Looking Back, Looking Forward – Reflections on the Spring Seminar and updates on plans for Summer

Looking Back, Looking Forward – Reflections on the Spring Seminar and updates on plans for Summer

By Jim Thornhill

The first part of our Mastering Genealogical Excellence seminar series is complete, and we are already looking forward to the second part on July 9th and 10th with Dr. Thomas Jones as he presents Write It Up! But before we move on, let’s look back and see how you responded to Mastering Genealogical Research.

Reading what you told us through the post seminar survey, the seminar went off without a hitch. Thanks to our Zoom Management team, over 95% of you found it very easy to register for and access the seminar. Over 95% of you told us it was easy to find information about the seminar. Go Publicity Team! Across the board, over 80% of you found Dr. Lacopo’s sessions valuable for your research, and of the people who did the homework, two-thirds said it helped them understand what they were learning. Comments included “I appreciate the volunteers on every level who make these happen”, “Excellent Job DGS”, and “it was a very professional seminar, I learned so much!”

Our Summer Seminar with Dr. Thomas Jones will be just as valuable to your research. After all, what good are your valuable findings if you don’t write them up? Whether you are debunking mistaken information about your ancestors, creating a family history, or writing for a genealogical publication, Dallas Genealogical Society’s Summer Seminar will give you the tools to accomplish your writing goals.

The format of the Summer Seminar will be very similar to the Spring Seminar. Dr. Jones will start with basic writing concepts, how to get started, how to improve, and how to critique your own work. And yes, there will be homework! After brushing up your writing skills, you will get the chance to apply your new expertise and write a few paragraphs for Dr. Jones to review.

Then the seminar will turn to writing specifically for genealogy. First we’ll start with the things we love to hate, citations! As Dr. Lacopo said, “Nobody likes them but they are absolutely essential for good research.” After Dr. Jones demystifies citations for us, we will move on to how we organize our genealogical writing, and then how to write for the public in any form.

Registration is open and early bird pricing is in effect. Click the button below to find out more and join us for the Summer Seminar!