Search Results for “all”

SLIG Virtual

Three online courses for Fall 2019: All-DNA Advanced Evidence Analysis Practicum – Nordic Part III: In-Depth Swedish and Finnish Research – Intermediate Foundations. Registration opens June 15, 2019. Courses run…
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2020 Summer Seminar

We will see you on Saturday!

Bennett Family Cemetery

Bennett Family Cemeteryaka Old Bennett Cemetery and Bennett Memorial Gardens LOCATION: The cemetery is located on the north side of Lake June Road just east of IH 635 in Mesquite,…
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Trinity Farms And El Rancho Grande Cemetery Burials

This publication provides a comprehensive history of the Trinity Farm and El Ranch Grande cemetery. It also identifies all of the known burials.

Recapping the 2018 Annual Awards

The 2018 Awards Banquet was held on December 8, 2018 in O’Hara Hall at the J. Erik Jonsson Central Library.
This year’s event, which had 59 attendees, was dedicated to the memory of Lloyd Bockstruck.

Trinity Farms – Rancho Grande Cemetery

Trinity Farms – Rancho Grande Cemetery LOCATION: The entrance to the cemetery is located south of intersection of Lee Hall St and Arlington Park Dr., between two houses at 5603…
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Annual Awards

The Dallas Genealogy Society annually recognizes individuals and organizations for their contributions towards the goals of the society. Please take a few minutes to nominate someone you think is deserving.

2019 Summer Seminar – Judy G. Russell

Join us on August 3, 2019 to hear Judy Russell on Tracing Your Ancestors Through Courthouse Records. Judy will be covering four fascinating topics in the legal-genealogical realm.

2019 Spring Seminar – Michael D. Lacopo, D.V.M.

Join us for a day of genealogical insights from Michael D. Lacopo on April 13, 2019. We’ll be covering the Genealogical Proof Standard, German records, and social history.

Jewish Special Interest Group

Please note the change of location: we will be meeting at the Tycher Library at the Jewish Community Center. We are going to study Avotaynu’s book Jewish Genealogy along with…
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