Need help? Contact us using our Online Conference Help page.
You can join a call using a Smartphone, Tablet, Laptop or Desktop computer from any location that has a good internet connection.
- Headphones generally work better, but you can use speakers too.
- Our meetings are meant to be interactive, so you will want to have a microphone as well.
- You will also have the option to connect using a telephone.
- A camera is optional.
- Most Smartphones and Tablets (and some monitors and laptops) have an integrated camera.
- You can also use an external USB-connected digital camera.
Chrome appears to be the preferred browser, but any other browser should work.
These tips will help you use Zoom effectively.
- Open your browser and go to
- Click on the “Sign Up, It’s Free” button in the upper right hand corner of the Zoom screen
- Provide your date of birth (apparently you need to be, or at least say you are, 16 or older to create an account)
- Enter your email address
- You will probably be asked to select some pictures to prove you are a person
- They will send a verification email to you. When you receive it, click on the “Activate Account” button
- They will probably ask another question or two… answer them
- When prompted, enter your name and specify a password.
That’s all it takes… just be sure to remember the email address and password you selected!
- Zoom OverviewGetting Started on Windows and Mac
- Meeting Controls
- Sharing Your Screen
- Recording a Meeting
It is a good idea to test your ability to connect to Zoom before the call begins. This will allow you to download and required software and provide you with an opportunity to make sure your speakers/headphones and microphone are working properly.
- Join a Test Meeting
- iOS Devices Note: You will not be able to mute your speakers/headphones. You can minimize the volume but you will not be able to completely mute it. This appears to be a feature/bug with the iOS software: It has nothing to do with Zoom.
- Downloading GoToMeeting for Chrome
- Joining a Meeting
- Joining a Meeting from a Mac
- Setting your GoToMeeting Preferences
It is a good idea to test your ability to connect to GoToMeeting before the call begins. This will allow you to download and required software and provide you with an opportunity to make sure your speakers/headphones and microphone are working properly.
Hosting the call means that you are responsible for beginning the call and managing the participants and presenters. See the appropriate "Starting & Managing..." section below for specific help for Zoom and GoToMeeting.
You should host your call from a location that has reliable, high speed internet access. 1 Mbps upload/download seems to be about the minimum required to host a call:
These one-page aids are provided as quick guides for anybody who will be hosting a Zoom call.
LogMeIn (parent company of GoToMeeting) has an Organizer Guide the covers everything you need to know to manager a GoToMeeting Session
Note: GoToMeeting does not appear to support playing of PC system audio. So if you are planning to show a video or play audio content during your call GoToMeeting is not a good choice.