Category: eNews Articles

The Identity of Individuals on Report Cards from a Yard Sale, or, Who is Kathryn Merzbacher?

Starting from a yard sale report card, discover what you can learn about the artifact’s owner.

When Was Oscar Born?

All of the records containing a birth date for Oscar Joseph Dugey give a different year. How would you decide which one to use?

Giving Thanks in Dallas

Several years ago when I worked downtown, during one lunchtime walk, I encountered a peaceful oasis nestled in the middle of the business district hustle and bustle.

Location, Location, Location

One of the essential items in doing genealogy is knowing the location where your ancestor lived. This is not always as easy as it sounds.

Genealogy at A Glance: Mexican Genealogy Research

Genealogy at A Glance publications offer a series of fact sheets designed to allow family historians a quick understanding of the fundamentals of genealogy.

A project to restore the memorial of lynching victim Commodore Jones

In April 2019, 34 members of the Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration in Dallas went on a civil rights pilgrimage through Mississippi and Alabama.

Starting the Journey with Artifact DNA

My fascination with DNA began when I took my first DNA test as a participant in the National Geographic Human Genome Project in 2005.

Be part of the Dallas Genealogical Society’s 2021 Genealogy Research and Writing Contest

Have you ever noticed a historical marker and wondered more about the person named in it? Or wondered how a local landmark or local school got its name?  

When Your Ancestor’s Possessions Tell A Story

The political leanings and beliefs of our ancestors can be interesting to study – and perhaps unexpectedly so.

An ancestor links Elvis to Jimmy Carter

Genealogy can be approached in a variety of ways. Some seek to identify as many of their fore-bears as possible.