John A. Sellers: “Let the Land Establish Relationships” (Virtual Event)
Online Meeting Dallas, TX, United StatesPlease join us virtually as John A. Sellers presents: Let the Land Establish Relationships.
Please join us virtually as John A. Sellers presents: Let the Land Establish Relationships.
Presenter: Deborah Abbot Through examples and case studies, we'll explore the many areas of African American research you may be overlooking and provide some answers to puzzles you may have…
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This years conference will be virtual and free.
The virtual meeting will include informative sessions featuring the research of Texas history scholars, a presentation of awards and fellowships, a silent auction, and special events.
"Search Strategies for" by Lynell Bennett Moss. The Webinar Bridge will open at 6:30.
An Ancestry Webinar by Debora Abbott
This session will focus on ways that you can accomplish much of your research and planning for future research while working online.
Crispin Rendon will be speaking about the mtDNA and yDNA of the people from the Mexican States of Coahuila, Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas.
Jim Thornhill will speak on Migration Through the South
Join genealogy society leaders from across Texas for this full-day event focused on topics and issues relevant to managing and leading a genealogical society in today’s environment.
One of the biggest challenges in genealogy is the pursuit of female ancestors. This is because the women were so often absorbed into their husband’s families (assuming they got married), taking on their husband’s surnames, and losing their original identities in historical documents. Pat Gordao will show us how to overcome these challenges.
Learn how to navigate this database, effectively use search tools and find important information about your ancestors.
This will be held in the Buchanan Room at the Main Library. Carrie Woolverton is the speaker. Getting More from Your DNA Results by Patti Huff Smith
Take a deep dive into genealogy research! Get a perspective of two groups whose beliefs forced them to migrate across the country.
Lisa Louise Cooke will attend our 'virtual' meeting and present "Reconstruct Your Ancestor's World with Google" - She will hold a brief Q & A after the presentation. Don't Miss It!
Discover what DNA test can best help you with your genealogy research questions and how to use your DNA matches to solve genealogy brick wall problems.
TxGenWeb is celebrating their 25 year anniversary! Just like TxGenWeb, the TxGenWeb Annual Seminar, held virtually May 22, is free and open to all! Please pass the word to your society members and friends.
This meeting will feature Patty Huff Smith who will speak on Gedmatch.