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Denton County Genealogical Society Meeting

“I Have a Civil War Ancestor… Now What?” presented by Brian Rhinehart

Annual DGS Awards Luncheon

This meeting will highlight those who have contributed to the genealogical community. The awards include Award of Merit, Heritage Preservation Award, Lloyd DeWitt Bockstruck Distinguished Service Award and Volunteer of the Year.

DPL: Introducing Heritage Hub

Delve into Heritage Hub and other updated newspaper and online news resources available from Newsbank.

Grand Prairie Gen Soc Monthly Meeting

Join the Grand Prairie Genealogical Society in person or virtually as Jim Thornhill discusses Digging Deeper into the U.S. Census.

5 Questions: DGS members chat about DNA-based genealogy

In the first of our “5 Questions” features, we ask three members about using DNA in genealogy.

Jewish Special Interest Group

For anyone with actual (or suspected) Jewish ancestral lines.

Jewish Special Interest Group

For anyone with actual (or suspected) Jewish ancestral lines.

Jewish Special Interest Group

For anyone with actual (or suspected) Jewish ancestral lines.

Jewish Special Interest Group

For anyone with actual (or suspected) Jewish ancestral lines.

We will be discussing immigration into New York Harbor on various dates. To go to Wikipedia and look at two subjects: Clinton Gardens and Ellis Island. This will give you the background needed for this subject.

The Texas Institute of Genealogical Research Expands to Seven Courses in 2023

Are you ready to take your genealogy research to the next level? If so, the Texas Institute of Genealogical Research is just what you need.