The Dallas Quarterly | June 1994 – Volume XL, Number 2

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Title: The Dallas Quarterly

Created: June 1994

Editor: Linda Shaddock Rogers


Society Section

Genealogical Research

  • CORONER'S REPORTS, Dallas County Inquest Docket #2 by Gerri Brannon
  • 14TH DISTRICT COURT ABSTRACTS by Helen Mason Lu & Adrienne B. Jamieson
  • BOOK REVIEWS by Margaret Ann Thetford
    • Some Families of REVOLUTIONARY WAR PATRIOTS from VIRGINIA, MARYLAND, PENNSYLVANIA, SOUTH CAROLINA and KENTUCKY - Duncan, Miller, Coulter, Fleming, Pomeroy, Junkin, Harned, Galloway, Hartley, Weatherholt, Crawford, Mason, Pate, Moorman, Adams, Lewis, Johnston, Clark, Walker, Martin, Reynolds, Head, Long, Seaton, Kenner, Thompson, Greenwell, Bonum, Philpot, Eskridge, Spence, Youell, Sturman, Howson, Lee, Constable, and Rodham written and compiled by Willa Mac (Duncan) Coulter
    • WELSH FAMILY HISTORY: A GUIDE TO RESEARCH edited by John Rowlands and Others
    • LOGAN COUNTY, KENTUCKY DEED ABSTRACTS, 1813-1819 by Joyce Martin Murray

Publisher: Dallas Genealogical Society

Format: Paper; Number of Pages: 68; Height (Inches): 11; Width (Inches): 8.5; Binding Type: Stapled;

Language: English

Rights Holder: Copyright – Dallas Genealogical Society

View Index of Names

The Acquisitions list is not indexed.
---, unknown colored child 85
---, unknown colored man 89
---, unknown man (Mexican) 85
---, unknown white infant 88

Adams, (family) 117
Anderson, lsaac 111
Andrews, Annie 90
Apperson, Peter 109
Armstrong, Jack 88
Armstrong, James 105
Arnold, John 102
Atteberry, Nathan 111
Atterbury, Nathan 100, 101, 103, 105, 110
Augusta, Golda 84
Avery, Blanche E. 87

Babbit, William, 108
Bailiff, L. F. 89
Ballard, Frederick 101, 109
Barker, Joshua 108
Bates, Tom 87
Bauke, Earl 87
Beard, (J.P.) 114
Beard, Allen 99, 105, 108
Bee, J. L. 88
Beeman, Catherine 104, 109, 11 0, 111
Beeman, James 104, 106, 109, 110, 111
Beeman, John 106
Beeman, Samuel 99. 100
Bell, --- Dr. 86
Bennett, Elisha 101
Black, J. 87
Blackwell, Hiram 110, 111
Bledsoe, A 110
Bledsoe, A. 102, 103, 104, 109
Bledsoe, Samuel T. 101, 109
Blood, Jane 84
Bonum, (family) 11 7
Brandenburg, John 106
Brannan, Gerri 83
Breathitt, C. 119
Breathitt, Elizabeth 119
Breathitt, John 119
Breathitt, William 119
Brewer, Fannie 84
Briscoe, Ava N. 84
Brotherton, Dock 88
Brotherton, Tom 88
Browder, E. C. 116
Browder, Edward 100
Browder, Edward C. 99, 102, 107, 108, 112, 116
Brown, Fanny 89
Brown, Tom 83
Bruton, William 104, 106 111
Bryan, John N. 110, 111
Burford, --- 11 0
Burford, Nat M. 100, 104, 105, 108, 110, 114
Burnett, Laura 88
Burris, John 113
Burris, Thomas 112, 113
Burris, Zach 108
Busby, John 114, 115
Bush, --- 100, 109
Byrum, H. 103

Cameron, D. R. 108, 109
Cameron, David R. 110, 111
Cannon, Dan 86
Carder, W. P. 113
Carder, William P. 100, 103-106, 112, 113, 115, 116
Carlisle, J. T. 87
Carroll, Louis 86
Carter, Asher 102, 109, 111
Carter, Wormley 102
Carver, Solomon 109, 110
Casey, John 108
Castleberry, Georgia H. 93
Chapman, James 100, 104, 105
Chastain, Magdelon 119
Chastain, William 119
Chenault, --- 114
Chenault, W. M. 107
Chenault, Wesley 100, 104, 105, 108
Chenault, Wesley M. 116
Chenault, William 105
Chenault, Wm. M. 116
Choi, Frank 88
Clark, (family) 117
Clark, Deorus 87
Clark, ldaMae 88
Cloud, Jane 89
Cochran, A. M. 98
Cochran, William 103
Cochran, William M. 100, 101, 103, 110, 115
Cockrell, A. 100-103
Cockrell, Alex 115
Cockrell, Alexander 101, 103-105, 111
Cole, C. G. 104, 108, 111
Cole, Calvin G. 107, 110, 111, 115
Cole, James M. 108
Cole, John P. 116
Cole, W. A . 85
Collins, Albert G. 106
Combs, J. N. 104
Combs, William 100, 105, 110
Connell, G. E. 89
Conover, Wm. 116
Constable, (family) 117
Cook, Samuel A. 100, 104
Cook, William S. 100, 104
Cooper, Henry 86
Couch, Henderson 101-104
Coulter, (family) 117
Coulter, Willa Mac 117
Cox, J. H. 108
Cox, Jesse 1 08
Cox, Martha 85
Cox, S. E. 108
Craven(s), John (C.) 114, 115
Crawford, (family) 117
Crockett, John M. 104, 108, 110
Crow, William N. 108
Crumpacker, D. 110
Daniel, John H. 108
Daniels, C. A. 88
Daniels, Francis 104, 105
Daniels, John 105
Darling, L. S. 93
Davis, Henson 100, 108, 109
Davis, Jack 112, 113
Davis, John 100, 108, 109, 111-113
Davis, John W. 99, 100
DeBrayne, Will 85
Dennis, Bob 89
Dillon, Jim 86
Dunaway, F. W. 108
Duncan, (family) 117
Dunn, J. E. 89
Dunnaway, Foster W. 108, 112, 116
Dunston, Lucy C. 119
Duvall, Samuel 119
Duvall, Samuel Shepherd 119
Duvall, William 119
Dye, Benjamin 100
Dye, Benjamin, Jr. 99
Dye, Enoch 99-105, 111

Eakins, John J, 105
Eberle, Max 86
Edwards, lsaac 99
Edwards, P. 119
Elam, lsaac 102
Elkins, America 105, 109
Elkins, Smith 104, 105, 109, 111
Elliott, Saunders 101
Ellis, lra 111 -11 3
Ellis, Thomas M. 99, 100
Emmitt, Thomas L. 89
Epperson, Peter 101
Ervin, H. P. 85
Eskridge, (family) 117
Eugard, William 83

Fain, Mercer 100, 104
Fane, Mercer 108
Farnham, Annie 8. 88
Farnham, Robert 88
Ferguson, T. L. 93, 96, 98
Ferris, W(arren) A. 100, 103, 106, 108, 111
Fikes, Archer 111
Fleming, (family) 117
Flynn, Thos. 98
Foree, Kenneth 91-98
Foreman, Dan 89
Forney, James 112, 113
Fortner, John 11 0
Foster, Wm. 88
Frank, John 85
Frost, 8. 110
Frost, 8. L. 108
Frost, Benjamin 100, 101, 103, 104
Frost, John S. 110
Fuqua, Stephen 119
Fuquar, --- 119
Furman, J. H. 119

Galloway, (family) 117
Galloway, D. R. S. C. 106, 111
Garrett, Selle 87
Garrett, Wash 87
Godman, James J. 116
Good, John J. 114
Good, Noah 99, 100
Gorbit, John W. 101, 109, 110
Gouger, --- 1 00, 109
Gouger, John 84
Gouhenout, Adolphe F. 102
Graham, Glenn 88
Gray, F. W. 84
Gray, Lou 87
Gray, Silas 86
Greenwell, (family) 117
Griffin, W. C, 85
Gwin, William 0. 106, 107

Hall, Henry 109
Hall, Henry H. 102
Handy, J. R. 93
Harding, John M. 108 - 110
Hargroder, Mary 106, 107
Harned, (family) 117
Harris, A. G. 99
Harris, Joe 86
Hart, Abr(ah)am 100, 101, 103, 109, 110
Hartley, (family) 117
Harwood, Alexander 99, 108
Haught, A. C. 102, 116
Haught, Peter 102
Hawpe, --- 116
Hawpe, T. C. 100, 107, 108, 113, 114, 115
Head, (family) 117
Heffington, John 100, 101, 103
Henderson, John 99
Henderson, Will 87
Herndon, Julia F. 93
Hewitt, --- 100
Hewitt, A. J. 113
Hewitt, Martha 113
Hibbert, James 116
Hibbert, John B. 100, 101, 103, 106, 108-112
Hill, John 111-113
Holman, William P. 110
Holsey, --- Dr. 88
Hord, W. H. 107
Homer, Henry 100, 101, 103, 109
Horton, John 99, 100
Horton, William 106
Howson, (family) 117
Hudlow, 0. H. 85
Hughes, Ambrose 89
Huitt, --- 109
Huitt, Irene 112
Huitt, John 108, 112
Huitt, Margaret 112
Huitt, Rowland 110
Hulton, 8. M. 90
Hunt, Edward 106, 108
Hunt, Henry 85
Hunter, 8. J. 104, 112
Hurley, Henry 84
Husted, Harrison 99, 100

Jackson, Helen 84
Jackson, James E. 99, 100
Jackson, John A/H. 101, 109
Jackson, R. A. 84
Jackson, Sloan/Slone 100-104
Jackson, Warren 101, 103
Jackson, Warren A. 102
Jacoby, H. H. 89
James, Michael 99
James, William 101, 111, 115
Jamieson, Adrienne B. 99
Jenkins, W(illia)m 99, 116
Jimison, Roy 83
Johnson, (family) 117
Johnson, Callweller L. 92
Johnson, Needham 84
Johnson, Thomas N. 108
Jones, H. B. 89
Jones, 0. V. 96
Jones, T. M. 94, 95, 96
Jones, Thomas Monroe 96
Jonsson, J. Erik 117
Junkin, (family) 117

Keen, A. N. 99, 100
Keenan, Thomas 111
Keller, Samuel 1 08
Kelley, Jesse H. 105
Kelly, Jesse H. 101
Kenner, (family) 117
Kimmell, Philip 99
Kinney, Hue 100, 102, 103, 104
Kinney, Hugh 106
Kinney, John M. 90
Kinzie, Calvin 87
Kizer, John 1 08
Knight, see also Night
Knight, G. B. 102
Knight, 0. W. 108

Lanier, A. B. 99, 101-104
Lanier, E. A. B. 100
Latham, William 100, 105-110, 116
Leak, Anthony M. 110
Ledbetter, 0. V. 108-110
Lee, (family) 117
Lenard, William 115
Lenard, William M. 114
Leonard, G. L. 106
Leonard, George 100
Levy, Laura 88
Lewis, (family) 11 7
Lewis, James 108
Lewis, John 108-110
Lewis, Myrtle 86
Lewis, T. E. 86
Lilley, John 100, 102, 103, 105
Linney, George 103
Lipscomb, William 87
Logan, I. W. 86
Long, (family) 117
Lowe, lsaac 108
Lu, Helen Mason 99
Lumley, Thomas 111-113

Mackey, James 101, 102, 109
Magee, Albert 86
Mahoney, "Bum" 87
Mahoney, Pat 87
Mallory, F. R. 85
Maloney, Pat 86
Markham, George 105, 106, 111
Marsh, H. C. 99, 100
Marshall, --- 111, 114
Marshall, L. L. 110, 112, 114-116
Marshall, Lucius L. 112
Martin, (family) 117
Martin, B(ennett) H. 100, 107, 108, 114, 116
Mason, (family) 117
Mathers, Benjamin 111
Matthews, Benjamin 106
McComas, Elisha 105
McComas, John 102, 103, 105
McCommas, James B. 108
McCoy, --- 101
McCoy, Charles 85
McCoy, John C. 110, 111
McCoy, W. A. 95
McDermett, J. B. 116
McDermott, J. B. 100, 104, 106, 112
McDermott, Joseph B. 113
McDonald, A. M. 102
McDonnel, Aaron 101
McDowell, Thomas 101, 102
McDowell, Thomas J. 99, 100, 102
McKinzie, Calvin 87
McLaughlin, Estelle 86
McNabb, M. T. 88
McPherson, J. B. 111
Merrill, C. D. 108
Merrill, Robert 100
Merrill, Robert F. 99
Mershan, Hattie E. 87
Miller, (family) 117
Miller, Ada 87
Miller, C. G. 93, 96, 98
Miller, Charles 90
Miller, Jacob 99, 100
Miller, W. B. 113
Miller, William 102, 103
Miller, William B. 106, 107,112
Mills, Edward 108, 111
Montague, W. B. 91, 92, 93
Moon, Mary 110
Mooneyham, William 99, 100
Moor, Albert 109, 110, 112, 113
Moore, Emmeline 86
Moore, Lilie 89
Moore, Martha M. 96, 97, 98
Moorman, (family) 117
Moreland, --- (jailer) 85
Morgan, Abell 119
Morgan, Abraham 119
Morris, J. D. 83
Morris, W. H. 103
Morris, William H. 100, 101, 103
Morris, William H. 101
Morrow, John 84
Mueller, H. G. 89
Murdock, James A. 108
Murray, Joyce Martin 119
Murry, James 85
Myers, E. L. 99
Myers, Walter 90
Myers, William 100, 102-104, 108, 109, 113

Nannie, A. J. 104, 106
Nannie, Andrew 101-103
Nanny, A. J. 111, 115
Neal, Jas. 85
Neely, Geo W. 93, 96, 98
Nettles, --- 115
Newton, S. G. 108, 110
Newton, Samuel G. 101, 107
Newton, William M. 108
Night, see also, Knight
Night, G. B. 103
Night, Gabe 100
Norville, Jack 89

0'Connor, Michael 84
O'Gwin, William 106, 107
Oetinger, Gotloeb 85
Olsen, G. E. 87
Overton, J. W. 108
Overton, John W. 109
Pancost, Josiah 101, 104
Parker, Chas. 84
Parker, Joseph 110, 111
Parks, Curtis 99
Paschal, E. P. 95
Pate, (family) 117
Patterson, J. M. 102
Patterson, James M. 99, 100
Paul, Robert 86
Peets, Katie 90
Pemberton, Gid. 100, 102-104
Pennington, J. C. 92
Perry, A. W. 108
Philpot, (family) 117
Pidcocke, C. H. 89
Pomeroy, (family) 117
Pope, Lucy 90
Porter, John 101
Pound, B. 0. C. 99, 100
Prigmore, Benjamin 99
Pruitt, William 99-101, 103
Pryor, Samuel B. 102
Pulliam, John L. 99, 100
Purvis, Tom 85

0uarles, George 88

Ragan, --- 110
Rager, Jacob 100
Rager, Jacob 104
Randall, A. T. 84
Randle, I. J. 85
Rawlins, A. P. 88
Rawlins, J. M. 99-102, 104
Ray, Robert 100, 101, 103
Ray, William 105
Reagan, John H. 114, 115
Redd, Jim 84
Reed, B. L. 87
Rees-Jones, June 118
Rees-Jones, Trevor 118
Reynolds, (family) 117
Rhodes, Joe 85
Rice, D. 100
Rice, Lee 84
Rimerars, Lucia 104
Rimiars, Lucia 101
Roane, Frederick 108
Robertson, John 104
Robinson, John 99
Rodham, (family) 117
Rogers, W. A. 111
Rogers, Walling A. 105
Romine, James 109, 110, 11 5
Rosenguild, Augustus 85
Rowe, William 108-111
Rowe, William Boll 112
Rowlands, John 118

Schnadle, Joe 87
Seaton, (family) 117
See, Wm. F. 90
Selvedge, M. K. 100-105, 116
Sharp, John 102, 103, 106
Shar(r)ock, James 102, 104
Sheppard, Geo. H. 96
Sherock, James 109
Sherrock, James 103
Simmons, Arnas 84
Skelton, J. M. 83
Sloan, Robert 107
Sloan, Samuel 99
Smith, James A. 116
Smith, John W. 106, 107,115
Smith, John Wesley 110
Smith, Tim 87
Smith, "Tough" 87
Snow, J. H. 108
Snow, William J. 108
Spence, (family) 11 7
Spencer, Barksdale 119
Spencer, James 99
Springer, Edward 111
Stephenson, Sam 83
Stockbridge, C. J. 89
Stone, Barton Warren 114
Stone, Jim 87
Stone, Thomas 99, 100
Starer, E. 87
Stratton, N. T. 108
Sturman, (family) 117

Thetford, Margaret Ann 117
Thomas, A. A. 108
Thomas, Alexander 108
Thomas, George 86
Thomas, John 99-102
Thompson, (family) 117
Thornton, Belle 86
Till(e)y, --- 100, 109
Till(e)y, Jefferson 101, 107, 110
Tucker, J. 101
Tucker, John S. 100-107, 109, 110, 115, 116
Turner, George W. 84
Turner, Levi 110
Turner, William 111
Turney, James 112, 114, 115

Venters, Henry 85

Walker, (family) 117
Walker, A. G. 104-106, 108, 111
Walker, Cecilia 83
Walker, William J. 107
Warfield, Charles A. 107
Warnick, James 95
Weakley, H. 89
Weatherford, Jefferson 99, 101, 104
Weatherholt, (family) 117
Webb, A. W. 106, 111
Weems. John 90
West, R. J. 108
West, Robert J. 108
Whaley, J. C. 92
Whisinant, Robert 110
White, James 89
White, Oscar 85
White, Virgil D. 90
Whittaker, Ella 88
Wicks, H. E. 89
Williams, Johm 89
Williams, Julia 86
Williams, Lou 87
Williams, T. C. 108
Wilson, Dud 85
Wimberly, A. 89
Winfrey, R. L. 93, 96, 98
Winn, Francis 105
Wisdom, --- 114, 115
Witt, Preston 105
Wood, Jim P. 89
Woodruff, Robert 101
Woods, Whorton 105
Wright, George 110, 114
Wright, J. W. 108
Wright, John W. 108
Wyman, Edward S. 100
Wyman, Elisha S. 105

Youell, (family) 117
Young, Alexander 102