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Family Tree Maker SIG – Virtual Meeting

Family Tree Maker Software SIG is a facilitated group for those utilizing Family Tree Maker Software in their genealogical research.

Civil War Roll of Honor is rich source of material

War records are a rich source of genealogical information. An important military source is the Roll of Honor.

Genealogy Speakers

The Dallas Genealogical Society can provide speakers and presentations on a wide range of topics.

Google is your friend: Google Earth

There are two versions, Google Earth and Google Earth Pro.

General Meeting – Online Meeting

Join our online meeting at 10:30. The business meeting starts at 11:00, followed by our educational presentation: “Finding a Great-Grandfather with DNA” by Paul Beaty

Arlington Genealogical Society (Virtual Meeting)

Presentation: Birds of a Feather – Y-DNA Research and Group Projects by Janine Cloud

Family Search – Virtual Interaction Opportunities

In this pandemic era, the researcher’s ability to access some records has been reduced. On the bright side, many genealogical record repositories are looking for new ways to connect with their usual customer base!

The Hernandez Grocery Store

Amazing. That is all that can be said about a family-owned grocery store that has been in existence for 102 years.

A Search for Ethnicity that Led to Exciting DNA Discoveries!

I grew up never knowing or meeting my father. My mother, who had been adopted at birth, died when I was eight years old.

Lloyd DeWitt Bockstruck Scholarship recipient attends IGHR

I have worked for the Dallas Public Library for almost seven years, six of which have been in the History and Genealogy Department at the J. Erik Jonsson Central Library.