Q & A with Nancy Maxwell, Genealogy Librarian at Grapevine Library

Q & A with Nancy Maxwell, Genealogy Librarian at Grapevine Library

Q: What is the current status of access to genealogy resources at Grapevine Library?

A: The Genealogy Room is completely open.

Q: What online databases does the library have, and are they available remotely or must they be used in the library?

A: We have Ancestry Library Edition, Fold3, NewspaperArchive.com, Newspapers.com, HistoryGeo, and NewsBank. Only NewsBank is available remotely to Grapevine Library card holders; the others are in-house only. We are also a FamilySearch affiliate library so we have access for patrons when they are in the library.

Q: When is the library open and when can the genealogy area be accessed?

A: The library is open 10-9 Monday through Thursday, 10-6 on Friday, 10-5 on Saturday, and 2-6 on Sunday. The Genealogy Room is open whenever the library is open.

Q: Please describe the genealogy section for our readers.

A: The Genealogy Room has over 13,000 reference volumes, a small circulating collection of how-to books, 700 volumes of bound genealogy periodicals, 1200 CD-ROMs, and several thousand rolls of various microfilm. We have six computers with access to six subscription databases, but only four are currently available due to continued physical distancing practices. We also have a printer/copier, two digital microfilm readers, a map case with finding aids to maps, and three large work tables. Some CDs may not open because they aren’t supported by a recent system upgrade. We have hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes. Masks are encouraged but are not required.

Q: Does the library hold any unique resources that will not be found elsewhere? Can any genealogy books be checked out?

A: Thanks to a local retired Scottish genealogist, we have a good collection of Scottish research materials. We do have a small circulating collection, mostly how-to books on some aspect of genealogy research.

Q: Are there any resources that require an appointment? Any other special restrictions that members of the public should know about?

A: No resources require an appointment, and we don’t have any special restrictions except the usual notice about copyright and fair use when making photocopies.

Q: Does the library offer any genealogy-related classes?

A: We offer two beginner programs, in May and November, an intermediate program in June, and an advanced program in July. They are all free and open to the public. We may offer a beginners program in November 2021. We also have a local interest group called Grapevine Name Droppers that meets in the library program room on the first Monday of each month. We have resumed in-person meetings. We have volunteer speakers for 10 of these meetings who give talks on topics of genealogical interest. On one of the other two months (either May or June) we have a roundtable where researchers can talk about their “brick walls” or anything genealogically related. In December we have a show-and-tell where researchers can bring historical documents, artifacts, etc., and share them with the group.

Q: Where is the Grapevine Library located?

A: 1201 Municipal Way in Grapevine, Texas. You can also visit our website, https://www.grapevinetexas.gov/1240/Library.