick E 7
Neederman: Bertha Mary 4
Neel: Mrs Jno M 68
Neilson: Annie L 34; John Finley 34; Samuel L 34
Neislar: Charles R 10
Nelle: Rubye Belle 13
Nelson: August 91; Carl W 91; Mr and Mrs J R 91; Mr and Mrs W 68; Mr and Mrs W F 68
Newkirk: Betty Jane 90; Calvin Wesley Sr 90; Charles I 90; Floyd 89, 90, 92; Glenna Jane 90; James Calvin 90; Jane Alice 90; Nedra 9, 10
Newman: Horace Albert 14; Robert Holbert 59
Newsom: Ruby Blanche 13
Newsome: Mr and Mrs W B 68; Tom W 68
Newton: Roy Arthur 14
Nichols: Millicent Effie 11
Noble: John A 78; William S 9
Norman: Evelyn 11
Norris: Ruth Evelyn 13
Norsworthy: Robert Edward Lee 8
North: William H Jr 12
Northington: Ruth 6
Norwood: Mrs H W 75, Mrs Jane 68
Nugent: Aimee Webb 77; Mrs T 68; Wm Lewis 77
O'Brien: Florence 82; Ida B 61; M J 61; M L Sr 59; Mr and Mrs D E 69
O'Connell: Thomas S 7
O'Leary: Annie 11
Odeneal: Joe Bailey 14
Odom: Mrs Carlton 75, 84
Ofitt: Mrs Ben 92
Ogan: Cecilia (Mrs J C Mann) 80; Eugene H 80; Grace 72, 80; Maggie 80; Michael Homer Burgess Burket 80
Ogleby: Lou 19, 23
Oglesby: Mattie Elizabeth 78
Old: Daisy A 90
Olens: Mrs C A 73
Oliver: H Fay 62; Hughes 14; J D 34; Mrs L E 79; Preston S 62
Omohundro: Mrs Lucille 91
Onderdonk: Mr and Mrs Frank S83
Oppenheimer: Evelyn B 11
Orr: Frank 76; Gladys Marie 9; Samuel A 76
Osborn: J M 54; J T 54; William Mcklin 4
Osburn: Mrs W illiam 78
Ousley: Angie Lewis 42; Clarence N 42; Henrietta R 42; Mary Young 42; Wm Henry 42
Ouzts: William M 14
Ovalle: Jesse 45
Overall: Mrs W H 86
Overton: Miss Beryl 69
Owen: Irene Frances 9; John Elsie 62; Julia Ella 9
Owenby: Mrs Jim 84
Owens: Carl Ira 55; Katherine 4
Page: Mrs Bob 75
Paine: Mrs Lura 80; Mrs Missie 80
Palmer: Grace 13
Pardue: Miss Amy 69
Park: Mary Alice 15
Parker: D F 69; Ed Wallace Jr 12; Miss Mary Jane 69; Morris 69; Mr and Mrs A C 69; Wylie A 5, 11
Parks: Annie Laura 34; Baby 34; Family Marker 34; Lon R 34; Mrs Mattie 81; Oscar Finley 34; Sallie 34
Parnell: Joe 55
Parrish: Betty Catherine 13; J B 12; Leona 78
Parten: Nina V 15
Partlow: Allie Mae 3
Patrick: Charles Fairbanks 60; Dixie Lee 58
Patterson: A G 78; Elise 5; Florence White 51; George 9; Jessica 51; Mrs M A 78
Payne: Gus R 69; Hubert 69; Lawrence Ray 4; Mattie 92; Nancy Bracken 54; Will 69
Payton: Robert Lee 21; Robert Lee Jr 21
Peacock: Luther 14; William Nolan, Jr 4
Peak: G V 69; Mrs June 69; Mrs N T 91; Worth Jr 69; Pearce: C A 69; H Virginia 11
Pearson: Mrs Clarence 91; Mrs Oscar A 91; Ralph 91
Peavey: Lura Dena74
Peck: Mrs Dorothy 73; Walter Hathaway 69
Peebles: Richard D P 90; T H 90
Peery: F W 49
Pendley: Rena Nannette 11
Penn: Ellen Conner 41; Family Marker 41; George O [Oscar] 41; George S 41; John T 41; Lucille 6; Maud Read 41; Ralph C 41
Penniman: Henry C 34; Mary L 34
Peoples: Mrs Laura 84
Perrin: Miss Annie 72
Perry: Annie May 36; Gilbert 36; May B 36; Pomroy S 36; Willie Bell 36
Perry: Mrs George M [Theadore Harmon] 36
Perry: Mrs Charles 72
Peterman: Chris F 4
Peterson: Cyrus Lawrence 12
Pettibone: F 37; Mary Melone 37
Pettigrew: H F 9
Peurifoy: Sneed 14
Pfaff: James Richard 14
Pfouts: Family Marker 31; George 31; Harriet V 31; Maude E 31; Paris S [Swazy] 31; William 31
Phares: Mrs F B P 89
Phelps: Dr William H 84
Philipp: Fred 4
Phillips: Bertha Mae 9; Chandler A 14; Dorothy 14; Eula 78; Harry B Jr 5; J H 78; Mrs J H 75, 78; Mrs Lee 79; Mrs Ralph McDade 92; Percy John 78; Rev 75
Pickens: Alice 9, 10; Gen Andrew 80; Joseph 80
Pickett: Martin L 9; Nettie Lee 46
Pierce: Mrs F A 69
William M Jr 10
Pilcher: Miss Minnie 74
Pimlott: Claud 69; Howard 69; Mrs J L 69
Pittman: George 69; Miss Kathryn 69; Mrs Ed F 69; Pendell 69; Sidney William Jr 16; William Sidney Jr 16
Plaster: Dollie B 20
Pluenneke: Charles 91; Dr Perry 91; Milton 91; Rev Conrad 91
Pogue: Guy 14
Poindexter: Gilbert Parker 9, 10
Pollard: L A 84; Mrs 69; Mrs H W 84; Rev John G 84
Pollock: Clotilde 6; E Lawrence 43; Gertrude Arnett 43; Josephine 15; Mary Asenith 42; Mary Ellen 84; William W 43
Ponder: Cora Lee 47; William A 47
Pope: John William 6; W B 6
Porter: Alyne 11; Jane Alyene 55; Lenon 9; Martha Alta 7; Mrs T L 91; Sarah Frances [Blanton] 55
Posey: Miss Belle 69; Mrs S J 69
Potts: Chas W 6; Elizabeth Ann 11; Virgil L Jr 12
Powell: Devrett 39; Durrell 39; E [Ernest] M 39; Mary A [Almyra] 39; Mrs Clarah 89; Nellie Gladys 15; Richard David 82
Power: Elizabeth 46; Family Marker 46; Florence May 46; J Howard 46; Leonard 4, 10; Sallie J 46; W B 46
Powers: Frances 6; George W 55
Pratt: Floyd Vernon 10
Prescott: Eula 15
Presley: Miss Margaret 69
Preston: Ethel Margaret 9; Jessie Inez 15
Prewitt / Pruitt: Allene 6
Price: Miss Annie Lee 69; Miss Henri 69; Miss Jeanie 69; Mr and Mrs Henry 69; Mrs R W 75
Prigmore: Jack Milton 9
Pritchard: Mr and Mrs E L 69
Pritchett: Ada 60; Vernon C 59
Puckett: Capt W W 85; D M 85
Puett: Marvin Boyd 58
Puette: Evalina Collier 89
Purnell: Mrs L V 69
Puryear: Mrs S H 75
Putman: Child of E E 52
Putnam: Ethel Joyce 57; Marion Gardner, Jr 57
Pyle: John W 48
Pyron: Rex 10
Queal: Josephine Elma 9, 10
Quinn: Lillian Fae 15; Mary M 57
Raesener: Mrs Henry 92
Rager: Ralph William 7
Ragsdale: Rosa 69
Ralston: Elizabeth S 31; George Walter 58; Harry S 31; Marian A 31; Robert 31; Robert W 31
Ramsey: Don L 69; Frank Robert 4; W A (Bill) [William Alexander] 58
Randall: Hallie 11
Rankin: Mr and Mrs W W 69
Rast: Mrs Bertha 76
Rather: Opal 15
Ratliff: A J 71; Dan 82, 86; Ewart 82; Horace W 71; Hugh 86; J H 86; Lloyd 86; Miss Blanche 71; Mr S B 71; Mrs Fannie 84; Mrs Nannie 86; Mrs S B 71; O M 71; Sam 82
Rawlins: Flora Dell 48; Mrs H L 69; Sarah A [Anderson] 48; Severne 69; William K [King] 48
Rayner: Oliver Greenlaw 10
Rea: Mrs T J 85
Reardon: E M Jr 51; E [Edwin] M 51; Elizabeth Hardie 51; George S 51; Infant of E M 51; Mary Beatty 51
Reaves: Charles R 5
Record: Cannie [Cynthia] [Thomas] 35; James E [Elbin] 35; Joseph W 35
Rector: Judge Nelson Avery 77
Reed: Helen Gertrude 16; Mr and Mrs M F 69; Robert Alan 9, 10; Samuel H 5
Reekes: Mrs Elizabeth 69; Mrs M D 69
Reese: Caroline Wardlaw 80; E M 81; Milton 80
Reid: Lucille Pauline 11
Reidy: Jo Kathryne 7
Reiger: Mr and Mrs Roy 69; Mrs G C 69
Reilly: James Minard 7
Reimer: Talitha Elizabeth 13
Reis: Laun Morrison 9
Reppard: Isaac and Mary Ann 80
Reyes-Valdez: Guadalupe De Los 21
Reynolds: George T Jr 14; Mary Katherine 13; Mr and Mrs W F 69; Mrs A V 69; Raymond Francis 6; Ruth 11
Rhew: Marshall E 14
Rhinehardt: Mary E 20
Rhoads: Joseph J 8, 16; Orval 6
Rhodes: Vida Marguerite 11
Rhoton: Iris 13
Rice: Helen Pluide 55
Richburg: Mrs J L 85
Richie: Mrs J R 74; Rev J R 74
Ricks: H E L 53
Rennie Jane 53
Riddell: Elna 11; Miss Lurline 69; Mr and Mrs T A 69
Ridley: Emma Lee 15
Riggen: Lillian Huntley Ewing 37; O S 37
Rightberger: Lila 69
Rigsby: Mrs T A 85
Rinaman: William A 7
Rinehardt: Elizabeth 5
Rinker: Mary Ellen 4
Rippy: Edwin L 6
Riser: Mary Gladys 9
Ritter: A W 62
Rizer: Fletcher Orval 15
Roach: Johnnie 71
Roack: Roy 6
Roberts: Frank S 38; Helen 14; Mary Graham 38; Mrs F S 69; Rebecca 15; Ruth 15
Robertson: Anabel 13; Bird Ester 16; Earl 61; Fanna Belle 9; Priscilla 9; Robinson; A D 59; David L Jr 6; Edwin 69; Emma 59; Jessie 31; Miss Nannie 75; Mrs Elizabeth 85; Ona 69; Pies 85; Thelma Rhea 13
Rochester: E T 44
Roden: Mrs C A 69
Roderick: Mr and Mrs C F 69
Rodgers: J G 69; Marybeth 6
Rodriguez: Frank John 45; Teresa 21
Rogers: Clairene C 11; James Emery 76; Leslie 76; Mabel 76; Marguerite Swindells 35; Miss Helen 69; Mr and Mrs C A 69; Mr and Mrs Dan D 69; Mrs A L 69; Paul 76; Reaford D 12; Rev W M 80; Thomas and Martha Knight 76
Rojas: Dr Waldemar Bill 21; Ralph 21
Romanowski: Hanna Elsa 9
Romotsky: Isadore 3
Roorbach: Ronald Bates 10
Rosborough Mrs James 76
Rose: Milford J 4; Wilfrid 15
Rosenburg: Mr J W 73; Mrs W 73; Rev J Wallace 73; Roy 73; Tom 73
Rosier: Joseph M 5
Ross: Harriett G 35
Rev David and Nancy Hampton 76
Rosser: Angie Ousley 42; John Elijah 42; John Ousley 42
Rothbaum: Mary Regina 9
Rothell: Glenn 4
Rothschild: Rose 11
Routh: Lucy A 49
Rowe: Margaret Adelyne 5
Roy: Nannie 31
Ruble: Virginia 5
Rucker: [D Wilton] 53; D W 53; Julia Belle 53; Little Louise 53; Wilton Grandville 53
Rudberg: Max I 10
Rudd: John S 6
Ruddell: Dr and Mrs H P69
Rudell: Dr Henry Porter 38; Kate 38
Rumfelt: Henry Fredrick 12
Runnels: Lillie D 47
Rupard: Earle 69; Mr and Mrs Jack 69; Mrs J R 69
Rushing: Mrs A E 87
Ruska: Carole 29
Russell: Catherine Elizabeth 9; Gertrude Irene 12, 13; J M 85; Mrs J C 85; Rev C H 73; Rev Clark 85; William Carl 7
Rutherford: Daphne 11
Rutledge: Miss Josephine 69; Peggy Blan 20
Ryan: Florence 11
Ryon: J E 89; J W 89; James L 89; R E 89
Sala: Guy Emmett 54; Mrs Ruby 83
Sale: Mrs Clar 69
Sample: Stella 59
Samuell: Anne Lovell 31; Dr W W 31; Family Marker 31; H [Hazael] O 56 [Offutt] 31; Joel J 31; Sallie W [Worthington] 31
Samuels: Melvin B 10
Sandefur: Chaytor O 48; R T 60; Tom B [Barnes] 48; Sanders: Elliott Steele 40; Infant of Elliott S & Hellen S 40; Infant of R V 40; Mabel Childress 40; Mable C 40; Mamie Walter 40; Robert Vidor 40; Robert Wm 40; Robt V 40
Sanford: Charlie James 15; James R [Robert] 31; Rosa Mae 31
Sapp: Louannie 55; Walter B 55
Sargeant: Thos E 10
Sasse: Henry James 15
Sauerwein: Catherine Louisa 19
Saulsbury: Caroline 79
Saunders: Elizabeth Antoinette 13
Saunderson: Charles Jr 12
Schackman: Abe 10
Schaerdel: William 5
Schefer: J T 55
Scheffler: John Chas 48
Schenewerk: Robert H 9
Scher: Samuel L 5
Scheub: Emma Marie 4
Schiebel: Walter J E 17
Schlather: Fred 34
Schneider: Jules E Sr 49; Florence 49
Schrimpf: Myra Moye 41
Schuler: Harry Gladden 69; Mr and Mrs A G 69; Walter Scott 69
Schwedler: Pauline 6
Scott: George Clarke 9; Mrs John 92; Mrs M 69; Mrs S B 69; Scruggs: David 8; Miss Mary 69
Scrutchin: Mrs W A 82
Scudder: Dixie La Fayette 15
Seale: Ernest D 9
Sears: Helen Elizabeth 13; Mr and Mrs Harry G 69
Seay: Arthur [Burrell] 38; C [G] M 38; Charles 38; Elizabeth 38; James Milton 38; L A 38
Sedgwick: Mrs W D 69; W Dale, Jr 69
Seeligson: Mrs Henry 69
Self: Addison C 69; Alton 69; Doris Ruth 15; Monnie Mae 69; Mr and Mrs R L 69
Senter: Mrs Floyd 91
Sessions: Mrs Ella 72; Mrs J B 85; R E and Wm 72; Rev T F 72; Royal Fred 72
Sewell: Eula E 20
Seymour: Miss Carrie 72
Shamburger: Rufus Van 4
Shanks: Clara Belle 9
Shannon: A M 52; Edna Ouida 6; Marie Weaver 52; Mr and Mrs C M 69
Sharp: Gage Webb 9; Infant of J R 51
Sharpe: Miss Sallie 69
Shaw: Mrs E O 74
Shearer: Mrs G W 81; Rev Geo W 81
Sheeley: Joseph 39; Stella 39
Sheffield: Harold 9
Shelley: Eugene 84; Mrs Mary W 84
Shelton: Carroll Melbourne 9; Georgia 69; John Ray Jr 4; Karin 15; Mr and Mrs R L 69
Shepherd: John 9
Sherman: Mildred Pauline 9, 10
Sherrard: Annis 75; Mary Josephine (Colquitt) 75; Nathan Earl Jr 75; Nathan Sr 75
Sherrill: Miss Frances 69; Mrs B T 69; Olga 69
Sherwin: Mrs C S 69
Shields: Edith Mae 8
Shiels: Mrs A Y 69
Shilg: Ervin 69
Shinder: Ethel 11
Shinn: Mrs Ethel 77
Shoebel: Otto 37
Shoemaker: Mattie Ann 61
Shofner: Jessie May 13
Shogren: Miss Anne 69; Miss Bessie 69
Sholars: Scipio 8
Shope: Mrs J H 76
Short: Gladys 11
Shumate: Mr and Mrs G A Jr 69
Shuttles: William Elbert 9
Siebenhausen: George 5
Simmons: Clara May 13; Dollye Fay 13; Helen Claire 13; Helen Mary 13
Simms: Leslie Neal 51
Sarah Weaver 51
Simon: Lucille 6
Simpson: Dale 74; George Delbert 74; Mrs C W 77; Norman 74; Roy 74
Sims: Lucy Mae 8
Sinex: Miss Genevieve 69; Miss Nellie Mae 69; Mr and Mrs Chas H 69; Mrs M S 69
Sing: Fae 69; May 69
Singleton: John W 5; Win Daniel 10
Sinsabaugh: Mr and Mrs J O 69
Sisk: Alice Eloise 11
Skaggs: Bertle 11
Skelton: Dr Creighton Ruxton 44; Elizabeth Ruxton 44; Minnie Emley Henrietta 44; Robert 44
Skiles: Donald J 12; Mollie A 55
Slaten: Lloyd 10; Lloyd Nass 9
Slaton: Katherine 11; Mr and Mrs J S 69
Slaughter: James Harold 5
Slay: Mr and Mrs J Frank 69
Slayter: Edward 69; Rev and Mrs J G 69; Richard 69
Smart: Mrs W A 87
Smasal: Harrold 69
Smelser: Della Mae 85; Mr and Mrs Nelson H 85; Stella Faye 85
Smiley: Edward E II 7
Smith: Alfred James Jr 9; Antionette 9, 10; Audie Lee 15; Carolyn 29; Carolyn M 6; Charles D 12; Edna Earle 9; Ernest 69; Eugenia 69; Frances 9; Geo Duffield 12; George W 76; Heil 88; Infant son of Rev and Mrs; Paxton Smith 73; Jennie [Spaulding] 48; K 32; L N 60; Lena Mae 13; Margaret 58; Mary Alice 11; Mr and Mrs R C 69; Mr and Mrs W H 69; Mrs Coleman 79; Mrs J R 69; Mrs Lee 79; Mrs S M 69; Rev Ellis 87; Rev H B 80; Walter Drury Jr 10; William J 12; Willie 69
Smithson: Thelma 69
Smithy: Henry C 57
Smothers: Mr and Mrs Jno W 70; Ralph 70
Snowden: Mrs S C 76
Sobey: Wm H 70
Sorrells: Wendell 15
Spalding: E F 48; J E 48
Sparkman: Inez 9, 10; J R 9
Sparks: Celia 11
Sparrow: Dorothy O [Olmstead] 48
Spatlen: Tennie Mae 57
Speaker: Paul H Jr 15
Spears: Frances 14
Spence: Dorothy Evangeline 13
Spencer: Jeannette 11
Spillers: Mr and Mrs M F 70
Spragins: Edward Livingstone 41; Lide Amelia 41
Sprayberry: Elsie M 4
Sprong: Mr and Mrs R E 70
Spurlin: Helen Jane (Hattie) 19
Stafford: Mabel Rae 9
Stagner: Ross 12
Stallings: Milton Robert Jr 15
Stanberry: Recompense 18, 22
Stanbery: Joseph 19; R 17; Recompense 19; Stanton Franklin; Eva Mae 8
Staples: Geo 70; Mrs M E 70
Stapleton: Fannie H [Hendon] 41
Star: Elsa 5
Starkey: Mrs T B 90
Starks: Chad Buford 10
Starr: Fred 10
Stearns: Mr and Mrs E D 92; Mr R V 92; Rev M C 92
Steel: Mrs Marshall T 84
Steele: Seth Hackett 15
Steere: Frances Idalia 11; Ruth B 11
Steger: Joe H 15
Stegman: Elsie 11
Stein: William Charles 7
Steinberg: Alice 11
Steinhagen: Mr and Mrs Carl 76
Stephens: Mr and Mrs S H 70; Vertrees 9
Stevens: A C 70; Francesta 70; Maybelle Iola 14; Metzela 70; Mrs A L 77; Mrs R L 70
Stewart: Alex P Jr 49; Bertha Koller 49; Charley 52; Emma Jean 52; Mrs C A 70; Mrs Carrie G 87
Stilwell: Margaret Shirley 4
Stine: Mrs Lena 70
Stockton: Marge 3
Stoddart: Julia Elizabeth 39; Laura 39; Stokes D D; Rev Peter 79
Stokley: J B 72; Mrs Sarah Maranda 72; Rev Samuel W 72
Stone: Marietta 4
Stoneham: Henry Douglas 4
Storey: Stansel 4
Storm: Paul G Jr 6
Stout: C F 85; L D 85; Nancy Cason 85
Stover: Walter 37
Strange: Temple Virginia 3; Stringer: Mrs J D 77; Mrs Lena 77
Strong: Mr and Mrs Carlos 70; Mr and Mrs Seth 70; W H 93
Stuckie: Chas 70
Suda: Mr and Mrs T Z 70
Sugg: Elizabeth 9
Sullivan: Arthur Ritter 10; Margaret 11; Miss Thelma 70; Mrs R A 70
Sultan: Mrs Robert 91
Summer: Benjamin T 55
Surbaugh: Susan Frances [Doke] 56
Surles: Faye Adalyn 15
Susen: William 5
Svarz: Mrs Lula 70
Swain: Elizabeth Clarendia 81
Swan: Lellie 70
Swindells: Charles S [Stewart] 35; Mary S 35; Minnie Hart 35
Swinsky: Cathryne 12
Swinsky: Cathryne 13
Taber: Alfred S 31; Benjamin C 31; Family Monument 31; John C B 32; Julia M 31; Martin E 31; Samuel H 31
Talbot: Mrs E Guy 83
Thomas 15
Talmadge: Rita Kelly 58
Tanner: Luke P 51
Tate: Cornelia 71; Judge Jno 71; Mrs Elmo 84; Mrs Maggie E 79; Turner 71; Will 71
Taylor: Bama Adams 13; Camille 9; Dr George C 83; Earl J 7; Ezma Inez 6; Gladys Mae 16; J Rufus 83; Joseph H 10; Kittrick Ara 21; Mr and Mrs J S 70;
Mrs Bird 91; Mrs Julia 70; Rev R C 83; Robert G 83; Willie Mabel 11
Teaff: Mrs W H 79
Teagarden: Ellen Rose 70; Marguerite 70; Mr and Mrs J O 70; Oswin 70; Pansey 70; Robin 70; Robin D 12; Violet 70; Teasley; Eugene H 7; Samuel A 12
Temple: Faye Marie 11
Templeton: Hubert G Jr 4
Tenison: W H 32
Tennant: Ophelia Wray 39
Terrell: George 70
Terrill: James Edward 7
Terry: A A Jr 70; Chester 70; Mr and Mrs A A 70; Mr and Mrs L R 70; Mr and Mrs W C 70; Mrs Lee 85
Thackston: E O 70
Thain: Rosie 53
Therrel: Louise E 11
Thetford: Miss Bessie 70; Miss Eloise 70; Miss Lorena 70; Mr and Mrs H M 70
Thiell: Charles H 59; Martha A 59
Thofern: Louise 37
Thomas: Annie Ola 15; David-Ella 45; Ed 70; Emma 70; Gretchen 70; Henry Philip 45; Ida Mae Erline 8; Inez 70; J L 45; J W 56; James Lovick Albert 45; James P 70; Lois May 12, 13; Lydia 56; Mike 70; Moss 70; Mr and Mrs DeWitt S 70; Mr and Mrs M H 70; Mrs E A 72; Olga 44; Quozuese 16; Sallie M 45; Sallie Steele Matthews 45
Thomason: T R 70
Thompson: Dr D D 41; Ella E 41; Emma Leola 6; Erline 11; Harold 9; J B 89; J D 89; James J 8; Joseph M 89; Lillian Evelyn 8; Mary Alice 13; Mrs Alec 79; Mrs Gladys 76; Mrs J M 89; Mrs Selma 91; Virden Monroe 15; Virginia Dortha 13
Thomson: Mrs Bettie 75; William Enders 41
Thorburn: Miles K 33
Thorburne: Robt 60
Thorn: Eiland Harold 9
Thornhill: C P 70; Rose Gahagan 13
Thornton: Myra Barbara 6
Throckmorton: Leland Stanford 12
Tidwell: Ray T 9
Timmerman: Maples 70; Mr and Mrs W M 70
Timmins: J W Jr 70
Tinsley: Frances Ruth 11; Mr and Mrs Paul 70
Tippitt: James H 7
Tittle: Ernest 70
Tobolowsky: Estelle Rae 5; Jake 3
Todd: Mrs E A 70; Mrs R H 84
Toland: J C 60; Mrs N S 60
Tompkins: Anna D 43; Ethel D 43; George R 43; Infant son 43; M [Mary] D 43; R V 43; R V Jr 43
Torrey: Louis B Sr 40
Torrey: Bettie Blaylock 40; Clarence T 40
Torrey: Infant son [Louis B Jr] 40
Tosch: Ray W 5
Totty: Mrs M W 78
Touchstone: Mrs O O 70
Tower: Mrs C A 87; Rev C A 87; Rev Joe Z 87
Tramblade: Miss Nell 70; Mrs Ellen 70
Trammel: Mrs W B 72
Travenio: Theodore 16
Travis: F A 70; Miss Veta 70
Treadwell: Mrs J A 70
Tresenriter: Aline 9
Trezevant: Family Marker 30; J T 30; John 30
Trice: Miss Lois 70; Mr and Mrs S Y 70
Trigg: Mrs J N 78
Tritch: Roy 9
True: Charles 76; Ed 76; Jessie B 76; Len 76; Martin 76; Miss Juanita 76; S M 76
Tucker: Dr and Mrs J H 88; Francis 54; Mrs C 70; Mrs R C 78
Tullos: Mrs S C 90
Turner: Auris 15; Donald 12; Ellen 92; Eugenia Ruth 13; Gilbert L 8; Grace 13; James M D 79; Joseph 38; Minnie Dee 11; Rev and Mrs J M 79; Willie Chester 38
Tydings: Louise 15
Ueckert: Maurine Mildred 14
Underwood: Mrs Milton R 72
Upham: Mrs E R 70
Van Dyne: Sam 12
Vanston: Joyce 20
Vardaman: Daisy 54
Vaughan: J T 60; Margaret 15; N M 60; Victor 60
Vaughn: Owen Olen 54
Vawter: Mrs E D 70
Vernor: Mrs J E 88
Vineyard: Margaret 11
Vise: Velma Mae 13
Voight: Wilhelm R [Dutch] 37
Vorderkunz: Alice Margaret 13; Mr and Mrs T F 70
Vratis: Jim N 5
Waddill: A W II 81; C Hugh 81; Joe P 81; Rev A W 81; Rev and Mrs Sam W 81; Sam Wright 81; Seth 81
Wade: Rev John E 72
Waggoner: Mrs R L 70
Wagner: C D 57; Elmer 11; Jacob 42; Kate L 42
Wakefield: Levy L 10
Walden: Anna Florence 93; Anna Louisa 34; John W 34
Waldman: Charlie S 10
Waldo: Bessie Maud 11
Walk: Geo E 30; Infant of Rev Edward 30
Walker: Col C A 86; Judge Daniel 86; L W 86; Miss Callie Joe 86; Miss Kate 70; Miss Mabel 70; Mrs Lela 90; Mrs Margaret 83; Mrs Roxie 91; Mrs Sarah R 86; W J 86
Wall: Mr and Mrs W S 70
Wallace: Candance Jeanne 21; Doris Gano 44; Frank Edward 6; Georgia Cariker 15; Mary W 7; Mr and Mrs L A 70; Mrs R B 70; Raddie M Jr 6; William 55
Wallis: Anita Ann 21
Walters: Josephine 6; Lynette 6
Walthen: Benjamin Southern, Jr 43
Walther: Eulalla 15
Walton: Mrs Ralph 86
Waits: Lester B 9
Ward: Franklin 12; Mr W C 75
Warder: Ben Jr 5
Ware: Barbara A 17, 29; Mrs Anna 70; Ruby 11
Warfield: John Neel 10
Warner: Lurline 16
Warren: Baby [W F] 39; Bettie C 39; J F 39; W [William] F 39
Washington: Birdie Lee 16
Wathen: [Benjamin] Southern 43; Benjamin Southern 43; Benjamin S Jr 10; Blanche Rogers 43; Evelyn Theo 43; Family Marker 43; Isabel Phillips 43; J [James] Wickliffe 43; Josephine M [Madora] 43; Marie Bonita 43; Robert Clifton 43; Robert Edwards 43; Thomas Neal 43; William Eugene 43
Watkins: Mrs George M 84; Wilson Frazier 12
Watson: Alex [Alexander] 51; Alexander 51; Bennie 13; Drexal Preyer 15; Durrell 51; Elizabeth S [Smyth] 51; Family Marker 51; George S [Smyth] Jr 51; George Smyth Sr 51; Hallette S [Searcy] 51; Jeanie M 51; Miss Nannie 86; Mollie M 56, 58; Mollie M [May] 56; Mr and Mrs Robert 86; Paul 71; Ralph 15; Sharlene 56
Watts: Ida Geneva 8
Waxman: Mrs 56
Way: C D Jr 6
Weaver: Family Monument 51; J C Jr 51; John C 52; John R 9; Luther B 5; Mary Josephine 58; Mattie 11; S E 51; Sarah Elizabeth 52
Webb: Mrs Jewell 86; Velma 9
Weber: Maud 58
Webster: Anna Frances 15; Charles Arthur 12; Mrs Thelma 70; Robert Rosser 10
Weeks: Agnes 92; Andrew Jackson 92; Charles E 92; Dudley Lee 92; Jack 92; John Wesley 92; Marvin Newharris 92; Marvin W 92
Weikermiller: W 57
Welch: Ensley Theodore 16; Jewel 12
Wells: Infants of W T 32; Johna 9; Lumb 32; Mrs J M 70; Pearlie Mae 6
Welton: Mabel Luella 6
Wertheimer: Jack 10; Wesch: Mary Louise 11; West: Elizabeth 15; Gordon 70; Horace Clinton 15; J A 76; Louise Esther 9; R S 77; S J 77; S W 77; Sim and Rutha 76
Westall: Mrs Louise 86
Westbay: Dollie 11
Weston: Alice A 36; Mary A 36; Mary H 36; Sam L C [Cary] 36; W W 36; William Record 36
Whaling: Dr Horace M Sr 90
Wharton: Mrs Claudie 89
Wheat: Jim 17
Whilden: Euwana Oliver 34
Whistler: Mrs Josephine 80; Rev George W 80; Vera 80; William R 80
White: Charlie 90; Christina Murry 39; Dr Warren Travis 20; Elisha James 52; Fletcher 90; Harriet M 52; Infant of J G & C M 39; J [Joseph] G 39; Marguerite Elaine 55; Miss Sidney 70; Mrs Clarence S 70; Mrs Eliza Rebecca 90; Mrs G C 87; Mrs Webster 81; W S 90; W T 17, 18; Warren W 20, 24; William Wright Sr 39
Whitehurst: C M 70; Clara Ellen 15
Whiteley: Radie Belle 4
Whiting: Sanford Vernon 7
Whitmore: Mrs M R 80
Whitworth: Mrs J L 76
Whytte: Mrs Geo T 72
Widmayer: L R 60
Wiggins: Fay 15
Wigington: Grace 62; Joe Nathan 62; Joseph Henry 62
Wiley: Minnie Alfred 7
Wilkes: Stanley Ernest 10
Wilkins: Richard B 10
Wilkinson: Alton E 4
Wilks: Ernest Langdon 5
Willenberg: Edward 92
Wesley 92
Williams: Alice E 58; Annie Louise 47; Betty Samuell 31; C A 70; Edward H 76; Edward Ralston 76; Elizabeth 11; Ellen Howard 21; Family Marker 47; Harold 29; Harry 31; Hillard 76; James S 85; Jessie 47; Jewel Elizabeth 13; Lou B [Lucinda Beckley] 47; Louise 4; Mary Belle [Flynn] 47; May 47; Miss Loyce 70; Mr and Mrs H P 70; Mr and Mrs Robt G 70; Mr and Mrs Wade H 70; Mrs A L 70; Mrs Bertha 70; Mrs Bettie Moore 76; Mrs D H 70; Mrs Louise E 86; Robert Y 76; Ruth Pearl 4; Stella 70; T B 85; W [William] Link 47; W L [William Lansdon] 47
Williamson: Mrs Fred 82
Willis: Frederick Russell 6
Mrs Delia 72
Wilson: A E 57; Annie Cornelia 15; Devoe 12; Harrell Arthur 7; John B 52; Laura D 52; Louise 15; Mary Alice 9; Miss Mollie 86; Miss Sallie 71; Mrs A C 70; Mrs Catherine 70; Ruth 14; Virginia 9; Walter B 88
Winford: Loyce M 15
Winkler: Elizabeth 13
Winslett: Mrs J B 70
Wise: Fred N 14
Withers: George L 42
Witt: Lula Mae 13
Wittiker: Anna 53
Wolens: Steven Dennis 93
Wolorz: Edward 61
Wood: Aline 70; Mrs C A 70; Mrs Floyd 77; Orvle 70; William P 33
Woodlief: Wallace H 6
Woods: Charles Foley 13; Jewel 16
Woodson: Miss O 70
Wooldridge: Charles William 9; Floyd A 9; Nellie Wylie Holden 45
Woolery: Chad Rolf 21; Charles E 21; Kirby 70
Woolf: Charles Rankin 6
Worden: Elwin A [Arthur] 46; Letta V 46; Minnie Gray 46
Worth: T [Thomas] H Bud 57
Worthen: Jennie Lee 13
Worthington: Celeste Royster 31; Elizabeth & Mary 31
Worthington: Thomas Payne 31
Worthington: T P 31; C A 31; Thomas P 31
Wray: Eula Mayhew 39; Laurance B 39; Permelia Shelby 39; William Hayes 39; Willie H 39
Wright: Betsy 13; Clara Mae 6; D S 84; David 81; Glenn R 40; Harmon 70; J O 70; James P 37; Linus Douglas 20; Mary Ruth 37; Mr and Mrs J T 70; Mr and Mrs J T Jr 70; Mr W W 81; Mrs David 81; Mrs J H 85; Mrs Sallie 70; Mrs Sim 76; Paul Ray 20; Ruthie 37; Sam 70
Wrightsman: Sadie Mae 11
Wunderlick: Ruth Genevie 4
Wyatt: John Jr 9
Wylie: [Col] W illiam D 45; Emma Wilmans 45; Family Marker 45
Wyll: Max 5; Sylvia 4
Wynne: Aubrey Milner 13; Julia Bailey 34
Yale: Ada L [Louise] 42; John F [Flack] 42
Yancey: Charles Stephen 4
Yarborough: John Milton, Jr 13
Yarrell: Zuleika 15
Yerby: Adela Beale 19
Young: Allen Miers 13; Elizabeth W [Warren] 39; George Charles 39; John 55; Katherine E 39; Letta B 58; Mary Sue 9; Mrs J N 91; Ruth Anita 13
Youngblood: Corine 61; Jack 9; O W 61; O W Jr 59
Younger: Suzan 29
Zahn: Mrs Minnie Walker 70
Zavala: Elisa O 47
Zeibel: Louise 15
Zeiske: Franz W 15
Zihlman: Mae Frances 13
Zimmerman: James Roy, Jr 7