Irish Research Resources in the Genealogy Collection, Dallas Central Library

by Suzan Younger
The Dallas Genealogical Society (DGS) is offering two special presentations on Irish research in March 2025. Kathleen Murray will speak at the DGS March1 general meeting with a lecture titled “Irish Research: Discovering a Family Left Behind.” DGS holds its general meeting in the 7th floor O’Hara Hall in the J. Erik Jonsson Central Library. It is free and open to the public. You can attend in person or via a Zoom meeting. Click here for more details.
The second event is the first of the 2025 seminar series presenting Fintan Mullan & Gillian Hunt with the Ulster Historical Foundation on March 15, 2025 in the J. Erik Jonsson Central Library auditorium and virtually via a Zoom meeting. “Honoring Your Shamrocks: Researching All Your Irish Ancestors” is a day-long seminar with four lectures. There is a fee to attend this event. Click here for more details and to register.
So now that we have your attention and hopefully we’ve inspired you to do some Irish research, let me tell you about the resources you will find in the Lloyd Dewitt Bockstruck Genealogy Collection on the 8th floor of the J. Erik Jonsson Central Library (DPL). There are books, microfilm, microfiche and online databases that provide an impressive amount of Irish research material. Additionally, the library’s genealogy staff is available to answer questions and provide suggestions for your research.
Your Irish research should begin with the DPL catalog. Click on the “Catalog” tab in the blue ribbon across the top of the home page. Click again on the “Catalog” tab on the second page and chose “Keyword” search. Use keywords such as Irish or Scottish genealogy, Ulster genealogy, Irish or Scottish emigration, Scots Irish, emigration or immigration to return genealogy-specific titles. The results will include material in the Lloyd D. Bockstruck Genealogy Collection on the 8th floor of the J. Erik Jonsson Central library. Be aware that these search terms will return overlapping results. Another option is to click here to access recommended resources for Irish research. Stephanie Bennett, manager of the history and genealogy section of the central library, created this list to help you begin your research. The Irish-related books are located on isles 21 and 22 in the International and US section of the book stacks.

The genealogy collection includes Irish records on microfilm and microfiche. Click here to see the list of microform material. Two major collections are the 66 rolls of tithe applotment books and indexes for Northern Ireland, ca. 1822-1837 and 101 rolls of Irish newspapers in Dublin libraries, 1685 to 1825. Microfilm is in the cabinets on one side of the scanning stations and labeled International collections, drawers H-J. The microfiche cabinets are on the other side of the scanning stations and the British Isles section of the international materials includes Ireland. The subscription available on the 8th floor computers includes additional Dublin, Ireland newspapers.
You will need to use the website for your Irish research and Dallas libraries can be helpful. The central library in downtown Dallas and all branch libraries across the city are FamilySearch affiliate libraries. That means if you come up against locked digital content in the catalog, you may be able to view that material in a Dallas library. If you see this icon beside an item in the catalog, you can usually access the material at any FamilySearch affiliate library. Due to donor restrictions, some material requires access in the Salt Lake City FamilySearch main library. Look for the bank of computers beside the 8th floor reference desk. Reserve a computer at the desk; the staff is available if you need help.

The Dallas Genealogical Society digitized Lloyd D. Bockstruck’s lecture handouts and bibliographies.
There are three that provide information helpful for your research:
Researchers must use most of the material in the library’s genealogy section and cannot check out books. However, there is a small collection in the genealogy and history sections you can check out with a Dallas Public Library card and take home. That collection includes some guides for Irish research. The Genealogy Circulation Collection is across from the reference desk; other circulating books are in the 8th floor history section. Be sure to browse all the circulation books for other topics.
And may the luck of the Irish be with you in your research.