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MacGen Reunion Group

Please make note of the change of date.  We meet on the 1st Saturday in December. The MacGen Reunion Group covers genealogy from a Mac-centric view, with an emphasis on…
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MacGen Reunion Group

Please note: This event was moved from its originally scheduled date to avoid conflicting with the Fall Seminar.  Double check with the SIG leader about the location. See the MacGen…
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DNA Special Interest Group

The purpose of the DNA Interest Group is to explore the use of DNA as a genealogical tool. See the DNA Interest Group page for more information. Topics: Autosomal DNA…
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DNA Special Interest Group

The DNA Special Interest Group will meet Thursday, May 16, 2019 beginning at 6:00 p.m. in the Stone Room, on the 7th floor of the J. Erik Jonsson Central Library.…
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Technology Special Interest Group

Report from RootsTech 2019. RootsTech 2019 will be held February 27-March 2, 2019. The Expo Hall will have over 200 companies offering products and services to help with genealogical research.…
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Mail Administrator

The responsibilities of Mail Administrator were originally part of Director–Printing & Distribution. Mail Administrator was split off as a separate position in 2021. The position was retired by the Board…
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Mesquite Historical and Genealogical Society Annual Workshop

Mesquite Historical and Genealogical Society announces its Annual Workshop on Saturday, June 9th from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Mesquite Arts Center. Randy Whited, an avid researcher who works for state and national genealogy societies, will present four programs.

2018 Summer Seminar – J. Mark Lowe

Saturday, August 4, 2018
Join us for a day of delving into our southern ancestors with J. Mark Lowe. We’ll be covering a broad range of southern research topics, so you’re sure to learn something new.

Newsletter Administrator

DGS Newsletter Position Description

Meeting Minutes

The video’s of the April 4, 2020 General Meeting are now available.