’Tis the Season of Giving

’Tis the Season of Giving

by Jim Thornhill

Shirley Sloat presenting a check to DGS President Jim Thornhill

Christmas came early this year for the Dallas Genealogical Society!  One of our life members, Shirley Sloat, gave our society a gift of $25,000.  Shirley’s generous gift will be put to good use, providing seminar scholarships and discounts, educating library staff, providing further education, and ensuring DGS will fulfill its mission for many years to come.  

We are grateful to all our members who donate to DGS, and we work hard to make sure that every dollar is well spent.  Donating to DGS is a way to ensure that our descendants have access to Dallas area records, quality education, and an exemplary genealogical library for decades to come.

For those doing their year-end financial planning and would like to donate to DGS, or if you want to ensure that our society and its work will endure for generations, we would love to talk to you about a gift to the Dallas Genealogical Society.  You can contact us at info@dallasgenealogy.org about supporting DGS and leaving a legacy for future genealogists.