The Dallas Genealogical Society has a long history of donating funds, materials to the Genealogy & History Division of the Dallas Public Library. As of December 2024, the total value of the cash, books, microfiche, microfilm, equipment and other donations provided directly or indirectly by the Dallas Genealogical Society to the library is $819,175.62.
Provided below is a summary of all known donations as documented in society Newsletters and Quarterlies. The original analysis was performed by Tony Hanson (Past President of the Society) and has been maintained since.

1933: 1850, 1860 & 1870 Census Records for Dallas County
This is the first documented gift to the library by the Dallas Genealogical Society:
“Giving the Dallas library an interesting addition, copies of the Federal Census of Dallas County for 1850, 1860 and 1870, were presented to Edward A. Belsterling as chairman of the library board at a meeting of the Dallas Genealogical Society Thursday night at the Y.W.C.A.
The census records were taken from the originals in Washington by E. B. Comstock, principal of Dallas North High School and the first president of the genealogical society. They have been bound in red leather for the library. J. Howard Payne is president of the society.”
1957 – 1963: $800 Cash Donations
“Because I spent much overtime helping people find books for their research and trying to build up the book collection, Mrs. E. C. Schieffer and Mrs. Frederick Ingram called a meeting of the members of the Dallas Patriotic Society and told them it would help all of them to have more genealogy books in the library. It was suggested that they make gifts to a fund to buy more books and to give the money to the library to select books for the Department since I would know better what to order. The fund was to be called the Margaret B. Pratt Fund (for genealogy books) and the books bought were to have a book plate saying: Bought with the Margaret B. Pratt Fund for Genealogy Books. Over $700.00 was given. Later gifts raised the amount to over $800.00. I was delighted to be able to buy many more nice genealogy books for the Department.”
1955: First Methodist Church Records (cost unknown)
“All of the existing records of the First Methodist Church, Cedar Hill, have been obtained by the society and are now in the possession of the President.
The Church is one of the oldest in Dallas County, having been established before 1870. The first entry in the existing records is 1874.
The records include the oldest membership list available, records of births, and marriages, and interesting portions of the records showing many of the Sunday School programs around the turn of the century.
The records are being copied, and a typewritten copy will be donated to the Dallas Public Library.”
1967: Cash and Books (amount unknown)
“During the past year, money was given to the Dallas Public Library for the purchase of books in honor of Mr. William R. Conger, our editor, and in memory of Mrs. J. B. H. Henderson, one of our members who died during this past year”
1966 Annual Report, DGS Journal, March 1967, Volume 13, Number 1, Page 30
1979 – 1980: Revolutionary War Pension Applications on microfilm, 898 rolls of microfilm, $3,127.61
“A campaign is under way to collect the Revolutionary War Pension Applications on microfilm to donate to the Genealogy Section of the Dallas Public Library, There are 898 rolls in the complete set, On August 11, DPL needed 307 rolls to complete their set, As of this writing, 60 rolls have been donated by DGS Members giving one or two rolls at a time, To avoid a call from our friend, Helen Lu, you may want to call her to pledge a roll, or send a check to her or to our P.O. Box made payable to Dallas Genealogical Society, with the notation ‘For Rev, W, P, A, Film,’ Each roll is $12, and is tax deductible, The completion goal is our 25th anniversary, November 1, 1979. (Yes!)”
Microfilm Collection, DGS Newsletter, September, 1979, Issue Number 28, Page 1
“$2730.01 generated . Thanks to the support of members and friends and Helen Lu’s persistence and organizational skill. The microfilm was ordered November 30, and normally should come in 6-8 weeks. When these are received, the Genealogy Section will have 803 of the complete 898 reel set!!!!! (The Library was able to order the reels at $10 each instead of $12; thus, donations went further.) The names of donors and an itemized list of reels ordered will be in the March Quarterly.”
The Revolutionary War Film Drive Was Fantastically Successful, DGS Newsletter, January, 1980, Issue Number 31, Page 1
“A fund of 2730.01 was generated by Dallas Genealogical Society members and friends to purchase Revolutionary War Pension Applications for the Dallas Public Library on November 29, 1979 in honor of the society’s 25th Anniversary. Lloyd Bockstruck accepted the funds on behalf of the Dallas Public Library. Lloyd is head of the Genealogical Department. He wasted no time in spending the money that was donated. Early on the morning of Nov. 30, he sent the order off to Washington. Some of you may be surprised to learn that everything was ordered in reverse alphabetical order. (Lloyd’s decision) Don’t worry – those of you who ordered specific reels – they were ordered first. He felt that those searching names at the end of the alphabet always have to wait so long to get their names that he thought he would surprise them. Money continues to come in, but the library still needs approximately $820.00 for the rest of the set. Your donations would still be greatly appreciated.”
[The article goes on to list those who donated and the specific films that were ordered].
“5. Revolutionary War microfilm fund raising project has generated $3,127.61”
Past President’s Report, DGS Quarterly, September, 1980, Volume 26, Number 3, Page iii
1979: 8 Memorials, Various Books (value unknown), $500 Cash Donation
“From these funds, a donation to the Dallas Public Library Genealogy Dept. of $500.00 was made.
DGS honored eight of its member who passed away during the year with memorials to the Genealogy Department of DPL.
More than 20 books were donated to the Genealogy Department during the year, some as materials and others as review copies for the Quarterly.”
Past President’s Annual Report, DGS Quarterly, September, 1979, Volume 25, Number 3, Page iii
1978: 8 Memorials, Various Books (value unknown), 35 Rolls of Microfilm @ $10 each (estimated cost) – $350
“During the past year we have sent eight memorials to the Dallas Public Library in memory of deceased members.
Our gifts to the Dallas Public Library, Genealogy Department were: 1) Various books given to our Society as gifts as well as those reviewed in the Quarterly; 2) Set of 35 rolls of microfilm of the Dallas County, Texas Probate Cases; 3) Two books of each of our three new publications.”
Past President’s Report, DGS Quarterly, September, 1978, Volume 24, Number 3, Page iv
1976: $500 Cash Donation, 1 Book (value unknown)
“On Saturday, November 6th, a birthday celebration including a cake with 75 candles will start at 10:30 a.m. The Local History and Genealogical Society will present a donation of $500.00 and a copy of ‘The Memorial and Biographical History of Dallas County, Texas,’ at the Central Public Library, 1954 Commerce Street.”
1975: $100 Cash Donation, 5 Books at $10 per book (estimated cost): $150
“We honored our Founders and Past Presidents with our 20th Anniversary Tea, 4th January, 1975, at the Dallas Woman’s Forum, and we have had a year of outstanding programs. We have honored the memory of our deceased members by presenting 5 books to our Genealogy Library of the Dallas Public Library, and we have honored Mrs. Lucile Anderson Boykin by a gift of $100.00 to be used for the purchase of 2 books and periodicals for the Genealogy Library.”
President-Editor’s Message – A Brief Report for 1974-1975 – Mrs. Harry Joseph Morris. DGS Quarterly, June 1975, Volume 21, Number 2, Page 96
1972: $200 Cash Donation
“Finances: As in all other phases of our lives, finances were a cause for serious concern. Since almost the entire amount of the $6.00 dues goes to printing and mailing the Quarterly, trying to maintain our current membership fee in the face of increasing costs for supplies, postage, and meetings caused us to proceed cautiously. Thanks to the ‘watchdog’ attention of our Treasurer, Mrs. Billy G. Campbell in handling the dues, paying our bills, and advising the Board, we did operate within our budget and maintain a reserve in the savings account. We begin 1972 with a comfortable balance for operations within our proposed budget. With the success of the Annual Workshop we we’re even able to donate $200.00 to the Genealogy Department of the Dallas Public Library.”
1970: Materials (cost unknown)
“It is with regret we announce the loss of four members of our Society. Materials have been sent to the Dallas Public Library in honor of the following recently deceased members…”
In Memorium, DGS Journal, March 1970, Volume 16, Number 1, Page 28
1989: County Records Prior to 1850 (value unknown)
“Lately we are hearing a lot of talk about the ‘closing’ of records. Some states records are already closed. We have set as our goal the purchase of as many county records as possible, beginning with those records prior to 1850.
ONLY the following states have their records for sale at this time.
Prices vary for each state. (Price shown is per roll).Arkansas – 10.00
Kentucky – 12.00
South Carolina – 20.00
Tennessee – 12.00
North Carolina – 10.00
Georgia – 12.50
Missouri – 5.00If the LDS Church has copied the records of a state you are interested in, the film will cost 12.50 per roll. Check with the Genealogy Section to determine if your states records are among those copied.
The project film to be purchased will be prior to 1850, but donations can be accepted for any time period for those states listed above.”
New Society Project, DGS Newsletter, October, 1989, Issue Number 116, Page 11
1989: $10,000 Cash Donation
“At our Annual Business Meeting in May, DGS did its share to help out continue the sections growth by presenting our annual gift in the amount of $10.000.”
Past President’s Annual Report, DGS Quarterly, September, 1989, Volume XXXV, Number 3, Page iv
1988: General Index to Compiled Service Records, War with Spain (value: 123 rolls @$20 = 2,460)
“DGS believes in traditions. One tradition we have built up over the years is good communication with the Dallas Public Library through constant support of the Genealogy Section. We are pleased to announce the latest DGS sponsored project in conjunction with the Genealogy Section in continuance of that support. We have been advised by Lloyd D. Bockstruck and our Library Liaison, Lea Markoff, that to continue with the collection of military records, the Section is in need of ‘The General Index To Compiled Service Records, War With Spain’ (119 rolls of microfilm) and ‘Volunteer Soldiers of the Philippine Insurrection’ (19 rolls of microfilm). Your tax-deductible donation will enable the Genealogy Section and DGS to complete these valuable source records. Each roll of microfilm costs $20.”
The President’s Message, DGS Newsletter, November, 1988, Issue Number 109, Page 20
“To date the section has purchased 90 of the 126 rolls of microfilm, ‘The General Index To Compiled Service Records, War With Spain.’ This takes the index through the letter “P”. Thirty six rolls of the index remain to be purchased.”
The President’s Message, DGS Newsletter, April, 1989, Issue Number 113, Page 52
1988: 50,000 Volumes Available in Genealogy Section
“Mr. Lloyd Bockstruck announced at the last DGS Board meeting that he had place book number 50,000 on the shelf of the Genealogy Department last week. This means that the Genealogical Department of the Dallas Public Library now has 50,000 volumes plus microfilm and microfiche that are available for all to use for research.”
From Lloyd Bockstruck, DGS Newsletter, April, 1988, Issue Number 104, Page 1
1988: 50,000 Volumes Available in Genealogy Section
“Mr. Lloyd Bockstruck announced at the last DGS Board meeting that he had place book number 50,000 on the shelf of the Genealogy Department last week. This means that the Genealogical Department of the Dallas Public Library now has 50,000 volumes plus microfilm and microfiche that are available for all to use for research.”
From Lloyd Bockstruck, DGS Newsletter, April, 1988, Issue Number 104, Page 1
1987: $3150 Cash Donation
“The annual gift of the Society to the Genealogy Department – $3, 000 – was designated in memory of Mrs. Harry Joseph Morris, whose many accomplishments in genealogy deserve this recognition. Additionally, the annual gift of $150 to the Genealogy Department was given as a memorial to deceased members.”
Past President’s Report, DGS Quarterly, September, 1987, Volume XXXIII, Number 3, Page iv
1987: Microfilm Census Collection (value: at least $3,500)
“All of us have experienced the disappointment of finding that our Genealogy Division has not yet acquired the census microfilm for that particular important county and year that we need to locate our family. The DGS Board decided that our next Acquisition Project should be to work at filling in the many gaps in our Federal Census.
Choose the County and Year you want to order and make out a check for $11.00 (per roll) to Genealogy Division.”
Census Microfilm Acquisition, DGS Newsletter, September, 1987, Issue Number 95, Page 1
“The current project of completing the microfilm census collection was launched in April.”
Past President’s Report, DGS Quarterly, September, 1987, Volume XXXIII, Number 3, Page iv
“50 rolls having been ordered through 21 April 1987.” [Donors listed]
Census Microfilm Drive Making Good Progress, DGS Newsletter,May, 1987, Issue Number 96, Page 2
“We would like to thank those who have contributed microfilm donations, we have now received $3,500.00. If you would like to donate, it is only $11.00 per roll of microfilm. You can have the Genealogical Department order any roll that is missing from the Department’s Collection. Those contributing since the May Newsletter are as follows: [Donors listed]”
Donations for Census Microfilm, DGS Newsletter, September, 1987, Issue Number 98, Page 2
“We have now ordered all of the census records for 1880 Indiana and Ohio. The price of microfilm has now risen to $12.50 per roll of microfilm. Donations given to the Genealogy Department for microfilm will be applied to the state of Pennsylvania for 1880 if the donor does not specify which roll or rolls of microfilm they wish to be purchased with their donation.”
From Lloyd Bockstruck, DGS Newsletter, November, 1987, Issue Number 100, Page 1
[Donors listed]Microfilm Donations, DGS Newsletter, February, 1988, Issue Number 102, Page 2
[Donors listed]
1986: McCubbins Collection ($3,150)
“The McCubbins Collection is contained on 76 rolls of microfilm, and represents the mass of data assembled on Piedmont North Carolina families by the late Mary Louise Gaskill Mccubbins, prior to her death in 1954. There are more than 150,000 pieces of genealogical material dealing with more than 8000 surnames.
The collection is housed at the Rowan Public Library in Salisbury, NC, and was microfilmed by the Mormons in 1956. Old Rowan County covered 26 North Carolina counties and parts of Tennessee. English Quakers, Pennsylvania Dutch and Scots-Irish covered this area. Mrs. McCubbins included early church records, family Bibles, letters, diaries, deeds, wills and court minutes. She copied lineages from published genealogies, early county histories, and DAR papers. She included pamphlets and clippings from newspapers on North Carolina families. She produced 73 notebooks of these records, including tombstones which have since disappeared, Loyalists whose property was confiscated, lists of Confederate veterans, and tax lists. Finally, she interviewed and corresponded with hundreds of, elderly people who descended from these pioneers. They described family groups 4 or 5 generations earlier than themselves.
A roll of film will cost $20.00. It will be necessary to collect all of the funds before the order for the McCubbins Collection can be placed. Memorials and donations are for this latest project in 1987 – celebrating the Anniversary of our Constitution.”
“Our new DGS project is the acquisition of the McCubbins Collection – on 76 rolls of microfilm of data assembled on early Piedmont North Carolina families. 8000 surnames are referred to in the 150,000 pieces of genealogical material previously available to us only by going to Salisbury, NC where the Collection is housed in the Rowan Public Library. Old Rowan County covered 26 North Carolina counties and parts of Tennessee, areas settled by English Quakers, Pennsylvania Dutch and Scots Irish. The wealth of the material is enormous, and we are eager to complete our needed funds (all of which must be in hand before it can be ordered). Donations and Memorials are welcome for this latest project in 1987 – celebrating the 200th Anniversary of our Constitution. (The rolls of film cost $20.00 each).”
“This very fine collection (76 rolls of microfilm) of families of the Piedmont North Carolina region has been fully subscribed and the film is on order.” [Donors listed]
“Several additions to the library collection were completed as Society projects, along with bookbinding donations. The set of ‘The Compiled Service Records of Soldiers Who Served in the American Army During the Revolutionary War’ microfilm begun last year was completed (499 of the 1,096 rolls), as well as the McCubbins Collection (76 rolls).”
Past President’s Report, DGS Quarterly, September, 1987, Volume XXXIII, Number 3, Page iv
1986: $3150 Cash Donation (value: 76 rolls @$20 = $1,520)
“Lloyd Bockstruck accepted a check for $3,000 from the Society as our Annual Gift to the Genealogy Section. A check for $150 in memory of DGS members was also presented.”
1985: Compiled Service Records of Soldiers Who Served in the American Army During the Revolutionary War (estimated value: 1096 rolls @ $20 – $21,920)
“‘The Compiled Service Records of Soldiers Who Served in the American Army During the Revolutionary War’ are contained on 1,096 rolls of microfilm, and are offered for sale by the federal government at the cost of $20.00 per roll. The total cost is, therefore. $21,920. This is an ambitious project, but in light of the several other outstanding projects undertaken and completed in the the past, it is realistic, and will be of use to all of our citizens in the Metroplex area, as well as to research visitors from all over the country.”
[List of Donors]
“We are pleased that as of January 23, 1986. $9,078.00, (or 43%) of the amount needed ($21,920.00), HAS BEEN GIVEN toward the purchase of· ‘The Compiled Service Records of Soldiers Who Served in the American Army During the Revolutionary War.’ That is a terrific response to the Fund Drive that is only about 2 months old! The Genealogy Division has already been able to order 476 rolls of microfilm!”
Progress Made and Needed, DGS Newsletter, February 1986, Issue Number 84, Page 1
[List of Donors]
“In our drive to buy the 1096 rolls of microfilm of ‘The Compiled Service Records of Soldiers Who Served in the American Army During the Revolutionary War,’ we have now received $10,560.00 (we’re half-way there), and at this date 562 rolls have been ordered.”
“Donations for The Compiled Service Records or Soldiers Who Served in the the American Army During the Revolutionary War, as of Aug 14: 945 Rolls ordered = $15,110 received. [Some donors listed]”
“In September, the Society launched an ambitious project, the purchase of the Revolutionary Service Records, a set of 1096 rolls of microfilm, which will cost a total of $21,920 to complete. To May 22, 1986, $11,163. has been donated and 597 rolls ordered. Other patriotic societies and persons have participated generously toward this achievement.”
Past President’s Report, DGS Quarterly, September, 1986, Volume XXXII, Number 3, Page ii
[List of Donors]
“As of October 24, the Society’s project of acquiring the 1096 rolls of The Compiled Service Records of Soldiers Who Served in the American Army During the Revolutionary War is just 102 rolls short of completion!!”
DGS Project Approaching Goal DGS Newsletter, November, 1986, Issue Number 91, Page 1
“15 ROLLS TO GO – THEN WE WILL HAVE COMPLETED the Acquisition of Complete Set of the The Compiled Service Records of Soldiers Who Served in the American Army During the Revolutionary War.” [Some donors listed]
“Donors who enabled us to complete our fantastically successful project of acquiring the set of ‘The Compiled Service Records of Soldiers Who Served in the American Army During the Revolutionary War.’ [Donors listed]”
“Several additions to the library collection were completed as Society projects, along with bookbinding donations. The set of ‘The Compiled Service Records of Soldiers Who Served in the American Army During the Revolutionary War’ microfilm begun last year was completed (499 of the 1,096 rolls), as well as the McCubbins Collection (76 rolls). Acquisition of the International Genealogical Index (IGI) was begun with the purchase of the microfiche for Scotland and quickly completed by Jean Tabb’s gift of the major portion of the set. The current project of completing the microfilm census collection was launched in April.”
Past President’s Report, DGS Quarterly, September, 1987, Volume XXXIII, Number 3, Page iv
1985: Dallas County Deeds and Deed Indexes 1846-1913 (Member donation value unknown, DGS donation $2100)
“The Union Civil War Soldiers Index for Illinois hasn’t been completed, but the Board has finalized a project discussed last fall. This project is to purchase microfilm copies of the Dallas County Deeds and Deed Indexes for the library. When you make a donation to the library designate your check for either the Union Soldiers Index or the Dallas County Deeds Project.”
“A second project was announced in the spring – Dallas County Deed Records 1846-ca 1900 (130 rolls) with Grantee/Grantor Indexes 1846-1913 (ten rolls). This project was completed with $2000 designated by the Society. Mr. O’Brian accepted these gifts in behalf of the Library at the Annual Meeting, as well as a $100 memorial in honor of deceased DGS members.”
President’s Report, DGS Quarterly, September, 1985, Volume XXXI, Number 3, Page ii
1984: Missouri Union Soldiers Index (Member donation value unknown, DGS donation $1000)
Clara Clay Showaker has donated $34 towards our new project. Donations are now being accepted for the new project which is to purchase Missouri Union Soldiers Index.
A DGS project was adopted in the fall to purchase Union Service Records for the border states. Many donations were made during the year, and the Society designated $1000 towards this project.
President’s Report, DGS Quarterly, September, 1985, Volume XXXI, Number 3, Page ii
1984: “Index to Union Civil War Veterans” microfilm (value unknown)
The next project for the library will be ‘Index to Union Civil War Veterans’ for the state of Missouri. The cost of each roll of microfilm ts $17.00 (tax deductible).
These have enabled the Genealogy Library to complete Its holdings for all states west of the Mississippi by purchasing Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. and to begin acquiring Illinois on the east bank of the Mississippi.
1984: $3,100 Donation
“This year besides the Exchange Quarterlies, Books received for review in the Dallas Quarterly, a $100 memorial for Deceases members, and a $100 gift in honor of Mrs. Lillian Bradshaw, for her many years of service with the Dallas Public Library, we gave $3000 to the Genealogy Section as our Annual Gift in memory of John Plath Green, Charter Member and Founding President of Local History and Genealogy, now Dallas Genealogical Society. We also gave 3 rolls of ‘General Index to Pension Files 1861-1934’.”
President’s Annual Report, DGS Quarterly, September, 1984, Volume XXX, Number 3, Page ii
1984: $100 Donation
“The Dallas Genealogical Society recognized Lillian Bradshaw, Director of the Dallas Public Library until her retirement on 24 January 1984, with a gift to the Genealogy Department of the Library in the amount of $100. This will be used to buy books in Mrs. Bradshaw’s honor for the Genealogy Department. We wish her well in her new activities.”
1984: General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934 (Estimated value: 544 rolls @ $17 each – $9,242)
“One hundred, seven rolls of microfilm of the ‘General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934’ have been pledged. There are five hundred, forty-four of these rolls, so we have a long way to go.”
Progress of our Project, DGS Newsletter, January, 1984, Issue Number 67, Page 1
“To date we have ordered one hundred forty-two rolls; our goal is five hundred, forty-four rolls. We will appreciate the help of anyone interested to further this PROJECT.”
“To date we have received contributions for one hundred forty-nine (149) rolls of microfilm for our current project, ‘General Index to Pension Files 1861-1934.’ Each roll costs $17.00 and your gift is tax-deductible.”
“The DGS Project for the Year ‘General Index to Pension Files 1861-1934’ has received contributions for one hundred seventy-six rolls.”
“The following bring the number contributed to THREE HUNDRED AND ONE rolls:”
“ The library has now completed the series of General Index to Pension Files.”
“The following people have made donations for purchase of rolls of microfilm for the Dallas Public Library, Genealogical Dept.: (These donations complete the ‘General Index to Pension Files 1861-1934’).”
“‘The General Index to Pension Files 1861-1934,’ containing 544 rolls of microfilm, was chosen as our project this year. By the time you receive this Quarterly, the project will be complete.”
President’s Annual Report, DGS Quarterly, September, 1984, Volume XXXV, Number 3, Page ii
1983: Memorial ($100), Cash Donation ($3000)
“As in our policy, we sent a memorial gift to the Genealogy Section in memory of our deceased members. This year’s memorial was for $100.00.
At our Annual meeting in May, we presented our annual gift to the Genealogy Section of the Dallas Public Library. This year’s gift was $3000.00, which went toward our projects enumerated above [‘Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors’ and ‘Early Tax Records of Kentucky’].”
Past President’s Report, DGS Quarterly, September, 1983, Volume XXXIV, Number 3, Page 114
1982 – 1983: Early Tax Records of Kentucky microfilm
[It is assumed that the $3000 gift in 1983 covered the cost of this acquisition]“Our Society chose two major projects this year through which to channel research materials to the Genealogy Section of the Dallas Public Library: first, the microfilm publication ‘Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors’, which through gifts was completed almost immediately. Our second selection of research materials was the early tax records of Kentucky. From our annual gift, the tax records through 1860 were ordered for the Genealogy Section, totaling an additional 126 reels of microfilmed tax records. Any funds remaining from our annual gift were used for materials for the Genealogy Section, and the selection was left to the discretion of the Section Head.”
Past President’s Report, DGS Quarterly, September, 1983, Volume XXXIV, Number 3, Page 114
“With part of the money that was a gift this past year from the Dallas Genealogical Society to the Genealogy Department of the Dallas Public Library, they have purchased one hundred, twenty-six, yes 126 rolls covering the early tax lists of seventy-nine counties in Kentucky. These will be of inestimable assistance to the many people who had ancestors who settled or migrated through that area.”
1982 – 1983: Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors microfilm
[It is assumed that the $3000 gift in 1983 covered the cost of this acquisition]“Our Society chose two major projects this year through which to channel research materials to the Genealogy Section of the Dallas Public Library: first, the microfilm publication ‘Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors’, which through gifts was completed almost immediately.”
Past President’s Report, DGS Quarterly, September, 1983, Volume XXXIV, Number 3, Page 114
We so much appreciate the gifts and memorials sent in memory of Mrs. Margaret B. Pratt, the retired Founder and Chairwoman of the Texas History and Genealogy Department of the Dallas Public Library. They were sufficient to complete payment of the ‘Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors Collection’.
1982 – 1983: Master Index to Combined Service Records of Confederate Soldiers (Value: 535 rolls @$15 = $8,025)
“The next project is ‘Master Index to Combined Service Records of Confederate Soldiers.’ The first 100 rolls of this 535 roll set have been ordered. If you would like to support this project, a roll is $15.00, and you can request the roll with your surname on it.”
Library News, DGS Newsletter, March, 1982, Issue Number 51, Page 1
“The next project is the 535 roll set ‘Master Index to Combined Service Records of Confederate Soldiers.’ The workshop profit donation of $2500 was designed toward the completion of this collection.”
President’s Annual Report, DGS Quarterly, September, 1982, Volume XXXVIII, Number 3, Page iii-iv
1982: 1900 Soundex for Texas (Value unknown)
“The Dallas Public Library only has at the present time the 1900 Soundex for Texas. Those of you researching ancestors not in Texas in 1900 may request the Soundex Roll for that particular state be purchased for your donation (tax deductible, of course) of $15.00 per roll which would be placed in the Dallas Public Library.
Please be sure to indicate on your check the state you are requesting and on a separate sheet your name and address as donor, the surname being researched and again, also the state requested. These gifts of Soundex Microfilm may also be designated as memorials.”
For Your Information, DGS Newsletter, April, 1982, Issue Number 52, Page 2
“Dallas Public l.ibrary has the 1910 SOUNDEX FOR TEXAS on order! This will be of substantial help to a great many, and may save you hours or days of researching.”
Hear Ye!, DGS Newsletter, September, 1982, Issue Number 55, Page 2
1982: $2,500 Cash Donation, Memorial Gift (value unknown), Books (value unknown)
“One large memorial gift was presented to the library in memory of all deceased members during the 1981-82 year. Also given to the Genealogy Department were books received for review in our Quarterly and other donations by individual DGS members.
A $2,500 cash donation was also presented to the Genealogy Department, making a total of $8,400 generated from the workshop!
President’s Annual Report, DGS Quarterly, September, 1982, Volume XXXVIII, Number 3, Page iii-iv
1981 – 1982: Compiled Index to the compiled Service Records of Volunteer Soldiers who served in the War of 1812 (Estimated value: 234 rolls of microfilm @ $15 each – $3,510)
“Our current project for the Dallas Public Library – Index to the compiled Service Records of Volunteer Soldiers who served during the War of 1812. There are 234 rolls of microfilm in this collection.”
“At the present time only 69 more rolls of microfilm will need to be purchased to complete the ‘Index to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Soldiers Who Served During the War of 1812.’ Mr. Lloyd Bockstruck of the Dallas Public Library has received pledges and contributions for 165 rolls.”
Good News, Newsletter, October, 1981, Issue Number 47, Page 1
“3) Concerning the acquisition of war records: All remaining rolls of ‘Index to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Soldiers Who Served During the War of 1812’ have been ordered.”
Library News, Newsletter, March, 1982, Issue Number 51, Page 1
“The 234 microfilm roll set ‘Index to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Soldiers Who Served During the War of 1812’ begun last year was completed with the help of donations from DGS members and a $500 grant from Atlantic Richfield initiated by a DGS member.”
President’s Annual Report, DGS Quarterly, September, 1982, Volume XXXVIII, Number 3, Page iii-iv
1981: 1812 Pension Microfilms (Value: $180.40)
“In honor of return of the hostages, donations were taken at the January meeting. Since some members are unable to attend our noon meeting, we will give them an opportunity to donate to this fund at the February meeting. This will be given to the library for purchase of 1812 Pension microfilm in the name of JOHNNY McKEEL, JR.”
FUND, DGS Newsletter, February, 1981, Issue Number 41, Page 2
“ At the February meeting the collection was completed. The total amount collected was $180.40 which will be given to the library for purchase of 1812 Pension microfilm in the name of JOHNNY McKEEL, JR.”
“5. The sum of $750 . 00 was donated by DGS to the genealogy section of the Dallas Public Library from funds generated by the Annual Workshop.
9. DGS donated materials to the genealogy section of the Dallas Public Library. This includes memorials for deceased members, and copies of books that the Society receives for review in The Quarterly. Also, many members donate books to the Society and these are placed in the library.”
Presidents Annual Report, DGS Quarterly, September, 1981, Volume XXXVII, Number 3, Page iii
1980: Cash Donation ($500)
“10. $500 donated by DGS to genealogy section of Dallas Public Library from funds generated by annual workshop.”
Past President’s Report, DGS Quarterly, September, 1980, Volume 26, Number 3, Page iii
1999: Cash Donation – $23,650.00
“Support of our fundraising events has been very good to date moving us nearer our goal of $17,800 as our gift to the library.”
Presidents Message, DGS Newsletter, May, 1998, Volume 23, Number 1, Issue 195, Page 3
“The final budget report is published in this issue, and DGS is pleased to announce that $23,650.00 was given to the Genealogy Section of the Dallas Public Library at the September meeting. Money was again held in escrow for the proposed computer server network for the Family Search and other CD-ROM programs currently in the Genealogy Section. I had hoped to report that this idea is finally a reality, but we are still waiting for the library’s proposal and figures. Maybe next month.”
Presidents Message, DGS Newsletter, October, 1999, Volume 23, Number 8, Issue 202, Page 131
1998-2000: Servers & Computer Workstations
“After two years of investigation, money set aside for a better system of handling our genealogy CDs and Family Search programs has been spent. DGS purchased a server and six workstations for the genealogy section along with some new CDs. These programs will be installed on the server and accessed by the six computers without any handling of the CDs. This system will allow more user friendly access of the CDs, prevent damage and loss, and serve as a prototype for other workstations in the renovation of the 8th floor.”
1998: $70,500 Cash Donation
“The jewel we all wear in the crown of success for this effort is the fact that a profit of $30,277.48 recognized from FGS and $8,000 from the Saturday night DGS party at Old City Park will be included in this year’s gift to the Genealogy Department of the Dallas Public Library.”
Presidents Message, DGS Newsletter, May, 1998, Volume 22, Number 5, Issue 189, Page 83
“On October 21, Mayor Ron Kirk gave special recognition to the Dallas Genealogical Society’s $70,500 gift given by the 1997/98 DGS Board to the Genealogy Section of the J. Erik Jonsson Central Library.
“The gift will be used to purchase storage cabinets, computer equipment and research materials for the genealogy section. “All of these resources are much needed in what is one of the busiest public service areas of the library,” said Dallas Public Library director Ramiro Salazar.”
(Reprinted from Oak Cliff Tribune, 5 Nov. 1998, Page 24, no byline; edited here)
Special Recognition For DGS!, DGS Newsletter, January, 1999, Volume 23, Number 1, Issue 195, Page 3
1997: $15,000 Cash Donation
“Last year [1997] the library received a $15,000 gift from DGS. According to Sammie Lee, local arrangements’ chair and member of DGS, this year’s award was larger due to the 1997 National Federation of Genealogical Societies Conference. As host of the conference, DGS made $30,000, and earned another $10,000 by hosting the party “Dallas 100 Years Ago” at Old City Park. This was the Society’s first time to host a national conference.”
(Reprinted from Oak Cliff Tribune, 5 Nov. 1998, Page 24, no byline; edited here)
Special Recognition For DGS!, DGS Newsletter, January, 2000, Volume 23, Number 1, Issue 195, Page 3
1996: $2,500 Cash Donation
“And speaking of those who deserve recognition, let’s point out that DGS earmarked $2,500 of our 1995 Summer Lecture Series profits as a gift to the collection of the Genealogy Section to be made in honor of Lloyd DeWitt Bockstruck.”
The President’s Message, DGS Newsletter, January, 1996, Volume 20, Number 1, Issue 165, Page 4
1995: $5,000 Cash Donation
“This year’s monetary donation of $5,000 was presented to Genealogy Collection Director, Lloyd DeWitt Bockstruck. As always, a portion of the donation was in honor of our members who had died during the past year.”
1994: $10,000 Cash Donation
“Another highlight of the annual meeting was the presentation of the Society’s year-end gift to the Genealogy Section of the Dallas Public Library. This year’s gift totaled $10,000 and was presented to Lloyd Bockstruck in honor of his hard-working library staff. Five hundred dollars of the total was given in memory of the Society’s deceased members. The gift money will be used to purchase genealogical materials for the ever-expanding collection.”
DGS Newsletter, July-August, 1994, Volume 18, Number 4, Issue 155, Page 77
“The annual gift to the Genealogy Section of the Library was $10,000”
President’s Report 1993-1994, DGS Quarterly, September, 1994, Volume XL, Number 3, Page iv
1994: NGS Achievement Award Presented to DGS
“In support of the Dallas Public Library, DGS has donated approximately $100,000 to the Genealogy Section over the last five years”
DGS Newsletter, July-August, 1994, Volume 18, Number 4, Issue 155, Page 73
1993 – 1996: Capital Expansion Project (value: $165,000)
“Last fall, the DGS Executive Board and its committees began to study the problem and to search for possible solutions. As a result of this work, the 1992-1993 Executive Board has voted to fund a Capital Expansion Project benefiting the Genealogy Section of the Dallas Public Library. The goal of the project is to supply construction funds for expansion of the Section’s space, as well as monies for the purchase of additional furniture and equipment. The recently created Capital Expansion Committee has been asked to coordinate this project and to make recommendations to the Board regarding space requirements, legal and tax constraints, fund-raising, and other procedures. The library administration has expressed its enthusiasm for the project and has been enormously cooperative in the planning process. But please realize that the most important people on the DGS Capital Expansion Project team are the members of the Society. Your enthusiastic support and participation will be crucial to the success of this project. Fundraising will not officially begin until September. In the meantime, there’s much work to do. We are currently working with the library administration on a requirements program to define the needs of the Genealogy Section. Your opinions and suggestions are critical to this work.”
“The 1992-1993 DGS Executive Board voted to support the Capital Expansion Project with a pledge of $25,000.00 from the Society’s general revenues, and the 1993-1994 Executive Board has affirmed this pledge. Art Rubeck, Financial Coordinator for the Project, reports additional income to the Capital Expansion Fund as follows:”
Proceeds from sale of microfiche readers donated by Coda Energy $1,161.97 Individual donations 1, 834.05 1993 Summer Lecture Series profits 7,449.54 Profits from sales of DPL Genealogy Section Card Catalog 75.00 TOTAL through 8 October 1993 $10,520.56
“The Society’s 1993-1994 commitment to the CEP from general revenues has been funded; this includes profits from the Summer Lecture Series and an additional $5,000.00. Donations from Salt Lake City Trip participants totaled $2,600.00, and trip profits generated an additional $1,078.47. Individual donations are coming in at a rapid pace, and other fund-raisers are beginning to show a profit. Following is a breakdown of contributions to the Capital Expansion Fund as of 8 December 1993:”
Balance as of 8 Oct 1993 $10,520.56 Sale of posters, note cards & catalog on fiche $166.65 Donations through 8 December $8,548.00 Profits-Salt Lake City Trip $1,078.4 7 Transfer from general revenues $5.000.00 Total through 8 December $25,313.68
“Response to DGS’s Capital Expansion Project continues to be incredibly enthusiastic; individual donations are exceeding even the most optimistic expectations. As of 16 February 1994, contributions to the Capital Expansion Fund had reached $33,228.51, with donations from individuals accounting for more than $23,000 of that total. Obviously, this is a project whose time has come, so if you haven’t made your donation yet, get busy and write that check!”
Capital Expansion Update, DGS Newsletter, March-April, 1994, Volume 18, Number 2, Issue 153, Page 34
“Individual donations to DGS’s Capital Expansion Project and income from fund-raising events has pushed income to the Capital Expansion Fund past $4 7 ,000, with more coming in every day.”
Capital Expansion Update, DGS Newsletter, May-June, 1994, Volume 18, Number 3, Issue 154, Page 57
“The General Levi Casey Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, generated a lot of excitement at DGS’s May meeting. Eralier in the month, the ladies of Levi Casey voted to make a donation to the Society’s Capital Expansion Project in memory of Edith Allen PALMER, and at the May meeting Regent Mary Shelton FLORENCE presented the chapter’s letter pledging $30,000 to the Project. The new microforms area will be named for Mrs. Palmer.”
“… and the Society donated $12,500 to the Capital Expansion Project. CEP raised about $40,000 up to May, at which time a most welcome gift of $30,000 was received from the General Levi Casey DAR Chapter.”
President’s Report 1993-1994, DGS Quarterly, September, 1994, Volume XL, Number 3, Page iv
“We have collected over $75,000 towards our goal, with another $12,500 pledged from the current DGS budget. That gives us more than enough capital to complete the physical remodeling. What we lack is funding to fill the space with furniture and shelving.”
“DGS has collected over $92,000 in donations and pledges, which will complete the physical remodeling and purchase and install shelving. Additional funding is to be sought for remaining furniture and equipment purchases; these purchases are to be made as funding allows.
Our three lectures earned $7,459.20; expenses totaled $2,429.80 with a profit of $5,029.40. A motion was voted to apply these funds to the Capital Expansion Project to satisfy a portion of this year’s commitment to the project.”
“A group consisting of Ramiro Salazar, Heather Williams, Lloyd Bockstruck and Leslie Collier met with representatives from the General Levi Casey DAR Chapter on 29 August, 1995. A donation check in the amount of $30,000 was presented to Mr. Salazar, Director of the Dallas Public Library System, for the Capital Expansion Program. Prior to this meeting, two letters were sent to the DAR, one from the City of Dallas and one from the Dallas Genealogical Society, acknowledging their pledge and confirming the fact that the microfilm area will be named in honor of Edith Palmer, at their request, as well as a plaque for commemoration.”
Capital Expansion Update, DGS Newsletter, October, 1995, Volume 19, Number 6, Issue 163, Page 124
A special thanks goes out this month to Beverly Holmes, Imogene Boswell and Nova A. Lemons for their generous donations! With the profits from the 1995 Summer Lecture Series, DGS has also contributed $4,907.07 to the CEP.
Capital Expansion Update, DGS Newsletter, January, 1996, Volume 20, Number 1, Issue 165, Page 5
As so many DGS members have made contributions over the past several years to the Capital Expansion Fund, we thought you might like to see where the monies have recently been spent.Out of the total monies of $92,452, the construction contract amounted to approximately $27,800. In addition, we placed an order for book shelving and desks for $40,000. Lastly, we have also ordered four new microfilm cabinets. Each cabinet houses 900 rolls of film, and we have enough film already to completely fill three cabinets (you know, all that film that takes up space on the bookshelves!).
However, due to the incredible efforts of the volunteers dedicated to assisting in the microfilming of the Dallas Circuit Court packets, that group has earned enough hours to order over 800 more rolls of film-in · other words, enough new film to almost fill another cabinet! Their efforts cannot be praised enough.
So, we have a balance of about $17,000 left over, and this money will be used to order additional microform equipment. We have inquired about ordering a new microfilm reader /printer which has three lenses and can make plain paper copies ranging in size from 8-1 /2x 11 to 1 Ox 14. It would be a very welcome addition to the Section’s outdated equipment. However:, this reader /printer is priced at $10,054 so that would take up a pretty large “chunk of change” from the $17,000.
So, DGS is asking its members to dig even deeper in their pockets so that we can equip our “new” Genealogy Section with the most up-to-date machines. Remember, we all benefit from each other’s generosity.
CEP Year-To-Date Ependitures, DGS Newsletter, January, 1996, Volume 20, Number 4, Issue 168, Page 65
It’s time to “Bring the Books Back” onto the shelves and to organize the newly expanded Genealogy Department of the J. Erik Jonsson Library as we complete Phase One of the Capital Expansion Project. This massive undertaking has been fully funded and accomplished solely through the time, talents and money donated by members of the Dallas Genealogical Society.
On consecutive Friday evenings, 31 May and 7 June 1996, the Dallas Genealogical Society and the Dallas Public Library will host a “Volunteer Work Night” from 5:00 to 11:00 p.m. on the eighth floor of the downtown Library.
We are in need to 50 volunteers for each evening to physically reshelve the books. Due to space and manageability, we are limiting the number to only 50 participants nightly. You may volunteer for only one night, whichever is your pleasure. So choose your night and reply early!
We’re Ready – It’s Time!, DGS Newsletter, January, 1996, Volume 20, Number 5, Issue 169, Page 85
“In 1995-96, DGS provided the library with $150,000 for a capital expansion project that included construction of a larger genealogy section and new shelving and furniture, as well as $15,000 for materials. During 1997-98, DGS volunteers contributed 3,513 hours to the genealogy section.”
(Reprinted from Oak Cliff Tribune, 5 Nov. 1998, Page 24, no byline; edited here)
Special Recognition For DGS!, DGS Newsletter, January, 2000, Volume 23, Number 1, Issue 195, Page 3
1993: $15,000 Cash Donation
“The highlight of the annual meeting was the presentation of the Society’s annual gift to the Genealogy Section of the Dallas Public Library. This years’ gift totaled $15,000 and was presented to a beaming Lloyd DeWitt Bockstruck, supervisor of the section. ($1000 of the total was presented in memory of the Society’s deceased members.) The gift money will be used by Lloyd to purchase materials to add to the collection.”
1992: $8,360.34 Cash Donation for Equipment & Materials
“This year, to add additional interest and opportunity for the study of genealogy, the board voted to sponsor a three part summer lecture in cooperation with the Dallas Public Library and named Sammie Lee to guide the project. As a result, on July 25 the board was able to present Lloyd Bockstruck with a check in the amount of $8,360.34 for the purchase of equipment and materials for the genealogy section of the Dallas Public Library.”
President’s Report 1991-1992, DGS Quarterly, September, 1992, Volume XXXVIII, Number 3, Page iii
1992: $15,000 Cash Donation
“The DGS annual business meeting was held on May 18, 1992. Each year this meeting provides the setting for the presentation of the Society’s annual gift to the Genealogy Section of the Dallas Public Library. The DGS Executive Board was pleased to be able to make their annual gift in the amount of $15,000, of which $1,000 was in memory of deceased members and $14,000 was in honor of Margaret Ann Thetford.”
“At the Annual Business Meeting in May a total gift of $15,000.00 was presented to the Genealogy Section of the Dallas Public Library. Fourteen thousand dollars of this amount was given in honor of Margaret Ann Thetford for her many years of service to the genealogical community and especially to DGS. The remaining $1000 was given in memory of deceased members of the Dallas Genealogical Society.”
President’s Report 1991-1992, DGS Quarterly, September, 1992, Volume XXXVIII, Number 3, Page iii
1991: $15,000 Cash Donation
“DGS Annual Gift to DPL Genealogy Section Totals $15,000 On 20 May 1991, at the annual business meeting of the Dallas Genealogical Society (DGS), President Patrica Law Hatcher announced that the annual gift to the Genealogy Section of the Dallas Public Library would consist of three checks totaling $15,000. This is the largest annual gift in DGS history.
A check for $10,000 was presented to Lloyd DeWitt Bockstruck, Supervisor of the Dallas Public Library’s Genealogy Section, to spend on genealogical books and microforms. A second check for $1,000 was presented to Bocktruck for the Adopt A Book project. The third check for $3,000 was donated to the special 1920 census project fund.
Gift Presented in Honor of Helen Lu
The $10,000 gift was made in honor of Helen Mason Lu in recognition of her many hours of service and numerous gifts to DGS and the DPL Genealogy Section. For many years, Lu has been a guiding influence in DGS. She has served as president of DGS on three separate occasions, the last term being 1989-1990. In the past year she has donated much of her recent work on abstracting and publishing early church records to the society for publication, with the profits going to DGS. Lu is recognized as a guiding force behind many of the current DGS publications for sale.$1,000 Gift in Honor of Adrienne Jamieson
Hatcher announced that the $1,000 donation to the Adopt A Book project was made in honor of Adrienne Bird Jamieson, in recognition of her many contributions to DGS. Jamieson has twice served as DGS president and for the past two years served as editor of the Dallas Quarterly. The Adopt-A-Book project began in 1987 after city budget cuts left little or no money in the budget to bind soft-bound books. Without first being hardbound, these books and periodicals cannot be placed on the open shelves in the Genealogy Section for patrons to use. Adopt-A-Book urged each DGS member to contribute SS to bind a book of their choice ($6.06 for periodicals) to aid the section in getting the books bound. This is an ongoing project of DGS. The $1,000 gift will aid the section in playing “catch-up” for this year.”$3,000 Gift to 1920 Census Project
DGS has committed $3,000, as part of the annual gift, to the special fund to purchase the 1920 census in 1992. As previously announced in the May issue of the DGS Newsletter, DGS will add the $3,000 to the gifts already received for this project and will purchase the census and soundex for Texas and the census for Alabama, Arkansas, llinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, and Tennessee.The $3,000 was the DGS memorial gift made in memory of DGS deceased members.”
“DGS was able to present $15,000, the largest gift ever, to the Genealogy Collection of the library, especially welcome because of city budget cutting. This will assure that we can continue to research at one of the top genealogical libraries in the country. $10,000 was presented for purchase of books and microforms. $1,000 was presented to the Adopt-a-Book program, an ongoing project of DGS to fund binding of periodicals and soft-bound books.
$4,000 of the gift was donated to the 1920 census fund. Combined with last year’s $3,000 gift, and member donations and interest of $3,030, it will enable DGS to purchase the 1920 census films for Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio, plus the Texas Soundex, which will be received in the spring of 1992.”
President’s Report, DGS Quarterly, September, 1991, Volume XXXVII, Number 3, Page 126
AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT CONCERNING THE DGS SPECIAL PROJECT: The purchase of the 1920 Federal Census: Additional $4,000 donation
DGS Newsletter, Volume 15, Number 5, Issue 132, May-June 1991, Page 51
1990: $8,000 Cash Donation
“At this annual business meeting the Society gave $5,000, honoring Carol Kupfer, the designer of our logo, directly to the Genealogy Section of the Dallas Public Library. In addition, $3,000 was added to the 1920 Census Fund, the census will be released in March 1992.”
Past President’s Annual Report, DGS Quarterly, September, 1990, Volume XXXVI, Number 3, Page 146
1990: $8,000 Cash Donation
“At this annual business meeting the Society gave $5,000, honoring Carol Kupfer, the designer of our logo, directly to the Genealogy Section of the Dallas Public Library. In addition, $3,000 was added to the 1920 Census Fund, the census will be released in March 1992.”
Past President’s Annual Report, DGS Quarterly, September, 1990, Volume XXXVI, Number 3, Page 146
1990: 1920 Census Special Fund (value: $18,000)
“The Society has set aside a Special Fund category to aid in acquiring the 1920 Census which will be available for purchase in 1992. All donations will be held in reserve until that time. The complete set of microfilm for the entire 1920 U. S. Census would cost over 100 thousand dollars, we will buy Texas first, Lloyd says.”
1920 Census Special Fund, DGS Newsletter, February, 1990, Issue Number 120, Page 34
“As of June, 1990, the fund totaled $3,470!”
Help Us Raise The Texas Flag, DGS Newsletter, September, 1990, Issue Number 125, Page 74
“I want to take this space to thank all our members and friends who have made donations to our Special Project for 1990-91. The project, to purchase the 1920 United States Census for the state of Texas, is complete; we are well on our way to having the needed funds for the purchase of the Soundex. Our ultimate goal is to purchase the census for the entire United States.”
DGS News, Notes, and Reports, DGS Newsletter, October, 1990, Volume 14, Number 8, Page 77
[Donors Listed]Help Us Raise The Texas Flag, DGS Newsletter, January, 1991, Volume 15, Number 1, Issue 128, Page 12
[Donors Listed]Help Us Raise The Texas Flag, DGS Newsletter, March, 1991, Volume 15, Number 3, Issue 130, Page 36
“As President of DGS and on behalf of the DGS Board, it is my pleasure to make the following announcement. On 2 March 1992, the 1920 Federal Census will be opened to the public. In May of last year, DGS announced, as its new project, the acquisition of the 1920 census and soundex microfilm for Texas and kicked the project off with a $3,000 donation. Our goal was to raise the $9,000 required at the $23 per roll National Archives price by September of this year. If you have been following the progress of the project in the “Help Us Raise the Texas Flag” report, you know that the response has been excellent and we have raised over $8,000.
“Last month we learned that American Genealogical Lending Library (AGLL) has ordered the entire 1920 census and will sell it for $12.50 a roll. After discussion with Lloyd D. Bockstruck, the DGS Board voted to donate an additional $4,000 to the fund as their 1991 memorial gift and to place an order with AGLL for approximately 1150 rolls of film of the 1920 census for the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas (soundex and census).
I would especially like to thank those groups and individuals who made donations to the fund and made this possible. The money donated by DGS is raised mainly through its Fall Symposium and Spring Seminar, so everyone has helped. A label recognizing the donor is placed on each box. Gifts made at the $23 per roll price will mark two boxes.
To make the best use of the census for states other Texas, you may wish to purchase the soundex reels for your ancestors. Census or soundex may be purchased at the current AGLL price of $12.50 per roll. If you do not know the soundex code, list the surname and state desired. We will figure it for you.
At the DGS Spring Seminar, many attendees placed orders for soundex for the states listed above and census for states other than the fifteen. An additional $1,244 was donated to the fund. [Donors Listed]”
“Last fall we announced our 1990-1991 Special Project would be to raise the funds needed to purchase the 1920 United States Census and Soundex for the State of Texas when it becomes available in 1992, to place in the Genealogy Section of the J. Erik Jonsson Central Library. We are delighted to announce we have obtained that goal. The Texas flag flies proudly at the top of the flagpole, and we owe it all to the many generous DGS members and friends who sent in donations and/or attended DGS workshops this past year.
For more information on how this goal has been obtained, a new price for a roll of microfilm, and names of the fourteen other states that DGS has earmarked funds to purchase, turn to page 51. (Also, on page 51 is a list of DGS members and friends who have made donations to the 1920 Census Project in the past month.)
The 1991 project will continue to be the acquisition of funds to purchase census and soundex for other states. $12.50 will buy a roll of 1920 census or soundex, but donations will be accepted in any amount.”
We Did It!, DGS Newsletter, May-June, 1991, Volume 15, Number 5, Issue 132, Page 60
“DGS has established a special fund to purchase the 1920 United States Census when it becomes available in 1992 to place in the Genealogy Section of the Dallas Public Library. The total cost of the census and soundex for the United States at the current National Archives price of $23 per roll of microfilm is over $245,000. DGS will purchase rolls from American Genealogical Lending Library (AGLL) at their current price of $12.50 per roll of microfilm.”
DGS Special Project, DGS Newsletter, September, 1991, Volume 15, Number 7, Issue 134, Page 76
“Through Society donations, contributions from members and friends, and monies earned at DGS sponsored workshops, · we have currently raised a total of $14,974.51.”
DGS Special Project, DGS Newsletter, September, 1991, Volume 15, Number 8, Issue 138, Page 87
“Currently, DGS has more than $15,500 in this fund to be used for the purchase of 1920 census and soundex microfilm to place in the DPL’s Genealogy Section.”
DGS Special Project, DGS Newsletter, November, 1991, Volume 15, Number 9, Issue 139, Page 101
“We couldn’t have done it without you! As of 20 December 1991, DGS placed the first order with the American Genealogical Lending Library (AGLL) for the 1920 U.S. census: 1,529 rolls of microfilm! By the end of the year our total fund was over $18,000.00, and, we were able to order much more than originally thought.
Yes, we will continue to purchase the 1920 census as contributions are received. The project continues! As of 1 January, AGLL increased the price to $15 per roll of film. We won’t let that stop us. [Donors Listed]”
DGS Special Project, DGS Newsletter, January, 1992, Volume 16, Number 1, Issue 137, Page 7
“December brought us to the time DGS could finally place an order with the American Genealogical Lending Library for 1,529 rolls of microfilm of the 1920 census. This project was begun in the spring of 1991 by Pat Hatcher, during her term as president. Pat’s work coordinating the drive and contributions of the Society members and friends made possible the purchase of this important source of research material.”
President’s Report 1991-1992, DGS Quarterly, September, 1992, Volume XXXVIII, Number 3, Page iii
2009: Microfiche Acquisition (value: at least $3,000)
The project to acquire microfiche from the Family History Library at 15 cents per sheet is progressing nicely. The following information is as of March 4th.
The first step—Phase 1 * of analysis of fiche available from the FHL. All 50 states were analyzed for the keyword “fiche” by 18 volunteers, with Gloria Goodwin, Suzan Younger, Sharon Henry and Joanne Corney as star analysts, each identifying possible acquisitions from multiple states.
The second step—verifying that these Phase 1 possible acquisitions are actually needed by our Genealogy Section—is underway, with all the states having been checked against the card catalog by early March.
The third step—review and approval by Lloyd Bockstruck of the candidate lists for each state—is expected to be completed by mid-April.
As a pilot for the project, fiche from the state of Michigan were ordered in December at a cost of $19.80 and have now arrived and been placed in the filing cabinets, recently reorganized by Patrick McKinney so that each set of fiche is well-identified and easily located. A card for each set of fiche has been placed in the card catalog, and a database will be created on the DGS website, identifying fiche holdings acquired by this project.
[Donors listed]Fiche Project Cash Donations, DGS Newsletter, June, 2009, Volume 34, Number 5, Issue 290, Page 6
[Donors listed]
A generous contribution from the DGS African-American Genealogy Interest Group has enabled our order from the LDS Family History Library of 1,070 microfiche that comprise what is titled “Black Biographical Dictionaries 1790-1950” but is more often referred to as “The Black Biography” project. The authors of this project are Randall K. Burkett, Nancy Hall Burkett, and Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
According to the Family History Library Catalog, “This microfiche collection contains more than 300 titles of biographical dictionaries and more than 30,000 biographical references. The titles come from more than 100 public and private repositories across the U.S. and Britain. The volumes in this publication deal primarily with Black Americans. A variety of biographical compendiums are included such as: national activities; state and local figures; prominent women; legal, medical, educational, business, and other professional directories; music, arts, literary directories; church and missionary society leaders; social club and fraternal order members; reform organization members; pictorial histories of individuals and institutions.”
This represents a valuable addition to the genealogical collections already housed on the 8th floor of the Dallas Public Library. Once the 1,070 fiche have been “processed” by staff of the Genealogy Section, they will be available for use by patrons.
The Microfiche Project Team was honored at the November 14th DGS General Meeting. With the help of 9 DGS Members and 5 DPL Staff Members, plus donations of over $3,000 from DGS members and friends, the project is a rousing success.
Orders have been placed and are being processed for approximately 18,000 sheets of microfiche from the Family History Library, to be kept indefinitely at the Dallas Public Library. These cover not only the original goal of all appropriate available U.S. states but two important collections – Black Bibliographical Dictionaries 1790-1950 (1070 fiche sheets, donated by the AAGIG special interest group) and the U.S. Congressional Land Record set (2,000 fiche sheets, donated by Doctor Donald Holcomb). The acquisition of this data will make the J. Erik Jonsson Library an even more important place in which to do genealogical and historical research.
The Microfiche Project, DGS Newsletter, February, 2010, Volume 35, Number 1, Issue 293, Page 11
The DGS created a searchable online database of these records that can be viewed here:
2009: Texas Marriage Microfilms ($8,600)
“The 2009 Board set aside $10,000 for donations to DPL. During the 2010/11 Board term, mostly Texas marriages microfilms were bought and turned over to the Genealogy Department to fill holes in their collection. About $1,400 is left from the 2009 donation and the amount of the 2010/11 donation will be determined at the September Board turnover meeting.”
Apparently no Annual Report was created in 2008 or 2009.
2008 Annual Gift
There was no mention of an annual gift to the library in the Annual Report published in the February and March, 2008 Newsletter.
2008: Honor Your Ancestors – $500
DGS has an ‘Honor Your Ancestors’ matching challenge through April 30th, 2008, seeded by longtime DGS members Dan and Robin Yaklin along with Robin’s two sisters Wendy Roach and Laurie Zachry. The seed amount is $500 in honor of their father Frank P. Turrella’s 80th birthday.
2007: $40,000 Cash Donation
“Looking back over 2006, Dallas Genealogical Society had quite a year. We had outstanding educational programs for our monthly meetings, several successful seminars and the Mining for Genealogical Treasures Institute. Not only did our attendees have a good time, they learned many new techniques, and the society was able to donate $40,000 to the Dallas Public library. The members can be proud to be a part of such a successful organization.”
President’s Column, DGS Newsletter, January, 2007, Volume 32, Number 1, Issue 272, Page 2
2006: $100 Cash Donation
$50 Dallas Genealogical Society in honor of Bryan Collins
$50 Dallas Genealogical Society in honor of Lloyd deWitt BockstruckDonations, DGS Newsletter, June, 2006, Volume 31, Number 6, Issue 267, Page 110
2005: $16,000 Cash Donation
DGS President Shirley Sloat presenting a $15,000 check to Lloyd Bockstruck for the Genealogy Section of the J. Erik Jonsson Central Library. The check is a portion of the $30,000 gift the Society has budgeted as its 2005 gift to the library, and will be applied toward the DGS 50th anniversary 100,000 Book Challenge, with the goal of increasing the number of books in the genealogy collection from 96,000 to 100,000.
At the estimated average cost of $35 per book, this check will allow Lloyyd to acquire about 450 books. Only 3,000+ to go!
DGS Newsletter, March, 2005, Volume 29, Number 3, Issue 254, Page 50
At the General Meeting of the Dallas Genealogical Society on 27 June 2005, Lois Lilly, AAGIG Liaison to DGS, and Donald Payton, also of AAGIG, presented a check for $1,000 to Lloyd Dewitt Bockstruck to benefit the Dallas Public Library Genealogy Section. This donation will be applied to book purchases for our 50th Anniversary 100,000 Book Challenge.
The check was originally paid directly to DGS by the Blue Skies Environmental Education Fund Grant Program, connected with Green Mountain Energy who made an alternative energy presentation to the AAGIG fundraiser meeting held May 17 at the Southside Grill.
2005: Book Donations (value: 4000 books @$10 = $40,000)
“One of our key 50th Anniversary Year projects is going to include the challenge of increasing the number of books in the DPL genealogy section from 96,000 to 100,000 volumes! We are still working out some details but, in addition to donating money directly to the Genealogical Section of the J. Erik Jonsson Central Library for the purchase of books, you may wish to consider donating books that you already have that are not yet owned by DPL. Lloyd’s wish-list includes books (at least) relating to any and all geographical locations, genealogical periodicals, family histories, phone directories, roster lists of people in churches, schools (not yearbooks), clubs, and associations. “
“Did you know… Volunteers donated 3,265.5 hours in 2004 to the Genealogy Section of the Library. This includes the Volunteer Desk, Board meetings, Hospitality at DGS Functions and much more! Thanks to all who contribute their time to our Genealogy Library’s success.”
President’s Column, DGS Newsletter, February, 2005, Volume 29, Number 2, Issue 253, Page 22
“The Board has approved the Anniversary Year 100,000 Book Challenge, with the goal of increasing the number of books in our DPL genealogy section from 96,000 to 100,000. Details are posted on the website and will also be in the next issue of the Newsletter. It will be important that donations, whether money or books, be made as early in the year as possible so that the library’s work flow can be completed prior to year-end.
“One of our members, Barbara Ware, suggested a fun way to raise money for this 100,000 Book Challenge, and the Board has approved her idea to “Honor Your Ancestor’s Birthday.” At each of our monthly General Meetings, you will have the chance to make a donation (by check, to DGS for the book fund) in honor of one of your special ancestors whose birthday falls within that month, and our VP Education, John Wylie, will announce your ancestor’s name and birth date and, if he talks fast, maybe even the birth location at a General Meeting.”
President’s Column, DGS Newsletter, March, 2005, Volume 29, Number 3, Issue 254, Page 42
Our 100,000 Book Challenge is slowing down – we’re almost ! of the way through the year but just slightly over half the way toward our goal. The count of cataloged books in the Genealogy Section as of July 22 was 97,637, leaving 2,363 to go. If you haven’t yet responded with either a financial donation or a gift of actual books/membership-type directories, please consider doing so. This project celebrates the 50th anniversary of our Society, and future researchers will thank you.
President’s Column, DGS Newsletter, August, 2005, Volume 29, Number 7, Issue 258, Page 122
“Celebrated with the L-1 and 8th floor staff the achievement of the 50th DGS Anniversary 100,000 Book Challenge”
2004: $8100 Cash Donation
“Does the DGS Membership know how to make Lloyd smile? We sure do! DGS donated $8,000 to the Dallas Public Library, designated toward purchasing resources for the 8th Floor Genealogy section of the library.”
Hats Off!, DGS Newsletter, November/December, 2004, Volume 28, Number 10, Issue 251, Page 182
In Memory of Monette Grant – $100 from the Dallas Genealogical Society
Donations, DGS Newsletter, November/December, 2004, Volume 28, Number 10, Issue 251, Page 191
2003: $11,600
“Our Lady of the Pickle Jar” and accounting guru, Barbara Dossett, found a surplus funds to dedicate to the purchase of more 1903 Census Indexes. We also found out she can negotiate with the best of them, as she was able to acquire $40,000 worth of resources for only $11,600! She is amazing with the Checkbook!
DGS Newsletter, Volume 27, Number 1, January/February 2003, pages 149 – 150
2002: Cash for Various Records ($16,600)
“At our August 24 DGS Board meeting, Barbara Dossett presented a tentative list of possible acquisitions that we should consider and vote to fund … especially since the City of Dallas is in financial straits and little support will come from that pocketbook over the next year or two.
“We reviewed, we discussed, and we voted to fund the following:
- Complete the Texas Death Certificate series -1903-1972 estimated @ $7,000.00
- Purchase some Republic of Texas records estimated @ $4,000.00
- Funds to replace lost or misplaced records estimated @ $1,000.00
- Set aside document Binding “seed money” estimated @ $3,000.00
- Purchase and complete the T1224 Enumeration District Descriptions from 1830-1930 estimated @ $1,200.00
- Finish the Census Population Schedule rolls – 1790-1920 – need 16 more estimated @ $ 400.00
- Begin “seed money” fund to acquire new records estimated @ $2,000.00″
2001: 1930 US Census (value unknown)
“Believe it or not – between the collection taken up at the Dollarhide Lecture and the funds raised for the silent auction, we have already raised almost enough money already to purchase the 1930 Texas Census! Thank you – and please help us work on surrounding states too – our goal is to raise enough money to purchase the entire 1930 US Census in time for the April 1, 2002 release.”
1930 Texas Census, DGS Newsletter, April, 2001, Volume 25, Number 3, Issue 216, Page 3
“DGS is currently seeking grants for the 1930 U.S. Census. It will take $94,000 to purchase the entire collection. If you would like to adopt a county or state, please contribute $34 dollars to the census fundraising project.”
President’s Column, DGS Newsletter, September, 2001, Volume 25, Number 7, Issue 221, Page 123
“While we have been diligently working on acquiring all of the 1930 Census and Soundex, there are some of us who remembered that the library did not own all the Soundex for 1900, 1910, and 1920. Alvin and his team of volunteers have been doing inventory of what the library already owns so that DGS can complete those missing Soundex indexes along with the 1930 index. Keep dropping those nickels into Barbara’s jar of pickles! Look for her jar at all DGS events!”
Not just the 1930 Census, DGS Newsletter, September, 2002, Volume 26, Number 6, Issue 230, Page 90
2001: Cash Donation: $600
“Gifts included $400 from the Dallas Genealogical Society in honor of Lloyd Bockstruck.
At the end of the year 2000 there were more than 80,000 volumes, 45,000 reels of microfilm, and 77,760 of microfiche in the collection.”
“$100 from the Dallas Genealogical Society in memory of Patrick McKenna”
“$100 from the Dallas Genealogical Society in memory of DGS Past President Helen S. Stinson”
2000: City Directories ($25,000)
“The Dallas Genealogical Society has received a grant award of $25, 000 from The Summerlee Foundation. The foundation, created in 1988 by Dallas philanthropist Annie Lee Roberts, has two interests: animal rights and Texas history.
Because of her family’s history in Texas and the interest of her late husband, Summerfield G. Roberts, she designated Texas history as one of the missions of the foundation. This interest in Texas history is expressed in a number of goals. On its website (, the foundation states that one of these goals is to “intensify its effort to enhance the programmatic needs of state agencies responsible for promotion, preservation, and interpretation of the history of Texas.” Since its inception, the foundation has invested over $4 million dollars in Texas history projects.
Among the 37 recipients of grants in 1998-99 were the Dallas Historical Society for the conversion of collection accession records into digital format and Irving Public Library for the collection management of City of Irving archives.
The grant award to DGS is for the purchase of Segment II of the city directories of the United States. Segment II includes the years 1861 to 1881 ,a time of great immigration. As cities in the east filled up and land depleted, pre-Civil War Texas looked like an excellent choice for settlement. Railroad made transportation from cities and towns in the East, South, and Midwest easier. After the Civil War, conditions in the Old South and elsewhere encouraged emigration toward the west. The population of Texas grew from 604,215 in 1860 to 1,591,749 in 1880.
City directories spanning this time period will provide much m1ss1ng information about our ancestors in cities and towns before they arrived in Texas. Many of the city directories list the race of the individual thus providing a clue for Texas African American researchers to their ancestors.”
“The first grant application to the Summerlee Foundation was successful, and a gift of $25,000 will be used to purchase microfilm of city directories 1861-1881.”
Microfilm and CD-ROM Disks: “These materials do not include those purchased with the money given as memorials or for the Adopt a State contributions.”
DGS Newsletter, Volume 24, Number 6, June/July 2000 Page: 101
2000: Adopt A State ($2,572.50)
“A grand total of $2,572.50 has been raised as of 1 May 2000 for the Adopt-A-State project. DGS members and guests have contributed toward the purchase of materials from Illinois, Indiana and Ohio at recent monthly meetings, fall conference, seminars and lectures.”
DGS Newsletter, June-July, 2000, Volume 24, Number 6, Issue 210, Page 126
“The Adopt a State fundraiser was also very successful. Over $2500 was donated to buy materials for Ohio, Illinois, and Indiana.”
Adopt-A-State brought in $2,572.50
2000: Cash Donations ($3,420.32 and $17,736)
“During 1999-2000, DGS has given $3,420.32 to the Dallas Public Library Genealogy Section consisting of $500.00 in memorial gifts, $347.82 in interest earned from the Endowment Fund, and $2,572.50 donated for IL, OH, IN. records from the Adopt-A-State campaign.
“DGS purchased for the Genealogy Section the Dallas Co. Marriage Records Index on Microfilm ($432.00) and purchased several new CDs ($1141.51) for the server. These new CDs will be listed elsewhere in this newsletter. The network server and six computer workstations ($18,922.00) were purchased with Funds held from the 97-98 Society year and IGS reserved funds. The new server and computers should be up and running soon.”
“The 1999-2000 Gift Committee appointed by the President was Shari Degan, Judy Johns, Cheryl Mann, Susan Powdrill, and Suzan Younger. After examining the financial report, the committee determined that the cash gift for the Genealogy Collection would be $17,736.00. Suzan Younger presented a check to Lloyd Bockstruck at the September membership meeting.
“An additional $10,000 was set aside for renovation equipment/ furniture and if this cannot be spent accordingly, it will revert to a cash gift for the collection. The board has voted to table the $10,000 due to noncompliance by the City of Dallas-Dallas Public Library regarding the computer network server, six workstations and several genealogical programs that the society purchased and donated to the library.
The main issue for the Society is that the Automation Department of the Library failed to load the genealogical software. A letter was sent to the City of Dallas on 28 August 2000 regarding some type of resolution to this matter. As of today, there has not been any written response. The money will be placed in a CD until further notice.”
President’s Message, DGS Newsletter, October, 2000, Volume 24, Number 8, Issue 212, Page 137
2019 – $2,649.23
- Books – $2649.23
2018 – $59,570.40
- 8th Floor Special Purpose Room: The society paid for the materials and labor to install a glass wall and two doors creating a special purpose room in the Genealogy Section of the library. Work was completed in June, 2018 at a cost of $16,570.40.
- Bockstruck Scholarship: The Society established a 5-year, $1,500 per year scholarship for the staff of the Genealogy Section of the library.
- Book Scanner: The Society purchased (at a cost of $35,500) an i2S CopiBook Scanner to be placed in the special purpose room created earlier in the year.
2017: 177 Hispanic Language Genealogy Books – $5,431.22
This years gift to the library was 177 Hispanic Language genealogy books valued at $5,431.22
2016: Laptop & Projector – $1,733.47
“The Dallas Genealogical Society donated a Dell XPS 13 laptop with HDMI VGA Adaptors, wireless mouse, Logitech Remote control, Acer Projector, 25’ HDMI cable and backpack at the Awards Lunch in December. This equipment will be used by Genealogy Section staff members for educational presentations at the library and other locations. The total value of the equipment donated was $1,733.47.”
Annual Report: September 11, 2016 – September 9, 2017, Page 11
2014-2015: Book Scanner – $25,000
“An expenditure of $25,000 was approved to purchase a new book scanner for the 8th floor genealogy collection of the library. The technical aspects of incorporating this product were presented to the City for their review and approval, which has been completed. Installation and training will take place in FY 2015.”
2011: Microfilm Reader Service Contract – $1,890
“However, the DGS offers more than just financial contributions to the Genealogy Department collection. In June 2011 the Executive Board approved donating $1,890 for one year service contracts on two microfilm reader-printers used in the Genealogy/Texas and Local History Division because facilitating access to a collection is as important as building up a collection.”
2012 – 2013
“Often a portion of the profits from the Society’s annual fund-raising events are set aside and used for collection building in the Genealogy Section. The amount set aside depends upon the net income which is usually determined at the end of outgoing Board term and the amount is administered by the incoming Board. No funds for the section were allocated in 2012-2013. The Board considered doing so at the September 2013 turnover meeting.”
2011 – 2012
“Often a portion of the profits from the Society’s annual fundraising events are set aside and used for collection building in the Genealogy Section. The amount set aside depends upon the net income which is usually determined at the end of outgoing Board term and the amount is administered by the incoming Board. No funds for the section were allocated in 2011/12. The Board will consider doing so at the September 2012 turnover meeting.”
2025 – $9,052
- Service contract on the i2S CopiBook Scanner (8th floor Heritage Lab) – $4,610
- Subscription to – $4,442
2024 – $18,225
- Service contract on the i2S CopiBook Scanner (8th floor Heritage Lab) – $4,180
- Subscription to – $3,945
- Bockstruck Scholarship for DPL Genealogy & History Department – $7,500
- Subscription to – $2,600
- Purchase of 64 books requested by the Genealogy Section Staff – $1,972
2023 – $12,449
- Service contract on the i2S CopiBook Scanner (8th floor Heritage Lab) – $3,980
- Subscription to – $3,945
- Subscription to – $2600
- Purchase of 42 books requested by the Genealogy Section Staff – $1,924
2022 – $11,744
- Service contract on the i2S CopiBook Scanner (8th floor Heritage Lab) – $3,970
- Books – $1,596
- Subscription to – $3578
- Subscription to – $2600
2021 – $8,460
- Books – $2452
- Subscription to – $3,408
- Subscription to – $2,600
2020 – $5,846
Purchased access to several online databases for the Genealogy Section of the Dallas Public Library:
- Subscription to – $2,600
- Subscription to – $3,246