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2021 Summer Seminar

Plan now to join us for this exciting two-day virtual event!

2021 Spring Seminar

Bring your research and writing skills to the next level in this unique 2-day event with Michael D. Lacopo, DVM.

Give A Genealogy Gift for the Holidays

It’s the season for gift-giving, and what better way to celebrate than giving your friends and family a genealogy gift?

Even Jesus had ancestors with less-than-pristine backgrounds

The Christmas story will be one of the most widely read texts in the world today, and genealogists are a few of the people who actually take time to look at all the “begats” set forth in the Scriptures.

What is Artifact DNA? Do you have any?

Artifact DNA is the DNA that can be found on the artifacts of people’s lives.

Thank You for a Successful 2020 North Texas Giving Day

September 17th, 2020 was this year’s North Texas Giving Day. DGS members and friends generously gave a total of $1,724!

Roots Magic Special Interest Group – Virtual Meeting

The RootsMagic SIG offers group discussion and sharing of information on getting the most out of the RootsMagic genealogy software running on PCs (Windows) and the Mac. The goal is to help each other utilize the software to the fullest extent.

Roots Magic Special Interest Group – Virtual Meeting

The RootsMagic SIG offers group discussion and sharing of information on getting the most out of the RootsMagic genealogy software running on PCs (Windows) and the Mac. The goal is to help each other utilize the software to the fullest extent.

Family Tree Maker SIG – Virtual Meeting

Family Tree Maker Software SIG is a facilitated group for those utilizing Family Tree Maker Software in their genealogical research.

Family Tree Maker SIG – Virtual Meeting

Family Tree Maker Software SIG is a facilitated group for those utilizing Family Tree Maker Software in their genealogical research.