Search Results for “all”

DNA Interest Group (Virtual Meeting)

The purpose of the DNA Interest Group is to explore the use of DNA as a genealogical tool. See the DNA Interest Group page for more information.

DNA Interest Group (Virtual Meeting)

The purpose of the DNA Interest Group is to explore the use of DNA as a genealogical tool. See the DNA Interest Group page for more information.

DNA Special Interest Group (Virtual Meeting)

The purpose of the DNA Interest Group is to explore the use of DNA as a genealogical tool. See the DNA Interest Group page for more information.

MacGen Reunion Group (Virtual Meeting)

The MacGen Reunion Group covers genealogy from a Mac-centric view, with an emphasis on Reunion genealogy software. See the MacGen Reunion Group SIG page for more information.

MacGen Reunion Group (Virtual Meeting)

The MacGen Reunion Group covers genealogy from a Mac-centric view, with an emphasis on Reunion genealogy software. See the MacGen Reunion Group SIG page for more information.

MacGen Reunion Group (Virtual Meeting)

The MacGen Reunion Group covers genealogy from a Mac-centric view, with an emphasis on Reunion genealogy software. See the MacGen Reunion Group SIG page for more information.

Family Tree Maker SIG (Virtual Meeting)

Family Tree Maker Software SIG is a facilitated group for those utilizing Family Tree Maker Software in their genealogical research.

Family Tree Maker SIG (Virtual Meeting)

Family Tree Maker Software SIG is a facilitated group for those utilizing Family Tree Maker Software in their genealogical research.

Family Tree Maker SIG (Virtual Meeting)

Family Tree Maker Software SIG is a facilitated group for those utilizing Family Tree Maker Software in their genealogical research.

Roots Magic Special Interest Group (Virtual Meeting)

The RootsMagic SIG offers group discussion and sharing of information on getting the most out of the RootsMagic genealogy software running on PCs (Windows) and the Mac. The goal is to help each other utilize the software to the fullest extent.