Year: 2021

The Heritage Lab at the J. Erik Jonsson Central Library

If you are like most genealogical researchers, your family history collection include photos, negatives, home movies (such as VHS, 8mm, super 8, other video cassettes), audio cassettes, 35mm slides, or documents?

Wrapping up the 2021 DGS Awards Ceremony

The Dallas Genealogical Society held its 2021 Awards Ceremony Saturday, May 1, and for the first time, the ceremony was an all-virtual event.

The Historic Texas Cemetery designation program

The Texas Historical Commission is a state agency whose mission is to “protect and preserve the state’s historic and prehistoric resources for the use, education, enjoyment, and economic benefit of present and future generations.

The Hall of State: The Phoenix Rises Again!

The Hall of State has long been one of Dallas’ “jewels in the crown.” Built at Fair Park in 1936 for the Texas Centennial Fair, it is full of Texas history.

Time to Write It Up

The DGS 2021 Summer Seminar with Tom Jones is a fantastic opportunity to improve our genealogical writing skills!

Tracing city-dwelling ancestors

Since 1920, more Americans have lived in cities than in rural areas.

Can Postcards Break Your Brick Wall?

Most people know that antique stores and some online websites have postcards. Some of the postcards have been mailed and have ended up for sale.

A Different Source for World War I Texas Soldiers and Volunteers: History of Texas World War Heroes

The History of Texas World War Heroes by John McCrae, published by the Army & Navy History Company in 1919, is one of those unexpected gems.

Recycling Our Records

Hopefully you know that we have been busy indexing articles in our Journals, Quarterlies and Newsletters and linking each article to the appropriate image on the Portal to Texas History.

Friends of Oakland Cemetery Memorial Day Event

At 10 am on May 31st, 2021, The Friends of Oakland Cemetery will host an event to honor those interred at Oakland that served our country.